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The Making of a Ringbearer II: Anchored  by Henna Gamgee 7 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 33 on 5/25/2007
I love Gandalf! Excellent misdirection, leading them right to Strider's folk, I'll be bound!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 33 on 8/24/2004
Oh clever Gandalf! But Frodo should have some clue about those who guard the borders, considering his earlier encounter with Estel, Elrohir and Legolas. Still I'd like to be a little mouse nearby when those two ruffians realize they've been sent on a wild goose chase.

esamenReviewed Chapter: 33 on 2/4/2004
Thanks for straightening me out about how you are not Shirebound (I can't believe I did that) and THANKS ALSO for all the great moments you have given us through your writing. I love your fics. The reader feels the love and tenderness in your written world, even during the action scenes, and it is a balm to my soul whenever I pick up your work for a read. May Tolkien's world live forever! Thanks again and keep those chapters coming!

esamenReviewed Chapter: 33 on 2/2/2004
Hello dear Shirebound . . . I'm trying to email you and I finally found this route . . . you may not remember me among your crowds of email fans, you fabulous, renowned, much-reviewed fic writer . . .
I'm here to ask you for a little writer advice, because you yourself write so well and correspond so wonderfully with your readers.
I have almost finished my first fic, a Boromir-at-Rivendell story. It's G, with hopefully good plot, characterization, and dialogue. Frodo is fun-loving and forceful, like yours, but he does not get an excessive amount of h/c. I do not have a beta reader for it, because I don't personally know any other LOTR folks who could read and understand it as fans do. Does an author just go ahead and post it on a website? Or is there some preliminary reviewing, etc. that goes on first?
I think that I will post it at Stories of Arda, and maybe Hennuth Annun because of its review-and-select policy. Do you have any advice about which websites give the best feedback?
Thanks so much for your time and attention. I am in love with Scamp and look forward to visiting her again. That hole at Bag End has become a much-storied place, and it gets better as it grows! Wonderful imagination! Thanks!

Author Reply: I'm afraid you've reviewed the wrong fic! I'm not Shirebound, I'm Obelia medusa. Please leave your message in a review for "Reflections of the Past" or one of Shirebound's other fics here at Stories of Arda, and you can be sure she'll get it. =)

ValerieReviewed Chapter: 33 on 1/27/2004
Absolutely brilliant! I have read "The Making of a Ringbearer I" and now I have come to the last installment of this one. I really can't get over how wonderful this story is. Your characterizations of all of the characters are spot on. I just love the Gamgees, and Frodo is to die for. I also appreciate the great pains you take to perfectly describe just how blue Frodo's eyes really are ;). I'm eagerly looking forward to the next chapter! Oh, and could you email me the illustrations to this, if it's not too much trouble, that is. Thank you so very much!!

Author Reply: Thanks for reading! I'm so glad you're enjoying it so far. I actually looked up "blue" in a thesaurus way back when I started this, you know. I wanted to properly describe Frodo's eyes. ;) I just e-mailed you the illustration, so let me know if you don't get it.

RowanReviewed Chapter: 33 on 1/23/2004
I know your series, Making of a Ring-bearer, has been going on a while, but I
only just discovered this archive this very week, so bear with me. I downloaded
a bunch of stories, and your two were the first I read.

Being a Frodo fan, I'm always interested in stories of his early life, and I
must say your version is one of the most involving and engaging ones I've
come across. I actually had tears in my eyes when you had Bilbo reassuring
Frodo that he would never regret adopting him. (And I NEVER cry at stories or
movies, not even ROTK!)

I do think it could perhaps have used a bit more beta'ing and polishing before
posting, and I did kind of roll my eyes when you had Frodo get sick (I have
read SO many Frodo-Gets-Deathly-Ill stories by now that they're starting to blur
together for me). *But* on the other hand, your version of Frodo's first
meeting with Sam was the most charming one that I have read yet, and believe me,
I've seen a LOT of them.

So anyway, I'm eagerly awaiting the continuation of "Anchored", as well as the
third part of your Frodo trilogy. (I loved "Adrift" too, BTW.)


Author Reply: Thanks for your kind review; I'm delighted you're enjoying this. I've always liked reading the "young Frodo" stories too. I wanted for a long time to do my own version and make it more involved and detailed than what I usually see. Your comment about needing more beta'ing gave me a chuckle! Not a single one of my chapters has ever been beta'd in the slightest, and I've been wondering for months when someone would finally notice! Anyway, I'm sorry about that, and if you notice any major mistakes please do point them out so I can fix them. I don't really have anyone I can ask to beta, and the best I seem to manage is a quick read-over before I post. One day I will read over everything more carefully and see what I can catch. Thanks again for reading; there's tons more to come, and I hope you continue to enjoy.


HaiReviewed Chapter: 33 on 1/12/2004
Poor, Frodo! Good thing Gandalf was there to watch out for them! I like how he directed them the wrong way. Taht was he didn't have to kill them but they may end up dead anyway as their food supply might no last. I guess those other "guards" will have to make a tighter watch ;) Looking forward to more, thank you!

Author Reply: Thanks for all your lovely reviews. I just recently figured out how to reply this way; sorry I never did before! Anyway, I really appreciate all your kind reviews and support, and I wanted to thank you for reading this far. There is plenty more to come, which I hope you'll enjoy just as much. :)

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