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Return to Rivendell  by shirebound 8 Review(s)
PSWReviewed Chapter: 10 on 11/21/2015
What a nice ending! Another great story. :-) I'm enjoying these so much ...

Author Reply: Thank you again for your lovely reviews. :)

Kara's AuntyReviewed Chapter: 10 on 10/29/2008
Hello Shirebound,

I've read the final chapter now and there's no more left of this hidden gem for me to read.

This was a really unexpected find, a wee treasure hidden - waiting for me to stumble over it. And I'm very glad I did.

It was a thought-provoking and insightful look at the Hobbits (all five) during this final visit to Rivendell. The sense of relief at a Quest won mixed with a touch of melancholy for things lost was clear in all of them and I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this.

Don't forget to send me your list of Sam stories. You have a good appreaciation of his character and I'm keen to read your other tales of him. If they are anywhere near as good as this, I know I'll enjoy them greatly.

Excellent work!

Maureen :)

Author Reply: Maureen, I truly appreciate your lovely reviews. Hopefully you got my list, and if you run out of things to read, please let me know. I've been reading LOTR fanfic since 2002, and have encountered many lovely Sam stories by various authors.

Author Reply: Oh, and here are two teensy ficlets you might enjoy:

Dear Sam. :)

SurgicalSteelReviewed Chapter: 10 on 5/26/2006
Finally found time to finish this and review - just lovely, gentle - comfort all around. *happy sigh*

Author Reply: Thank you so much. It seems such a long time ago that I wrote this story, but I remember how satisfied I was with how it turned out. :D

Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 10 on 11/8/2005
"He was going home." *sigh* Ah, if it had only been that simple. This is excellent, as usual, Shirebound! What happened during the two weeks in Rivendell on the return journey is something I hadn't added to my "list of gap-fillers" that I intend to write. And I'm glad someone else has done it! Goodness, so much to write and so little time to do it! Maybe I should open my own plot bunny adoption centre! :-) Namarie, and God bless,

Author Reply: Thank you, QG! Wasn't it lovely of the Professor to leave so many gaps for us to fill in? And we can each envision these times in our own way.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 10 on 5/24/2005
Oh Shirebound!
I truly thought that I had already read every story you had archived at SoA, but somehow, I had missed this one. When it came up on the MEFAs, I started to read and realized it was completely new to me! This story is just wonderful, so full of joy for our four lads, that the angst and h/c is just almost overwhelmed. I loved this so much; your own love for the hobbits just shines through in this one!
I am off to post another review of it for MEFA!

Author Reply: Thank you so much, my friend. This story was very special to me... especially in giving the hobbits a joyous encounter with the Eagles, and helping Pippin to learn new things about himself. I really appreciate your lovely comments.


SlightlyTookishReviewed Chapter: 10 on 10/16/2004
You mentioned this story in your review of my latest one and I'm so glad you did because I had never read it. So I just read it in one shot now, and it really is amazing. A lovely story all around, but I especially loved Gandalf's explanation of Pippin's dreams - when I read the books I'd always thought of the "dainty" as the Ring itself. I never thought of it being Pippin. What a fascinating idea! :)

Author Reply: Thank you for reading! I like coming up with alternative or "new" ways to think about things, like what Pippin heard Sauron say through the palantir. This was a fun story to write.


Orophins DottirReviewed Chapter: 10 on 11/13/2003
A lovely story. And this is said by one who is not the world's greatest hobbit lover! Yet, even in the camps of the elves, is your story a joy. I do appreciate particularly the loving interaction among the halflings and your evocative language. Almost you tempt me to include Pippin in a story in more than a peripheral role and that says much for, until now, only Rosie and the fair Elanor have gained admittance to my particular corner of elvendom on earth! You are an excellent writer.

Author Reply: My goodness, thank you! What a compliment! I have only recently begun including Elves in my "hobbit stories", most particularly in "Sing Me Home" and the latter half of "By Chance or Purpose". Perhaps various hobbits will find their way into one of your tales, as well!

Thank you so much for your lovely comments.

CoreinhaReviewed Chapter: 10 on 9/28/2003
this was a delight to read, thank you so much for sharing it!



Author Reply: Thank you for your lovely review, Cor! I enjoyed writing this story immensely.

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