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The Green Knight  by Le Rouret 9 Review(s)
fliewatuetReviewed Chapter: 28 on 3/29/2004
Just a quick note to let you that I am neither dead nor have abandoned your story. I am just buried up to the neck in RL-issues. Hopefully, I will emerge from that pile of work sometime within the next week (especially as I have some serious catching up to do on reading The Green Knight).

BTW, fliewatuet is neither elvish nor Native American, but one of the main "characters" in a german, early seventies TV series for kids (Robby, Tobby und das Fliewatüt). The Fliewatuet is actually a helicopter-car-ship-hybrid something. But I have always loved the name:)

EledhwenReviewed Chapter: 28 on 3/12/2004
Oh, it's so refreshing to read a nice Thranduil, with a living Queen! So many stories feature evil!Thranduil, terror of Legolas's life after the Queen died in childbirth.

This story's progressing fabulously since I left my last review months ago. Wonderful stuff.

ElenoraReviewed Chapter: 28 on 3/9/2004
You are probably getting tired of hearing this, but I am REALLY enjoying this story!! I think I'm running out of ways to tell you how good and unique this story is, but I'll see if I can come up with some new ways to convey that, since I think I'll be telling you this until the end of this story!

I'm also beginning to realize how difficult a story this must be to write, so that definitely "ups" my appreciation level every time I read a new chapter and I'm hit again with the difficult and unique language (which while I know must be difficult to write, is a true pleasure to read!), the terminology, and even the involved plot! To put it succinctly, I am RIVETED and eagerly anticipate each new chapter.

Thanks so much for a wonderful, wonderful read, and rest assured, I've told everyone I know that they absolutely HAVE TO read this story!!


Sarcastic ElfReviewed Chapter: 28 on 3/8/2004
Well, I've been faithfully following this fine work of fiction you have graced us with and (finally) decided to review.

This is a wonderful story! The descriptions are so vivid and I absolutely love your writing style. I first found your story by looking for Thranduil fics and while the wait for his appearance was long it was a very enjoyable wait. Brandy is one of the most lovable OCs I've come across. He's absolutely adorable! I also like your characterization of the canon characters.

I am very much looking forward to the next chapter of your fic. Cheers! ^_^

SaberReviewed Chapter: 28 on 3/8/2004

AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! *tackle glomps Thrandy* FINALLY!!!!!

*blissful sigh*

Your visuals are stunning Le Rouret!! I could picture Thranduil and his wife, decked out in battle armor and ready for a fight, perfectly!


Another for the 'Anti Evil Thrandiul' team!!!

LamielReviewed Chapter: 28 on 3/8/2004
Setting the stage, and oh I am looking forward to the battle to come. Things are happening fast now, and it looks like the real lion is nearly revealed. And I knew that Belecthor didn't do it. Now I wonder if Legolas' mother is Sindar or Silvan? Rather an unusual gift to have for either race -- seems more the thing that Tolkien kept for the Noldor. Durn Noldor. I like the Sindar better anyway.

Wonderful bit at the end, when Thranduil says that he believes that Legolas will rule as well as he does. Heh, what a lovely antidote to all those Evil!Thranduil fics. Very welcome.

Now on to battle!

CorielReviewed Chapter: 28 on 3/8/2004
Again, very nice. But my absolute favorite line would have to be that which so masterfully shows a brighter side of Thranduil's many-faceted personality, which, of his manifold qualities, is oft overlooked in many lesser portrayals. :)

"But he is become so formal!" exclaimed Thranduil, looking at Bandobras. "Legolas, you have ruined him; where is the Hobbit-child who scrambled upon our laps and made off with our scepters? All I see here is an esquire full-grown."


(*looks down*) Hey-ya, Amaniel. ;)

AmanielReviewed Chapter: 28 on 3/8/2004
I am very pleased with the way you portrayed the Elven King. You did him the justice he deserved! Thank you for your wonderful story. I am looking forward to the rest of it.

ming eledhwenReviewed Chapter: 28 on 3/8/2004
nice one! ive been reading this for ages and so far it hasn't disappointed at all :) all your descriptions of things and the different relationships make this a very real and absorbing read, and it sounds very plausible too. like what you've done with Bandobras, he's so cute! ;) keep it coming!

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