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In Darkness Bound  by Fiondil 8 Review(s)
ImhirielReviewed Chapter: 66 on 7/6/2013
It's funny, I was reading the scene where the four guards come upon Ingwë and as soon as the first one said his name, I thought, "Uh-oh, Tulkaner!", before he had even finished his sentence with the even more ominous revelation that he was sent by Ingoldo, and even though, although I remembered the name from GI, I couldn't recall any more details about him than a vague sense of "not good".

I find Amarië's mother highly presumptous in how she deals with her daughter. She constantly harangues her and treats her like a child, and here she even goes as far as to imprison her? And it's not only an insult to her own grown-up daughter, but also a political faux-pas, I should think, depriving the sister of her king and dowager queen of the Noldor of her newest lady-in-waiting. By all rights, that shouldn't go down so well for Amáriel's "career" (although I suspect that in these troubled times, it won't have major consequences for her, and from stories later on in the timeline, she hasn't felt the need to change, poor Amarië). Seems a favourite way to deal with wayward female offspring, doesn't it *looks askance at Elu Thingol*.

But now to find out what's happening with Ingwë and what Ingoldo is up to...

Author Reply: Hi Imhiriel. Yeah, that scene with the guards does have that "don't go up into the attic alone you fool" sort of feel to it, doesn't it?" LOL! And I think you meant "EI" (Elf, Interrupted).

And Amáriel is Amáriel, but she does show her true character later on, as you will eventually see.

Thanks for reviewing. I appreciate it.

SitaraReviewed Chapter: 66 on 8/10/2011
To put it as politely as I could, Ingwion could have thought of better ways to try and bring his cousin “on the right path” than calling for Amarië and Intarion who would know only speak to him about “madness” and the need to preserve their faith in the Valar’s power to make the things right. Like trying to put himself in his shoes for a bit. I wonder, would be this the effect of sitting at Manwë’s feet? Happily living in a rosy-coloured bubble and utterly unable to perceive reality? Should have their King too fallen at Melkor’s hand for them to change their mindset? How is possible that they failed to see that the very foundation of their perfect little world was now cracked open and never again would be the same? To be frank, it’s impossible for me to understand the Vanyar, at least these three Vanyar. Let’s see what happens next.

And just a thought, maybe, just maybe, they might have stopped Findaráto’s leaving, had they tried to understand his point of view. But with the kind of attitude “We’re right and you’re wrong” , they surely won’t accomplish one thing.

Author Reply: Ingwion and the others aren't acting rationally at this point, Sitara, as you can see. People under extreme stress usually don't and their actions sometimes just make a bad situation worse. The loss of the Trees is affeting them all, whether they realize it or not. And Findaráto was destined to leave Aman, whatever Ingwion and the others said or did to convince him not to. It was a futile attempt on Ingwion's part, but, of course, he wouldn't know this. Thanks for your comments.

TariReviewed Chapter: 66 on 5/23/2011
I knew Amarie would be the recipient of the message. Who else had such influence over Findarato? Poor Vëandur. I'm sure he wishes he could disappear into the dark also.

Author Reply: Hi Tari. I think most people suspect it would be to Amarië to whom Ingwion would appeal for help. I'm sure all the guards at the estate are wishing they could just disappear, too. *grin*

Thanks for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it greatly.

Erulisse (one L)Reviewed Chapter: 66 on 4/21/2011
Amarie usually comes across as an indecisive and rather wishy-washy person, but here you have portrayed her as a decisive person, well worth Finrod's pledge. I'm a little off with the Maiar so much at the beck and call of the elves, but it is a time of turbulence and I can see it as a possibility. That said, I hope she's a good rider and that the horses won't have difficulty escaping the guards coming after them, especially since one is carrying two people. I can't wait for the next chapter, tomorrow morning.

- Erulisse (one L)

Author Reply: Hi Erulisse. Well, actually, the Maiar are doing what they were created to do: be servants, both to the Valar and the Eldar. And really, this is the only instance that I recall where we even see the Maiar at the 'beck and call' (as you put it) of any Elf. And Manwë did tell Ingwë that he would have Olórin keep a special watch on Ingwion. It's possible that Olórin interpreted his orders a bit more broadly than he should have (a hint of the Gandalf persona coming through, perhaps *grin*).

We will see in the next chapter what happens to Amarië and how things turn out for her. Thanks for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it very much.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 66 on 4/19/2011
Ah, glad that Olorin is in his way a party to the escape! Now--for someone to realise Ingwe has been abducted and to find him!

Author Reply: Hi Larner. Yes, Olórin plays a small part in this little conspiracy. *grin* We wil eventually get to Ingwë, but at the moment we'll be seeing what happens with the Noldor as they continue to ready themselves for their big departure. Thanks for reading and reviewing. I quite appreciate it.

AiwenReviewed Chapter: 66 on 4/19/2011
Nice to see what Amarie is up to, and to see her taking decisive action.

Author Reply: Hi Aiwen. I'm glad you like Amarië. Even though her efforts prove ultimately useless, you have to admire her initiative here. Thanks for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it very much.

EllynnReviewed Chapter: 66 on 4/18/2011
Now, this is really cruel to your readers! From one cliffhanger to another. *drama*
Can't wait for Friday! :)))

Author Reply: Sorry, Ellynn, but that's how the story is writing itself. I have a number of threads to deal with and some of them will eventually join; you just have to be patient. *grin* Thanks for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 66 on 4/18/2011
Oh, how the madness is spreading!

Almariel has a lot to answer for, silly elleth.

Intarion is an ellon of action I see, I hope his plan works and Amarie has a chance to get to Tirion, not that it will do much good though.

This is facisnating reading, knowing how the story will end but enjoying your interpretation of the facts anyway!

More please,

Author Reply: Hi Lynda. Yes, the madness is spreading. We'll see how well Intarion's plan works and what follows in the next chapter. I'm glad you are finding this a fascinating read. I thought long and hard about motives and how people might react to certain events. And, as you say, it is only my interpretation based on my own reading and life experiences. Others might write about these events differently. Perhaps someday we will have the priviledge of learning from the Professor himself just what was happening when all hell broke lose in Aman. *grin*

Thanks for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it very much.

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