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Grace and Memory  by Larner 3 Review(s)
Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/5/2010
Zigur! Oooh, I'd forgotten about that name! Yes, he sounds very like Morgoth or Satan here and no wonder, as you said to another reviewer we just have to think of who his master is! Only a tree, indeed...I see Pharazon is clinging to the last vestiges of sense here, for now...

Very chilling!


Author Reply: If only Pharazon had been able to hold onto his sense at the last as well, and if he hadn't been so encouraged to fear death! His hubris and reliance on Sauron destroyed the land and most of his people!

TariReviewed Chapter: 2 on 6/28/2010
Perhaps the mortal has an inkling as to what lies ahead when the tree is burned.

Author Reply: That he might! Thanks so, Tari!

CairistionaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 6/25/2010
Very chilling... and very reminiscent of Satan's voice in the Garden. *shiver*

Author Reply: Oh, indeed, Cairistiona. But then his own master was the equivalent to our Devil.

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