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Import Duty  by DADGAD 1 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 10 on 3/20/2024
Most amusing and instructive. We had an antiques store for a time, and found we had to be very careful in describing some certain items in our import lists that we not lose valuable glassware by describing a particularly nice vase as "lead crystal" as "lead" is a trigger word understood by import officials indicating "poisonous." The lead in such items cannot be passed into food or drink, but it still set off alarms in the beauracrats' brains.

Loved this!

Author Reply: Dear Larner, thank you so much for the reviews. You were one of my favourite writers in this genre from the beginning, so it's most appreciated. I had some of your stories in mind when I wrote about the Steward(s) who had blocked Arvedui's claim to the throne of Gondor in Chapter 6.

I will take note of never trying to import "Lead Crystal" into the USA. Don't think its quite as bad here, but we are paying duty on a lot more things these days.

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