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Yew  by Pearl Took 5 Review(s)
AinarielReviewed Chapter: 12 on 9/9/2010
Somehow missed the Chapter 12 posting and just now read it. Truthfully, I have been concerned over Yew's situation, as dragons are not seen favorably in most of Middle Earth - but leave it to Gandalf to come up with a perfect solution.

I am now envisioning Yew as the sire of the many wonderful, helpful dragons of the cultures of our Far East!

Author Reply: That is the plan. :-)

Thank you so much for reading and commenting, Ainariel! :-)

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 12 on 8/13/2010
“Humph! Because I am young? Because I am small? I am most knowledgeable.” Yew puffed up, looking ready to blast the wizard at any moment.

LOL! Absolutely like Pippin!

So, Gandalf and Yew have a contract now. That sounds promising.

But I still wonder about the "offspring" part. Arrangements? I'm curious to find out what exactly Gandalf means by that.

Author Reply: Glad you like the similarities between young Hobbit and young Dragon. :-)

I'm not sure I'll end up going into those arrangements, or if I do it will be very minimal. For several reasons I'm trying my best to get this story finished and don't really wish to add things too it that weren't in my original plans - and this wasn't. One of those things that popped up while writing that now I wish hadn't.

We'll see how things go.

Thank you so much, Andrea for hanging in there with this story. :-)

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 12 on 8/12/2010
What a delightful chapter! I just love this conversation, and I just love Yew.

Author Reply: Oh! Thank you so very much, m'dear shirebound! :-)

Garnet TookReviewed Chapter: 12 on 8/12/2010
What a wonderful solution. Yew can earn his hord instead of killing for it. He'll have a home, respect, honor and whealth.

Now, everyone just have to survive Pippin possibly unleashing Yew on the Party.

Author Reply: It will be a much preferable way to set himself up as a proper dragon.

That would be something Pip would try . . .

Thank you, Garnet! :-)

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 12 on 8/12/2010
Ah--most wonderful to see Yew growing in physical and spiritual stature! Hurray!

Author Reply: Thank you, Larner. :-) Yes, he is beginning to come into his own.

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