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In the Court of the High King by Dreamflower | 204 Review(s) |
KathyG | Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 12/23/2021 |
I love strawberry pie! I wish I could have some! | |
KathyG | Reviewed Chapter: 24 on 3/7/2021 |
It's such a shame that we're never going to get to find out how this story would have ended. It would have been most interesting to see what everyone learned, how the reunions back in the Shire went, and how Frodo was upon their return. | |
KathyG | Reviewed Chapter: 23 on 9/17/2020 |
Unless Gondor had access to general anesthetics in some form, surgical intervention was bound to be a horrendous and excruciating ordeal. I don't see how anyone would be able to endure having to be cut into while awake. It's hard enough recovering from surgery when one HAS had a general anesthetic! | |
TolkienLover58 | Reviewed Chapter: 24 on 10/21/2017 |
Dear Dreamflower, I have read, and re-read this story, as well as A New Reckoning, The Road to Edoras, and Cado's year, more than once. You are an excellent story teller! Please finish these stories. I have become very fond of all of the characters. I have stories floating in my head, but I do not know how to put them down. Does one write things out on WORD, and then send as a doc....and to whom? Or would an e-mail suffice? Are you and Shirebound friends? I like her stories as well. Since I've not heard from you in awhile, and as I understand it, you are in the southern mid-west, I was wondering it the hurricanes had affected you at all? I do hope you are all right. Thank you for sharing your lovely world with me. It is so comforting to me to escape to a place where I understand the rules and traditions of Life. I am going on 60, and this world seems to me so up-side down. YOUR world is so much kinder and understandable to me. Thank you again. Donna Author Reply: I have every intention of finishing them; real life and writer's block and a couple of other things have interfered, but they are only on hiatus, and they will be finished if I have anything to say about it! There are many ways of writing your fic. I generally write them out in a document on my hard drive, or sometimes in a document on Google.docs. As to posting, you simply join an archive and then follow the directions to post. Stories of Arda is an archive in which you need approval to post your first story. Go to the "About Us" page and follow the directions. The approval process can take some time. You can also sign up at archives that do not have such a process. I am a co-moderator of Many Paths to Tread, and you might consider posting there while you wait the approval process here. And there are other multi-fandom archives where you can post. You also might consider having someone beta your stories. I would be willing to consider that for you--you can contact me to email me by clicking on my name on my Author Page here. Yes, I consider Shirebound one of my dearest online friends. She's a sweet and delightful person, though I've never met her in RL. I currently live in Oklahoma, which is far from hurricanes, though it does have it's share of nasty weather. Before that we lived on the Mississippi Gulf Coast, and I went through any number of hurricanes. Katrina was the last straw for my husband, though, which is why we moved here. I am so glad you enjoy my stories, and I hope to hear more from you. I am about five years ahead of you (just started being eligible for Medicare this year), so I do know what you mean. And it's not really "MY" world--it's the lovely world that JRRT created for us to share; I like my version of it to reflect his feelings about Middle-earth. You are most welcome, dear! and thank YOU for your lovely and thoughtful review! | |
LivingInME | Reviewed Chapter: 24 on 9/20/2017 |
I DO so hope you continue this story. You are my favorite author, and I miss ALL of your characters! I think I have read "A New Reckoning", "The Road to Edoras", and "In the Court of the High King", at least 3 times, already. It really is a great story. Please, please find it in yourself to finish it. Thank you for the joy you have brought into my life with these, and all of your stories. | |
Matt | Reviewed Chapter: 24 on 1/14/2017 |
I've just caught up the three stories of the "reckoning" cycle and greatly enjoyed them now that SoA allows one to combine all chapters. I note that you've not been able to make progress on "In the High King's Court" since 2014 and hope that you will return your attention to this story at some point along the way. You do such a nice job of showing how the hobbits struggle to adjust to Gondorian society and also how they build friendships and relationships in it. Thanks so much for a great read, with hopes that some day further installments will appear. | |
PSW | Reviewed Chapter: 24 on 11/22/2016 |
Enjoyed this one too! Your stories are great fun! :-) Thanks for writing! | |
Theresa Greenfalcon | Reviewed Chapter: 24 on 7/13/2016 |
I finally got to read the latest chapter - I can't wait to see more in this story...! | |
KathyG | Reviewed Chapter: 24 on 4/4/2015 |
I would so love to see this story finished one day! [hint, hint!] | |
Tigger | Reviewed Chapter: 24 on 9/13/2014 |
Hey and yes, I'm still around. It's just been a very stressful year since my last posting over at LiveJournal. Which I really need to go back to, as I really need an outlet where people know I need to vent to people who know I really need people to just listen. Unless I ask for more than that of course. Anyway… For some reason I had the hunch to come over and check out your writing. Not sure why and I really don't care either, as it's been an enjoyable few days re reading some old favourites. Decided to check on this one to see if anything new has happened and realized I'd never left a review. Since that needs to be fixed… :oD You know, it's funny in a way reading about what the truly important portion of the Court this day was considering the amazing news from the Canadian North about the discovery of the wreck of one of the two Franklin Expedition ships. They aren't sure if she's HMS Erebus or HMS Terror, but she's w/out a doubt one of them and in incredibly great shape considering. If you're interested, it's all up over at CBC.ca The details, the photos and, the real biggie, the video from the first dive. As I said, she's in amazing shape considering everything. I really hope someone out there takes the bait you've set out here and runs w/it. Sounds like a story right up Larner's alley, doesn't it? I'm probably now on her most hated person list for sending that Nuzgul her way. :oD Also thought the punishment more than fit the crime regarding the Baker. Not surprised it's a true story from that time period. I've also read so much about that time period over the years due to my own interest and love of it that I'm not at all surprised it's a true story. At least this fits the punishment. I've always wondered how many innocents died due to the Water Test, where if you float, you're guilty of the crime. In some ways our ancestors were very wise and in other ways…Not so much. On that note…I need to go and literally hit my bed. Didn't want to do that before leaving this long overdue review though. :o) | |