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Interrupted Journeys 10: Finding the sun  by elliska 7 Review(s)
perellethReviewed Chapter: 6 on 8/29/2014
Wow! They have all grown up so much! The times in the Greenwood are getting darker and darker, and the young elflings are almost adults, so the troube they're getting into is way more serious... por Berior, really, he's not taking his adar's death well..
I must say that I find Tureden is a hoot, pushng all of Legolas' buttns just when he had Tulus house-trained... but the por guy has three ages of worry on his shoulders, so it's air to give him some leeway.

Also loved that Little scene in the garden between Legolas and his cousins. It's not often that we see the three of them together, and their closeness as family even while discussing "shop" came across very nicely.

Action packed, and intrigue and warrior Thranduil, yay! I'm happy I still have a couple more stories left to catch up!

CandissDReviewed Chapter: 6 on 7/17/2013
A lot going on in this chapter and I enjoyed reading it all. Anxious to see what happens in the next installment!

My favorite part was Galithil's words: "I know what it feels like when your world disappears from under your feet. You are the only one who can rebuild it. Even rebuilt, it will not be the same world as before. And the rebuilding takes time. You will just have to give yourself that time and accept that the world is different now."

Who would have thought the prankster, trouble-making elfling of the first few stories would grow up to say something so profound as that - it shows how far he truly has come.

Author Reply: I am so glad you liked Galithil's line there. Unfortunately, because of his losses, Galithil does understand this, He still is a bit of a prankster, but he is wiser too. He has come a long way and his father would be so proud of him.

He still has some surprises left in him though! ;-)

Thanks so much for the reviews. I really appreciate them so much!

katrinaReviewed Chapter: 6 on 7/13/2013
I don't know if you meant to do this all along, but I really loved how this entire chapter is called "Finding the Sun," and that Legolas actually says he's off to find the sun in the Lord of the Rings. It is a really nice connection!

I really loved this entire Finding the Sun chapter- I like how we got closure on a few of Manadhien's servants. The descriptions about their deaths were so great! I am also so glad that Beior finally comes to terms with the fact that Lindomiel was not responsible for his father's death. And I love the father-son moment Legolas and Thranduil had at the end!

It scares me to think that Manadhien may have more loyal and crazy servants, and I really hope that this whole mess will be over for poor Legolas and his family soon!!

Can't wait for the next installment!

Author Reply: :-) Yes, I was playing with Legolas's line. I have always loved that line in the books. Most people, Tolkien included, state that of all the Fellowship, Legolas contributed the least. I picture him as contributing perspective and the 'finding the sun' idea is the perspective he provides. As the only elf in the Fellowship, he knows, better then any of them really, the importance of success and at the same time, I think, he would understand the importance of estel in an endeavor like the Quest. I think he'd try to provide it when he could. Blah blah, point is--yes, that 'finding the sun' part of his personality is important and one I want to play with as I put him through the ringer in my stories. :-)

I'm glad you liked this chapter. I struggled with it, trying to get in what I needed without drawing it out too much.

You should worry about Manadhien. She took some blows in this story and that's only going to make her madder.

Thanks so much for the reviews! I really appreciate them!

shiny-changReviewed Chapter: 6 on 7/11/2013
Finally finished catching up with all you've written in this series. This is by far one of the best Tolkien fanfictions I have ever read. I absolutely love your characterisations of Thranduil and Legolas - such a naughty child tsk tsk - as well as your own original characters - rarely have I ever read such 3D characters.

I love Galithil and Legolas' closeness, brought up as nearly brothers, but also the realistic tones of competition and sometimes even conflict you bring to their relationship. And even Berior's current state of mind, while it is 'intolerable', it's so understandable and realistic. Hopefully he will get better with time and forgive Lindomiel.

Well done, for your outstanding writing which has gripped me nearly as much as Tolkien's own writing. I look forward to your future stories!! :)

Author Reply: Sorry to be so long in answering reviews!

I am always amazed and humbled and thrilled :-) when someone reads through these stories from the beginning. There is so much and when people make it all the way through, I am so happy. Thank you so much!

I'm glad you enjoy Legolas and Galithil. They are definitely brothers. Berior too, though to a slightly lesser degree. They will all heal eventually, but this last bit has definitely been a blow to everyone.

Thank you so much for the review and I hope you continue to enjoy. I should be starting the next part sometime next week (my goal is Tuesday and hopefully I can stick to it).

picaraReviewed Chapter: 6 on 7/11/2013
Lots going on in the ending here for Legolas to process--despite his best efforts, the secret escaped. That can't be good. And there are possibly more servants that are basically a complete mystery. Again, not good. And he has lost some of his father's trust. I don't think that has fully hit him yet.

But seeing his reactions, both to important things like killing elves and to funny things, like writing Galadriel, was great.

I especially enjoyed Legolas's relationship with Galithil. They are really close and Legolas needed to talk to him. I also think that mural, to do with Berior and his father, probably with Galithil hanging around talking to them, will be good fellowship (pun intended). ;-)

Looking forward to the next stories.

Author Reply: Definitely lots going on, no doubt. Lots to wrap up. I'm glad you enjoyed Legolas's reactions to hearing about both the serious and the funny. :-) Thranduil and Galadriel are fun. I can hardly wait to get them together after the Ring War.

And I'm glad you like Legolas and Galithil. They are close and they both need that. You are right that all of them being together to work on that mural is just what they all need.

Thanks so much for the reviews!

rikkiReviewed Chapter: 6 on 7/10/2013
An interesting end to this story. I see Tureden has managed to survive his interview with the king. I hope to see him in the trip to Dale, I am sure his opinions of men are hilarious.
And there are consequences for Legolas and the trust he has lost with his king. Losing a year of military training is going to be hard to take. Though recovering from killing two elves is going to take time. But in a way having that year devoted to the council will broaden Legolas' knowledge of law and how the realm is run which can only be to the good in the long run. It should also increase his ability to logically face the king when he has to argue for something he wants. Several things that you have written in the earlier stories have made me wonder how in the long run Legolas will argue that going to support Aragon and to help Frodo to destroy the Ring is worth disobeying the king and turning his back on the defense of the realm. I love the interaction that you have between Thranduil and Legolas both as son and father as well as king and subject.

Author Reply: Sorry to be so long answering reviews!

Hehe. Poor Tureden survives, And yes, I hope I can succeed in making his interactions in Dale fun. My goal with the Dale story is to play with cultural differences, which are always a blast.

It should also increase his ability to logically face the king when he has to argue for something he wants. Several things that you have written in the earlier stories have made me wonder how in the long run Legolas will argue that going to support Aragon and to help Frodo to destroy the Ring is worth disobeying the king and turning his back on the defense of the realm.

Oh so true. I cannot imagine that wasn't a hard decision for both Legolas and Gimli. Legolas even says at one point that he knows evil has come to their lands, and of course he is right. I do intend to have a great deal of angst go into that decision when I finally get to the Ring War portion of this story.

I love the interaction that you have between Thranduil and Legolas both as son and father as well as king and subject.

I'm glad that came across well. I think Legolas needed to hear what his father/king said there.

Thanks so much for the reviews! I appreciate them so much!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 6 on 7/10/2013
You surprised me when it was Galithil who woke Legolas up, rather than one of his parents. I like the relationship between these two. Galithil increasingly seems like a young adult. His account of Thranduil and Tureden's confrontation was scary. Thranduil was working himself up, it would seem. Tureden needs to learn some tact, but he's already lost two young charges, which probably scarred him and also makes him more determined to keep Legolas safe.

The mural was a gift to Legolas and Berior, I think. Art is a good way to find the sun, since Legolas won't have training to distract him. I know the door thing was only symbolic but I still feel bad that he lost some of the trust Thranduil originally placed in him.

I had to laugh at Thranduil's reluctance to write to Galadriel for anything, much less help. Good one, Elliska!

I enjoyed this story and look forward to the others you mention.


Author Reply: Sorry to be so long answering reviews (again).

Hehe! I'll be honest daw, that part of the chapter, with Galithil there--the first part was written from Thranduil, Lindomiel and Hallion's POVs too. I went back and forth on who it would be, but finally decided on Galithil because he and Legolas are brothers in all but blood. They have become so important to one another. And, for practical purposes, I needed Galithil and Legolas to have the conversation they went on to have, so it made sense to just start out with him there. :-)

I agree that the mural is a gift. One Legolas and Berior both need. Badly.

I still feel bad that he lost some of the trust Thranduil originally placed in him.
Definitely. Legolas is going to feel that a bit later (assuming it doesn't get cut), but for now, having imagined the worst, he's fairly relieved. :-)

Thranduil and Galadriel are just too much fun.

Thanks for the review daw! I appreciate them so much!

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