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How to Make a Match  by Lindelea 3 Review(s)
demeter dReviewed Chapter: 9 on 2/21/2014
It has been so lovely to see the flood of new chapters for so many of your works in progress recently! I have to say this one and Bill the Pony's story have become my favorites. (Yes, that means I need to go review there, too!)These short little "chapters" are little gems. This one ties in nicely with the bit from "End of his Rope". Only this one focuses with telescope-like precision on only Goldi's thoughts. "Poor Farry" indeed! Lovely!

Author Reply: Thank you! We were snowed in for nearly a week, and so I had plenty of time (when I would otherwise be driving people places) to pick up some threads and begin weaving once more. And once I did that, I found it to be addictive. Writing is a pleasant pastime, and I feel quite motivated to tidy up all these WIPs with their loose threads hanging out all over the place.

So glad you're here, too!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 9 on 2/20/2014
Too good a reason to worry for Faramir--and his family!

Author Reply: Goldi knows only too well Farry's fear, anguish, and desperate hope.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 9 on 2/20/2014
Oh dear!

Author Reply: Yes, this is an angsty part...


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