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Dreamflower's Mathoms III  by Dreamflower 5 Review(s)
AntaneReviewed Chapter: 24 on 6/5/2015
No wonder Merry was such a loyal companion and organizer of the conspiracy - looking after his cousin just as Frodo looks after him here. Love Frodo calling those Merry would have to face 'the dragons'. :)

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: That's always been my deduction of the relationship between Frodo and his much younger friends: that it was his willingness to protect and mentor them as they grew up that led to their loyalty to him later: they became his protectors.

KathyGReviewed Chapter: 24 on 6/3/2015
What a true friend Merry has in Frodo! =)

Author Reply: Yes, which is why Frodo had a true friend in Merry. :^)

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 24 on 6/2/2015
Ah, but may the flirts of this world and their victims all be protected and comforted! Poor Merry! Bless him!

So true to life!

Author Reply: Sadly yes. I've known many a young girl who became fascinated with her power over the opposite sex and used that power poorly. It doesn't usually turn out as well in RL as it did in this story, but Merry and Ivy are hobbits, so they are much less prone to taking things too far.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 24 on 6/2/2015
Oh, I love it when Frodo is in "older cousin/mentor/best friend" mode. I enjoyed this very much.

Author Reply: So do I. I have always believed that Frodo had earned Merry, Pippin and Sam's loyalty to him when he needed it throughout a lifetime of being a mentor, protector and friend to them as they grew up.

NotACatReviewed Chapter: 24 on 6/2/2015
This is a lovely little story, but for some reason there's two copies of it?

Author Reply: Thanks for letting me know! Not sure how that happened. Fixed now!

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