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I Remember  by Eärillë 2 Review(s)
JanetReviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/30/2009
Very enjoyable story. Legolas remembering his childhood and life with Estel brought healing to his soul. I liked your idea of Olorin's purpose of bringing Legolas and Erin together and that Legolas will be meeting Erin's reborn family. The end made me laugh, poor Legolas fainting.


Author Reply: I am glad you liked it. :) I nearly abandoned this, hopeless... Sadly I could not smuggle some scenes of the meeting between Erin's family and Legolas in there, although I had intended to do so when I was in the process of writing the beginning part. My hand has a life of its own when I am writing. LOL

People must come to terms with their pasts before they can enjoy the present and look forward to the future. I tried to portray that in the story. Seems like I managed to convey the message - for once. :) As for the Maia's idea, I think he recognised both's need to come to terms with their pasts (Erin did have a problem, if you looked at the story closely), so he made the two meet in hope that they could work out their problems together. Well, at least it is my interpretation. Who could possibly know what is in the mind of a Wizard? ;)

- Rey

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/18/2009
Ah--a number of reborns here, I see! No wonder he might have appeared so young, and yet the next moment seemed much older and more noble.

Author Reply: Yes... That is why I mentiond AU in the warning... I think, in the canon, those Elves were not supposed to be reborn yet... Well, artistic liscence. LOL *shrug* *grin* I took Ereinion from one of my stories, Brother Mine, and there he is portrayed as an unflappable, cheery, intelligent person. The 'noble mode' is of course from the time when he was the High King in the Second Age, although I made it his trait also in my story.

Thanks for reading and reviewing, as always. I appreciate the comments and your taking time to give them to me. :)

- Rey

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