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Adventures of an Éored: Midsummer  by Katzilla 20 Review(s)
witsReviewed Chapter: 11 on 5/18/2018
great story, felt carried along almost as if riding. thanks for writing :>

MattReviewed Chapter: 11 on 3/28/2018
Really nice closing chapter. I was a little surprised at the level of verve at the end about fighting for their way of living but given RL's emphasis on this right now maybe I should not have been surprised. Thanks loads for your hard work on this.

Author Reply: Thanks for your support, Matt. Yes, Éomer certainly gets a bit carried away in the end, but I can well imagine that the end of his first Midsummer Festival really put him in an exuberant mood. After all, he claimed his rightful place in their society.

Sue CookeReviewed Chapter: 11 on 3/27/2018
Oh - so wonderful. A great wrap-up after the disappointing loss in chapter
10. Will there be a sequel? (please please yes!) Will Stormwing mate
with Flame? Will Grima get his nasty paws on Eowyn and will Eomer get into trouble rescuing her? I have just loved this I'm off to
look up your other tales!

Author Reply: Thanks for your support, Sue. At the moment, I can't think of a sequel, but I just posted the first chapter of another story that came to my mind when I recently reread LoTR. As for the Stormwing/ Flame lovestory: I'm afraid Éomer won't ride her for much longer (as depicted in a chapter of "The Way of a King"... I don't recommend it to you, or you will be sad.

Can't wait to read what you think of my other stories.

Sue CookeReviewed Chapter: 10 on 3/16/2018
How tragic! I'm crying - please let Eomer and Stormwing survive. A run like that could burst a horses heart.

Author Reply: HI Sue,

I have been accused of being cruel to my main characters a couple of times over the years, but I could never be THIS cruel, don't worry.


MattReviewed Chapter: 10 on 3/16/2018
Really great chapter. ending a huge surprise which is a compliment to your writing. Thanks for your obviously work on this. Looking forward to what comes next.

Author Reply: Thanks, Matt!

At last, the story's come to end end after eight years! I honestly didn't think that my writing muse would ever return to me. so it was even more fun for me to find out what the Rohirrim do in their spare time.

Thanks for bearing with me through those last chapters, and I hope that perhaps, this was not the last story I ever posted.


MattReviewed Chapter: 9 on 3/11/2018
Great set of two chapters. One kind of has to know Eomer is going to be OK when he takes his risky move even though one wonders at penalties for taking known risks that endanger others (including in the Rohirim's case, the horses) but a very fun read all the same. Thanks loads for your hard work on these two chapters. Looking forward to the next installment.

Author Reply: Thanks for your feedback. Yes, that was a risky move, but somehow, Éomer needs to earn his reputation of a willful, reckless young man, right? As for penalties: that descent from the hill is a legitimate alternate route for the daring rider, so they couldn't very well punish him for using it. The Great Race is not known as the hardest race in the Mark for nothing, although they would of course still try to keep their horses safe.


Reviewed Chapter: 9 on 3/9/2018
Wow, so much suspense packed in this chapter! Already devoured it and eagerly waiting for the next one!

Author Reply: Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad you like... and now the next chapter is up. :-)


Sue CookeReviewed Chapter: 8 on 3/3/2018
oh,oh,oh so exciting. You write SO well. I saw that a new chapter was up and pounced on it like a greedy child, then stopped. I decided to save it for later and savor it like a forbidden treat. Hooray for Godric! I'd certainly want him by MY side in any battle. Was Eomer foolish to stop? we'll see. Anxiously awaiting the next chapter.

Author Reply: Thank you, Sue! I'm happy to read that you enjoy this. Yes, Godric is certainly someone who knows which the important things in life are, isn't he? That's what I like about the Rohirrim, they've got their priorities right.


Reviewed Chapter: 8 on 3/3/2018
Another great chapter! Keep it up, the horse lords' story deserves to be told in full!

Author Reply: Thank you, I'm doing what I can. :-)

MattReviewed Chapter: 7 on 3/1/2018
Nice job on this chapter. Really liked the interactions between Eomer and Eowyn. Even the wake-up scene was fun. Looking forward to the next chapter whenever it arrives.

Author Reply: Hi Matt,

thanks for the feedback. I enjoy writing about Éomer and Éowyn, all the more as Éowyn is not your typical princess, but quite a tomboy. Adding to that the hard circumstances under which the siblings had to grow up, I find it a fascinating to think up little scenes between them.


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