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The Last Maker  by Ecthelion of the fountain 11 Review(s)
PSWReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 2/18/2025
Interesting finale, indeed ….

PSWReviewed Chapter: Epilogue on 2/17/2025
Well, that’s going out like a Feanorion!

This has been a great look at the relationship between Celebrimbor and Annatar/Gorthaur/Sauron/whatever he’s calling himself… Will be interested to see the extra chapter.

Thx for sharing!

Author Reply: Thanks for all the comments!! I didn’t reply to some of them earlier—especially those on the later chapters—because I didn’t want to give away spoilers. :P Hopefully, the story itself answered all your questions! I’m so glad you enjoyed it! :D

PSWReviewed Chapter: 9 on 2/17/2025
Everyone else seems to want her hair - why not? :-D

So he has distributed the Rings and goes back now to face what he likely assumes will be his death…

PSWReviewed Chapter: 8 on 2/16/2025
Uh ohhhh….

I wonder if he will believe it a dream or a vision? (Or of course, both.)

It’s good to see Galadriel and Celeborn - good that they all still desire to make some effort to get along even despite their differences over his friendship with Annatar. Now, we shall see if Galadriel takes a moment to say ‘I told you so’ …

PSWReviewed Chapter: 7 on 2/15/2025
Was that a jump-scare, or did he actually see Annatar coming out from behind the tree? In my mind, it would have made a very effective jump-scare on screen… ;-) Also, your description of his eyes came through very vividly.

Hmm … I’m not sure what I think is happening here. Perhaps Annatar was meeting with the orcs and had told them to shoot him if they were discovered (as a cover)? We shall see…

PSWReviewed Chapter: 6 on 2/14/2025
Hmmm…. I have thoughts, but will need to see what happens to know how wrong I am. :-P

‘Receiving without depriving, giving without diminishing.’ Can that be done outside of Eru? Maybe the Valar? But no, even the Valar are diminished (if slowly) by their works. So, I guess we’re about to find out what he thinks he’s come up with …


PSWReviewed Chapter: 5 on 2/14/2025
Sometimes consolation or defense is not what we want or need. In that, at least, perhaps Annatar did him a favor all unwitting. However, I don’t think revealing anything of himself to Annatar is wise, no matter how many Rings of Power they create together….

Author Reply: It would be unwise—if he truly knew whom he was dealing with! Yet, Annatar was gradually lowering his guard, step by step.

PSWReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/13/2025
And Annatar knows that - he’s playing upon this desire that can never be fully realized.

I must admit I’ve only read about the forging of the Rings of Power once - did they know Annatar was a Maia? Or is that your own speculation?


Author Reply: Thanks!!

It wasn’t stated whether the Elves of Eregion knew he was a Maia, but I speculate that they did—there was no other plausible explanation that could convince Elves who had seen the Ainur with their own eyes, especially Celebrimbor himself.

PSWReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/13/2025
Of course Annatar is now a polite guest - he’s made his point and his impression. He knows (or thinks) he’s in overall control of the situation…

Author Reply: And he was patient, willing to earn the trust he needed to advance his agenda.

PSWReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/12/2025
He has quite the dreams ….

Very intriguing that Annatar’s voice is like his father’s - and probably not at all an accident.

Author Reply: You are absolutely right—nothing about Annatar is accidental!

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