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Trees, Nothing More  by Linaewen 5 Review(s)
TariReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/16/2009
Boromir met Treebeard before the forming of the Fellowship. That’s a very interesting concept. I imagine he would think it was nothing more than a dream. Whoever heard of a tree moving, much less talking? If he told anyone, they would think he had lost his mind. Little does he know how lucky he was to leave in one piece, even if he doesn’t believe it really happened.

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/8/2009
A most enjoyable story which feels true to Boromir.

Author Reply: Whether Boromir would have actually ever met Treebeard is possibly stretching things a bit, but it did prove a fun way of getting to know Boromir a bit better.

Thanks for reading and reviewing!

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/6/2009
A nifty story - I wouldn't think of Boromir having a pre-Fellowship encounter with Treebeard, but this was very true to Boromir's character, especially his refusing to believe the meeting ever actually happened. Boromir is a bit uneasy with the unknown, i.e. powerful Elvish Ladies; and talking trees are definitely unknown quantities.

I liked the connection to Eomund's death, the historic alliance in action; and Faramir trying to save Eomund...

Author Reply: I normally wouldn't have thought of Boromir having such an encounter either, but it was proposed as a bit of a challenge one day, and once the idea presented itself, I had to figure out a way to make it at least somewhat plausible! I'm glad Boromir's character came through the way I wanted it to.

Thanks for your review!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/5/2009
I am glad he did have the chance to enter Fangorn himself and find a gentle welcome, even if afterwards he failed to believe his own experiences. Very much Boromir!

Author Reply: It was fun writing Boromir in a situation where he was out of his element -- and he was here, to the point that he had to convince himself it could never have happened.

Thanks for reading and reviewing!

RadbooksReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/4/2009
A most enjoyable tale! It took me several times to see that it was Eomund and not Eomer. I kept thinking, he's not old enough to have been there if Boromir was only 25... it just didn't quite fit. Finally it sunk in! :) Nicely done all the way around.

Author Reply: The idea for this story was presented to me as a bit of an impossible challenge -- put Treebeard and Boromir together in a story! It's still maybe stretching things a bit as far as distances go in the story, but bringing Eomund into the tale made it somewhat plausible. Thanks for reading and reviewing!

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