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The Making of a Ringbearer II: Anchored  by Henna Gamgee 7 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 54 on 5/27/2007
At least the Gaffer now knows and will be keeping more of an eye out. Now, to check out those documents under the bed, Frodo.

ElemmírëReviewed Chapter: 54 on 1/15/2007
Oh no! Lobelia has the One Ring! I certainly hope she never gets the inclination to put it on, for one. Two, that Lotho never sees sight nor hold of it. And three, that the Ring is returned to where it should be when Bilbo returns to kick their sorry bums out of Bag End.

Then entire bit with the Gamgees increasing worry over Frodo culmination with his and the Gaffer's conversation was just perfect.

Can't wait until you post the next chapter! I'm interested to see where you go with this when Saradoc and Paladin receive their letters from Frodo. (Here's to also hoping that Gandalf will make an unexpected visit to Bag End. After all, a wizard arrives precisely when he needs ... umm, means to.


Author Reply: Well, maybe Lobelia only happens to try it on when she's alone, and hasn't yet figured out it makes her invisible. An invisible Lobelia sneaking around is a can of worms I don't want to open! ;) Thanks so much for reading.

GamgeeFestReviewed Chapter: 54 on 1/14/2007
I forgot the reason why Bilbo left his ring behind. Seems an odd thing for him to do, and if he hoped to keep it safe, he couldn't have been more wrong. Lobelia with the ring makes me shiver. At least now the Gamgees now what's going on with Frodo and maybe the Thain and Master will be making an appearance soon. *crosses fingers* And I adored the little scene with Marigold worrying about her pet mouse. :D

Author Reply: I'm pretty sure no reason was given for Bilbo leaving his ring behind. Hmm... Thanks for reviewing! :)

AltheaReviewed Chapter: 54 on 1/14/2007
What a chapter! I feel so sorry for Frodo. His life with the SB's is a misery for sure. I admire him, though, for refusing to leave Bag End. I'm glad that the Gaffer has finally discovered the truth of the situation and that Frodo no longer feels the need to hide away from the Gamgees. He needs their loving support. I do hope that the letters Frodo has written will get through all right and that help will soon be on the way. Lobelia's possession of the ring is quite disturbing. I'm looking forward to the next installment.

Author Reply: Thanks for reading! I can never get enough of the Gamgees being supportive. After all, if they're willing to have their youngest son go off with Frodo on a dangerous quest in a few years, they must have built quite a special relationship with Frodo. Or so I tell myself. :)

TatharReviewed Chapter: 54 on 1/13/2007
Oh my goodness, Commander. This chapter deserves a standing ovation: *gravely rises and claps enthusiastically* Seriously, I'm floored. I don't know what in particular it was that really struck me... I think it was mostly the scene between Frodo and the Gaffer at the end. That was BRILLIANT! I don't know how you do it, Commander. You know very well that I adore the Gaffer, and I just love your characterization of him. Spot-on. And Frodo as well, of course, but that's just a given. I was hoping the Gaffer would be the one to find out! Oooooh, and he reacted even better than I'd expected, too. Heh heh heh...

Wow. This one is heading to the top of my Favorite Chapters From Anchored and Adrift list. (Not that I remember the others, mind you, and naturally ALL of your chapters are amazing, but I know that there must have been a few that really stood out before. Probably the ones with Folco and Willow in them particularly... *makes Daisy face*)

Oh yes, and I was highly amused by Halfred in this chapter, too. For whatever reason, him "snickering into his cup of milk" was extremely funny. :P It took me a moment to remember that Halfred was the Gamgee that I'd had in ASL all those eons ago, which explains why I was feeling inexplicably fond of him throughout this chapter. *rolls eyes*

Anyway, as I said, this is a truly excellent chapter, Commander! I am excited to see you top it, as I am sure you shall. And I hope you realize that I'll expect you to update this quickly from now on, right? ;)

*gravely hugs and salutes*

(Yup, still on that mocha-induced caffeine buzz....)

Author Reply: Wow, I don't think I've ever gotten a standing ovation before, let alone a GRAVE one! :P *bows gravely* I suspected you would like the scene between Frodo and the Gaffer, since it was my favourite as well. I think I was actually squealing and cackling out loud as I was writing it.

WIMCLASRM as I reflect upon the utter brainlessness of you forgetting that you're the one who inspired my Halfred's personality. :P

And I just posted chapter 56. Your Facebook naggings must be working!

*gravely returns hugs and salutes*

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 54 on 1/13/2007
Ohhh, I don't think I'll be able to bear it, if this goes on much longer! *frets*

Author Reply: I'm sorry. But don't fret too much, I promise there will be a happy ending. Jellyfish's honour! :)

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 54 on 1/13/2007
Oh golly, Lobelia's got her hands on the *RING*! Holy cow!

Well, the Gaffer knows now he shouldn't have been jumping to conclusions, and feels properly ashamed. And I do hope those letters to Saradoc and Paladin soon bring Frodo some support.

But, oh, *what* could be keeping Bilbo?????

Author Reply: Yeah, scary thought, Lobelia with the Ring...

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