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Cry of the Gull  by Ithilien 10 Review(s)
vampfan30Reviewed Chapter: 7 on 5/16/2006
this was an excellent tie-in to the whole idea of the sealonging, how it works, & how Legolas was able to fight it. Fantastic story!

docmonReviewed Chapter: 7 on 9/20/2004
terrific! I loved this insight into how the onset of sea-longing could have been. And great job coming up with that word for it - i was fooled into thinking it was canon! I liked how Gimli interacted with Legolas, even covering for him - if poorly. "He fell off his horse!" LOL I loved Legolas's indignation at that. And then...
"Should I have said you fell out of a tree?" the dwarf answered. [LOL too much!]
"You should have said nothing."
"But you were doing that so well yourself." [Gimli's on a roll!]

Terrific, I have to say again. I'm very pleased with the little I've read of your work, and I've also seen much praise for it by other authors, so I'm looking forward to goign through all your stories!


AloysiusReviewed Chapter: 7 on 5/21/2004
You certainly have an affinity with the elves, and your portrayal of Legolas' first experience of sea-longing is beautifully crafted. You write with incredible passion adn understanding of the characters, and your work is a joy to read.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 7 on 2/14/2004
Great gap filler, Ithilien. I enjoyed every bit of it.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 6 on 2/14/2004
So Legolas was meant to be there. Or at least, ME history might have been different if he had not been there. Who can tell?

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 5 on 2/14/2004
What a great picture of the kingly Aragorn. Somehow I had not thought of Legolas thinking of Aragorn as his king in this inspiring way. You can see how this figure rallies the warriors.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/14/2004
"Hesitate, my mother's axe." What a wonderful curse.

I have heard Andy Serkis say that he treated Gollum like a drug addict in his longing for the ring. It seems to me that Legolas is a little bit like that in the sea longing here.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/14/2004
This is a good explanation for the question you raise, Ithilien. Legolas chooses to go and Aragorn has to accept that choice for a variety of reasons. Who knows what would have happened if Legolas had stayed with Theoden?

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/14/2004
Geez, have I missed this story before? It seems to be complete. I liked seeing the same incident from Gimli's POV here. He's so plainly confused and worried. And I like the quiet role of the sons of Elrond in this.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/14/2004
The sea longing is one of the things in LOTR that most fascinates me, and I was deeply disappointed when PJ left it out. Without it, how can you see what Legolas sacrificed to the defeat of Sauron? And I think that's one of Tolkien's big themes: people make sacrifices in the name of good. They gain but only by losing. Nice chapter, Ithilien.

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