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Dol Guldur  by Arnakhor 26 Review(s)
SageReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 2/10/2025
I'm pleased to see that you have been able to restore Dol Guldor and that you have yet a third story in the works. I always look forward to your writing.

PSWReviewed Chapter: 24 on 2/9/2025
Really nice story - I very much enjoyed all the detail and research and imagination that went into it. I look forward to the next story. Thx so much for writing!

Author Reply: And thanks so much for reading and your comments! Next story is probably at least a couple of months away.

PSWReviewed Chapter: 22 on 2/9/2025
Ah, Radagast … I don’t think she would have wanted that.

Glad to see friendships and alliances being formed, even if the cost was so painful. They will all need all the allies they can get!

PSWReviewed Chapter: 21 on 2/9/2025
Well, that was tense! And sad again. So much going on, great battle scenes!

PSWReviewed Chapter: 20 on 2/9/2025
Wonderful chapter - the bird battle was so well written. A sad ending, but the swifts were very brave. <3

We shall see how Gandalf and company do on their end…

PSWReviewed Chapter: 19 on 2/9/2025
I’m sad Eredan had to kill his friend. :-(

Seems like things are about to get going …

PSWReviewed Chapter: 18 on 2/9/2025
Ooo … that stairway is really cool. :-)

Well, it seems they did need Drianna’s help there. I’m wondering if they should have listened more to Arahael. Too late now I suppose…

PSWReviewed Chapter: 17 on 2/9/2025
Well, I was wrong - there she goes. I suppose if she’s needed for some reason then all is as it should be … but she really needs to knock that chip off of her shoulder. *Someone* must risk the most, and this time it’s Gondor. Next time it may be someone else (or it may not - Gondor’s always right in the thick of things…)

Seems like the pieces are in place - things are about to get tense!

PSWReviewed Chapter: 16 on 2/9/2025
Well yikes - what a revolting development! So gross. It’s sad about the two cavalrymen that died, but they are more sure of Eradan now and Drianna—who I have been thinking really needed to chill—has shown quality by not insisting she ago along or making it hard for the others. Hopefully the rest of their plan goes more smoothly! Though I’m not holding my breath…

PSWReviewed Chapter: 15 on 2/9/2025
Hmm… well, it seems that the escape was not planned, yet Haldir is right - it is curiously timed. It also seems that Sauron does actually believe them to be traders. I guess we shall see if things go as planned or if Sauron is actually more clued in than it seems…

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