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Warriors Proud  by Ellie 6 Review(s)
TariReviewed Chapter: 25 on 4/3/2015
Thingol is a sly fox. It will be interesting to see what developes between Mablung and Haldir. (Please excuse any misspelling of names. I should have written them down before posting my reply.)

P.S. I'm still in shock over the loss of Fiondel. I shall greatly miss his postings. It seems that people aren't writing much anymore. Thank goodness for the archives.

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 25 on 1/18/2013
OHG. I just loved the comments. No wonder the trees were laughing. They could see/hear the future!

Oh good grief. I'm sure Haldir is quite sorry that he opened his mouth. I'm sure Damrod will have a fit with so many 'warriors' to baby. *g*

*g* I love the Sinda in a tree phrase. Handir has some wisdom, too! I loved the way Haldir 'announced' the new arrangements.

PS - take care of yourself, lots of water, and perhaps a stint with the laughing trees! *hugs*

Author Reply: Yeah...the Galadhrim did sort of take the go forth and multiply thing with lot of enthusiasm. LOL!

No one will like having so many of the Sindar around as you will see.

Handir is very wise and that balances his brother's attitude which is a good thing.

I am still recovering and I'd love some time with the laughing trees :-)

Thanks for reading and reviewing!

obsidianjReviewed Chapter: 25 on 12/26/2012
I found this story a few days ago and read it as fast as I could. I love it. I like your Haldir and the struggles he and his friends experience trying to fit into this strange time and place. Even if you know history, living it is something else.

Author Reply: Welcome to the story! I'm so pleased you are enjoying it :-)

Living through history is indeed very different from learning about it after the fact, and it is amazing what never makes it into the history books - not that the Sindar or the other tribes not from Valinor had much to do with writing books before the Noldor returned... They even ignored Daaeron's writing system though the dwarves loved it. I suspect Haldir would have a few bones to pick with the loremasters of the Third Age concerning details of the pre-First Age -- if he ever were able to get back to that time and corner them in a room. LOL!

Thank you for reading and for reviewing! I appreciate it very much!

MornReviewed Chapter: 25 on 12/25/2012
I've been really negligent with my reviews so I do apologise for that. I've been keeping up to date and been loving it.

Really enjoying the reactions to the wood elves! Haha, cannot wait to see how living alongside each other like that! Haldir and Mablung's reaction was wonderful.

Really enjoying Haldir realising how different he is from the Sindar after feeling like they hsd dominated the silvan culture.

Merry christmas.

Author Reply: It is amazing how one culture influences another and, as Haldir is learning, how much can happen in a few thousand years to influence things as well. I pity Haldir for what he has endured and for what he is about to endure...LOL!

Thank you so very much for reading all along and for takign the tiemto tell me how much you are enjoying the story :-)

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you!

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 25 on 12/20/2012
I am really enjoying this story! I have been following it for a while, and it really has grown on me. I wasn't really sure about the concept at first - time travel - in _Middle-Earth_??!? But it's working! :-)

I suspect that both Mablung and Haldir's sons are in for a few, ahem, "learning experiences". Let's hope the injuries from said learning experiences heal well and quickly. ;-)

Author Reply: I'm pleased you are enjoying the story so much :-) When I started it years ago, I thoguht I could make it work, but the problem would be in the details of the cultures and geography and the reactions of Haldir and co to the "new" old world around them as well as the reactions of the others to them. Tolkien wrote next to nothing about Middle-Earth during the Night before nights and even less about the tribes there and the geography has been a nightmare to sort out even with learned betas and the use of many maps.

There are some learning experiences ahead for Haldir and Mablung, but my muse isn't as forthcoming about details as I would like at the moment...

Thank you so very much for reading and reviewing! Happy New Year!

eilujReviewed Chapter: 25 on 12/19/2012
Interesting observations about the Sindar and the Noldor. That will be fun to see if the story goes that long.

The Mablung-Taurion situation (it's sure to come down to that, right?) will be entertaining. I have every confidence Haldir can handle it.

Merry Christmas to you and yours! Hope all the sick people get better and you don't have problems locating the things that were packed up for the move.

It's amazing that you are moving and posting a story at the same time. I'm not complaining, mind....

Author Reply: I personally dont' have every confidence that Haldir can handle the things that happen, but my muse might. LOL!

We'll see how long the story ends up running :-)

I wrote much of the story before the move, so I had lots to post and little time for new writing. Then life intervened even more and I had no time to write and I ran out of completed chapters. ack! I'm writing now and hoping to maybe get ahead again, but we'll see about that.

Thank you for the Christmas wishes and may the New Year bring you much joy!

Thanks for reading and reviewing!

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