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Days of the Dunedain  by Arnakhor 36 Review(s)
LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 12 on 3/11/2025
Odofur is so hobbity! Foodstuffs as a means of telling time... I also loved the detail of his being aware of just how many red ribbons he'd already deployed. Much better than breadcrumbs, too! (a lá Hansel and Gretel).

Uh-oh. Sounds like he's in the Old Forest, with its queerness that increases as one gets closer to Old Man Willow. Not to mention, the trees can move around, which could disrupt the safety measure the ribbons are supposed to provide. And yikes! The chapter ends with a definite sense of peril to our intrepid explorer.

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 11 on 3/4/2025
I smiled at the history lesson, and the idea of going to a tavern and paying a storyteller in order to learn more. The description of Gandalf and his activities was also interesting.

And may they be peaceful, Aragorn. And that is exactly why the Rangers have labored for so long, unthanked and unappreciated. But faithful, all the same.

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 10 on 2/18/2025
Magic broth! (I too find bone broth healing...) And you know he's on the mend when his appetite comes back.

Interesting that the old Ranger is familiar with the Eotheod but the young has probably never heard of him and thinks he will be surprised by the greeting committee.

Looking forward to reading more and seeing how you weave the different threads together.

PSWReviewed Chapter: 23 on 2/16/2025
What an enjoyable tale - more and more, I find myself enjoying tales of ‘in between’ times. Gap fillers, if you will, but on a far grander scale. Thx so much for sharing!

PSWReviewed Chapter: 22 on 2/16/2025
I’m sure they will be up late! They don’t get chances like this too often….

And speaking of Chance … or Luck (as it was often called in The Hobbit) … well we know what Tolkien usually meant by that. Gandalf, you aren’t the only one directing the course of events. It seems these things were all Meant to happen …

What a lovely lovely chapter. The surprise time with family and friends, the beautiful day and bountiful food and safe barn in which to sleep. It really makes you appreciate how much days like this must have meant to Men (and Wizards) who must spend so much of their time alone…

Author Reply: Thanks so much for your kind words. Glad you enjoyed it. This was the purpose all along, to bring all these disparate parties together at the end, but provide some discoveries along the way. Our three chieftains all in one spot sharing experiences and memories.

PSWReviewed Chapter: 21 on 2/16/2025
I just love it. So wonderful to meet unexpectedly with family and friends, and a chance to sit in peace and share a pipe and good food.

PSWReviewed Chapter: 20 on 2/16/2025
No need for those swords, boys…

PSWReviewed Chapter: 19 on 2/16/2025
They may just meet up with that son and grandson in a bit!

I like that Gandalf reassures him that his life is important and necessary too. The great deeds cannot come to pass without all the years of toil and faithfulness that lead up to them…

PSWReviewed Chapter: 18 on 2/16/2025
Yay for Tom! And glad the Men are there as an escort back - Hobbits don’t seem to have much luck in these woods…

PSWReviewed Chapter: 17 on 2/16/2025
Ha! Like his ancestor Hagar, he longs for adventure outside his small world. He does seem a little more sensible to start out than Hagar was though! :-D It’s so difficult to image being a part of community that is for all practical purposes on their own, with only a few visitors here and there. So much different than what we have now…

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