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All Work and No Play  by Lindelea 3 Review(s)
MirkwoodmaidenReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/30/2025

I am so looking forward to reading the rest of this story! I don't I read it when it was first posted! Although I do remember reading "A Healer's Tale" and "At the end of his rope" though it has been a long time since! I sense re-reading is due!!

Must dash to work!!



Author Reply: I'm so glad! Only four chapters were posted at the time the hacker struck and deleted the story, but this work will actually run quite a bit longer than four chapters, considering the length of the journey! (Not as many chapters as JRRT took, of course... and speaking of re-reading, January is almost finished and I have not yet started my annual re-reading of LOTR! I think I know what audiobook I'll be choosing for bedtime reading from here on out.)

I hope you enjoy it! (I'm having a bit of trouble at the moment dealing with stubborn Tooks, but hopefully it will all work out satisfactorily.)

I'm happy to have you along on the journey! Seeing one of your reviews (or, for that matter, another chapter of one of your stories) always brightens my day.

(((hugs))) Stay well.

LeithianReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 1/27/2025
Yay! Thanks for reposting this story about our favourite hobbits :)
I do remember starting this story but somehow dropped it in the middle, it will not happen this time!! You've crafted a compelling narrative about characters whom we only know the names of and that's a huge achievement on its own. I'm in awe of your writing style especially the dialogues. They feel so natural and the conversation flows so smoothly.
Since I've started to try and write a bit myself I've really started to appreciate all these things I took for granted... a well written story, engrossing descriptions and flowing dialogues. When done well it feels so easy but is actually quite hard and now I've got a healthy respect for writers...
On another note if you won't mind me referring to your review on Arnakhor's story Dol Guldur, I believe that Minas Ithil was the twin city of Minas Anor (later Minas Tirith). At that time Osgiliath was the capital of Gondor and I think they were both garrison cities. It was the Palantir of Minas Ithil that fell into Sauron's hands. While Saruman used the Orthanc stone ie the Palantir of the Tower of Orthanc. Apparently at some point Gondor lost control of Isengard. (Although how that happened I don't know)
Take care

Author Reply: I'm glad to hear you're reading. Only four chapters were posted before the story was deleted (I accidentally posted it twice under two different names) in the recent Breach of 2025, so there wasn't much there. In fact, in going over the chapters again before re-posting, I recognised the need to rearrange some information in order to fasten the plot threads more securely before launching into the journey. So a couple of the unpublished chapters that came later in the original draft of the story have been moved closer to the beginning, as will become apparent soon.

I know what you mean about engrossing descriptions and flowing dialogues. My descriptions tend to run too long, even now, and it's a hard habit to break. I think good dialogue can come from listening to real-life and fictional conversations and how they flow, along with reading good writing and lots of practice writing while thinking of your characters as real people and listening with your inner ear to how they talk. I'm probably putting it badly. Best of luck with the writing! I look forward to reading the fruits of your labours.

Thank you for the clarifications on Minas Ithil and the palantíri! I got confused at the thought of Minas Ithil as the twin of Minas Tirith; Minas Tirith is huge! At least, it sounds huge (and looks pretty impressive in the film). But it makes sense to think of Osgiliath (not Minas Tirith) as the capital and the other two sites as outposts. (Still, Minas Morgul must be huge, much bigger than my impression of the place from reading the book and seeing the films.)

MirkwoodmaidenReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 1/27/2025

Delightful! I must read more!!! So Faramir takes after his dad not his namesake I see! LOL!



Author Reply: He very much takes after Pippin! (With a bit of Merry thrown in, since his Uncle Merry is a very good influence.) Yet, I think you might see some hint of Faramir the Man in the mix, perhaps as a result of Pippin's stories, or perhaps because of Faramir Took's interactions with the Prince of Ithilien – if I ever get through all the parts of this long story focused upon the experiences that molded and shaped Faramir into the hobbit he became. I'm chipping away at it, anyhow.

Thanks for reading and stopping to leave an encouraging word!


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