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The Colours of the Forest  by Avon 4 Review(s)
TithenFeredirReviewed Chapter: Author's Notes on 12/29/2004
This was the most interesting mix of terror and tenderness. I definitely visualized it as being in the forest with some unseen peril unfolding nearby. I think it works extremely well that we DON'T know exactly what is happening--it heightens the tension. Then you juxtapose that against the sweetness and vunerability of little Legolas and his brother's comforting him in spite of his own fear and desire to act. I don't usually care for stories the LOTR character as children, but you do it very well, IMHO. The poem was a great counterpoint to the action. It felt very elvish to me, and the last bit was so chilling. Great story! TF

Author Reply: Thanks, TF. I really like finding out what other people visulise when they read it. I deliberately didn't let myself make a visual of anything other than the two children (I sort of write from pictures in my head) so I wouldn't tie into any one place or event. I have to admit that I'm not generally into reading LOTR characters as children stories either - even though I keep writing them ;-)

mistry89Reviewed Chapter: Author's Notes on 4/11/2004
Very powerful, and the poem built/echoed the rising emotions and fading hope of the elfling. How brave to help his little brother by using a poem/doggerel and how revealing it turned out to be.

It never occured to me that it might be domestic violence - I thought an orc attack where none was expected, not necessarily their mother's death (although that works for me).

Author Reply: Thank you, Mistry. I've been meaning to remove that author's note actually as I think it is probably better to just let people figure it out for themselves.



FadesintothewestReviewed Chapter: Author's Notes on 9/22/2003
Your vignettes are always so great to read, but so tragic.
I imagined this to be the death of Legolas' mother, being
attacked by orcs. Whatever your original inspiration, the
poem of the forest was perfect- like a child's rhyme but
very wood Elvsy. And his last stanza, that was so chilling
and so sad. :(

Author Reply: Thank you for the feedback. Yep, I don't seem to be able to do happy - or even moderately cheerful very often. When I write stories for friends as birthday presents they're a bit of a mixed blessing ;-) I do think that the most likely explanation is the death of Legolas' mother. Anyway, pleased you liked it.


ShirelingReviewed Chapter: Author's Notes on 9/7/2003
Wow, very powerfull and disturbing. I can see it fitting either scenario.Well done.


Author Reply: Thank you. I'm pleased that you think it could work either way.



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