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Like Toy Soldiers by Eärillë | 1 Review(s) |
Larner | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/28/2009 |
This has been very interesting--seeing the preparations for the War of Wrath from the Maiar's own point of view. Most interesting indeed! They, too, wonder how many more will be maimed, and if their brothers will return again. And thank you so! I am honored! The only other language I speak some or read enough for understanding is Spanish, but I don't know that I will ever be sufficiently fluent to write in it. I think we are all honored that Tolkien's work has sufficiently inspired so many, including you, to seek to write in English. Author Reply: I think so. And I am flattered that you think my writing in English is fluent... Wow. The story came out of the blue, so to speak. I hope, though, that pieces like this will not result from stress but otherwise in the future... I am glad you like it. I admit, I love this piece myself, short though it is. I seldom love my own works for many reasons. :sheepish: Well, I tried to point out that no one living in this mortal world is all powerful or invincible. I tinkered with the idea of showing how the Maiarin warriors (especially the triplets and their sister) faired after the War of Wrath, but the story was no less dark than this one (perhaps even darker), so I gave up on that - temprarily. I am trying a grab on lighter ones now, to lighten my own mood. One would see how a Maia could be 'broken' - in a way - in this sequel... Got to gather a sizable stubbornness to write it, I admit. So see you later, then, when I am bold enough to put the ideas down into actual words... - Rey | |