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Happy Begetting Day  by Ecthelion of the fountain 2 Review(s)
LeithianReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/8/2025
Only you could tackle such a topic with such finesse and delicacy. I will not say more 😂
(On another note I think that Aredhel's mother-name was Isfin, it is the name that has been mentioned in the book Fall of Gondolin)

P.S: As someone has already said I do hope you are archiving your stories somewhere incase of another breach. So far various authors have had to reupload their stories themselves, and there are probably some stories that will never be recovered.

Author Reply: Thanks! This story is meant to be entertaining, and I’m glad you enjoyed it. 😂

On Aredhel’s names: long story short, they went through several changes as Tolkien’s linguistic considerations evolved: Isfin → Íreth (Quenya form Írissë) → Rodwen (very briefly) → Aredhel/Ar-Feiniel. Aredhel and Ar-Feiniel are almost certainly epessi rather than father- or mother-names. Isfin was clearly abandoned, so her “true name” is most likely Írissë/Íreth. It isn’t explicitly recorded whether this was a father-name or a mother-name, but given that Shibboleth of Fëanor only mentions her brothers’ father-names, I’ve assumed this is hers as well. In this story, I’ve taken the liberty of making it her mother-name too—and I’ve also made up a reason for why her brothers’ father-names weren’t recorded.

And thanks for the reminder! I do have my stories archived on AO3, and I’ve been saving those precious comments too—really hate the thought of losing them, as they mean so much to me!

Lady ForlongReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/7/2025
I always figured that these two couldn’t keep their hands off each other, considering the number of children they had, and given Feanor's fiery and passionate personality. You seem to agree. On the table, in the grass, in the forge… maybe this story should have been rated PG-13 ;)

I love seeing them in love and in their innocence, before all the bad stuff that happened later. But it’s sad to think that the reason they had so many sons was that they were trying for a girl – I hope you’re wrong about that one.

Too bad English doesn’t have a gender-neutral pronoun like Quenya. We really need one.

Author Reply: Then PG-13 it is! Just updated the rating. :D

Yeah, I’ve always imagined that Fëanor and Nerdanel were… quite enthusiastic before the shadow fell. This story is meant to be humorous, and the absence of daughters in the three princes’ houses was just too good to pass up—so I made fun of all of them! Obviously, this doesn’t represent any truth (though Tolkien himself was pretty delighted to finally have a daughter on the fourth try, lol).

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