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The Roses of Ilúvatar  by Orophins Dottir 7 Review(s)
brynReviewed Chapter: 9 on 2/3/2004
Oh wow--you've got such a great plot going and the characters are developed so strongly... *happy sigh* I'm thoroughly immersed in the tale!
I've always loved Thranduil, but Valar help me--his wife Lalaith is absolutely incredible. :) I've never seen her portrayed as such a powerful woman (in the few tales she does appear in). Never. It's such a fresh perspective--and I always love reading from a new angle. It's exciting and broadens the mind to even greater possibilities... I think even Galadriel could learn a thing or two from the Queen of Mirkwood. *lol*
Which, speaking of new angles--I think your decision to write Arwen's past love affairs a bold one. Kudos, Orophins Dottir, for fearlessly taking that path! And not only that, but you've made it believable as well. It's not an easy thing to do, but you've succeeded. :)

Author Reply: *Elf gets up from floor. She has fainted in pure happiness at mentor's review.*

Thank you, Bryn! Praise from you is among my most valued. People seem to be taking well to Lalaith. My friend The Karenator and I are not of the "dead Naneth" school of writers for Legolas. We think strong parents and a strong and a strong family would have gone far towards producing the elf Legolas who went on the Quest. Cannot quite see him coming from a dysfunctional or abusive family!

New chapter is up. When can the same be said for "Cantrip"?

Orophin's Dottir

JSReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/30/2004
Bravo Orophins Dottir! I believe that this is my favorite chapter yet. There are so many parts about it that I found so touching: Giluviel's excitement over Legolas gaining weight, Sam's stubborn optimism and the lovely family picture of his parents and brother holding Legolas, to name a few.

I'm also a huge Thranduil fan, and I love your portrayal of him, strong to any adversaries but also a fiercely protective and loving father. And I loved Aragorn's bewilderment... lol he was all worked up and ready for perhaps a furious confrontation, but what he gets right off the bat is Thranduil laughing with Arwen. Love the irony. :) Also great portrayal with Lalaith. I was delighted you included her in this story. Giluviel was also wonderful to read about, as always.

My only questions: Where's Gimli? Has he ever had the pleasure of meeting Thranduil before?

And my heart caught at the mention/confrontration with the intruder. I had thought Legolas was safe now that he was healing at that his father was there. But now the gentle elf still seems to be a target! I eagerly await your next chapter. Hope it comes soon, I'm dying to know what Thranduil will do!

Author Reply: Thank you for the review and the reminder. I HAVE been neglecting my favorite dwarf. In the new chapter just posted, he does not quite appear yet but Lalaith is planning a party for him that will include the presence of Thranduil. May the Valar help Gimli! I think I am going to have fun with that party.

Thranduil is a little bit of a problem to Aragorn in the new chapter. Poor Elessar does have a lot thrown at him in my story. People think I do not like him! Actually, he's one of my favorite characters.

Enjoy the new chapter!

Humble Scribe to his Majesty Thranduil

annaReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/27/2004
I do love this story and wasn't having any trouble at all following it in its double format - a noble experiment indeed - and I will comment properly on it when I can. But there was one thing that does puzzle me: the exact familial relationship between Legolas, Giluviel, Lalaith and Thrandruil. Arwen remembers Giluviel's mother, now dead; and Radagast remembers "both their fathers"; and Lalaith's thoughts about "the child she had loved into her own being", as opposed to the child she had carried in her own womb. So I've figured out that Giluviel and Legolas are foster brothers rather than siblings (although obviously, emotionally they're as close as two close siblings can be). But can you explain the relationships or will that become clear as the story progresses?

A great story, though. And I love your characterisations, particularly of Haldir - and your OCs. I think I'm a little in love with Giluviel, if you don't mind.


Author Reply: It pleases me when someone loves Giluviel. I means I have done what I attempted.

By way of explanation, Giluviel first appeared in my very first piece of fan fiction "The Revenge of the Wood-Elf", which is on this site. Much of his past history is there. I would be pleased if you read the whole story, but it would probably help your understanding if you at least read Chapters 5-8. In my next chapter of "Roses of Iluvatar" there will be a few tiny references to a scar on Giluviel's neck and it is there that you will learn what happened during a terrible part of the family's history.

Please also note that his full name is Mir-Giluviel (Jewel of Giluv's Daughter) and Giluviel (Giluv's Daughter) was the name of his birth mother. He has gone beyond "foster" and is the officially adopted son of Lalaith and Thranduil. By his choice, he is called after his birth mother by all but his immediate family. The immediate family tends to call him Mir.

One thing about "Wood-Elf". Giluviel was originally intended to be a one-shot character in a one-shot story. However, I so liked him and his wife Tingalen that they have stayed. Their basic story of an elf married to a mortal endures in my subsequent stories but a lot of the "crazy stuff" from "Wood-Elf" has just been shoved back into that story alone. Also, in "Wood-Elf", Lalaith is dead. When I decided to continue with Legolas and his brother, I wanted their mother to be in the picture. Author's license!

After I finish "Roses", I am planning a story that will really explore the world and relationship of the two "twin" brothers, the light and the dark.

Thank you again for the kind review!

Humble Scribe to his Majesty Thranduil

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/24/2004
I am so entranced by these dangerous wood elves. Their power makes me glad they are benevolent (for the most part). I would not want to be the one who angered them, though.

Arwen's deliberate charming of Legolas's parents was very amusing.

Author Reply: Thanks for your review! I was too bleary eyed last night to reply to my kind reviewers after posting last night. I hope I spelled all my elf names properly in the new chapter!

I am glad that people seem to be liking Lalaith. I want Elf Boy to have a strong and loving family in his background.

Orophin's Dottir

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/24/2004
What a lovely way to spend Saturday morning (when I should be doing the shopping) reading this wonderful chapter! I wondered if all the worry over Thranduil's appearance would be justified - but he reacted just as I hoped he would - glimpses of his majestic power, but so loving towards his sons (and Arwen!)

I loved Radagast's comments about cats and kittens - he is indeed no fool. And the scene when Legolas awoke in his parent's arms was beautiful. Lalaith was wonderful! I have seen so few stories with Legolas' mother still around, but her power was awesome. When I read of the intruder, I thought for a moment you were going to undo the whole happy feeling of this chapter and have something terrible happen - but I need not have worried.

BTW, thank you for changing this to just one story - I will find it easier to keep track.


Author Reply: I always love your reviews! They make me feel I have actually done something right. (Hey, keeping someone away from Saturday shopping is no small achievement!)

Lalaith continues to take control of the whole of Minas Tirith in the new chapter just up!

Orophin's Dottir

The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/24/2004
Oh my dear Scribe,

How relief doth flood me for the arrival of my kin, King Thranduil and my dearest friend, his queen, Lalaith. I must say, I am most impressed with the firm hand that the Lady Arwen has taken with the new king of Gondor. He hath cleaned up rather nicely. However, none look so princely as our young Mir. How he doth shine!

The presence of Ohtar truly quieted my spirit as I know him to be the bravest and fiercest of all the king's guard. For long years did he serve in The Fifteen and his devotion to his liege and his family are still held dear by all of us who love him freely. It was good to see him take a relaxing moment among the beautiful and fragrant gardens with the dear little hobbit, Sam. For as fierce a warrior as this one is, he is equally gentle of heart.

I must say, and you may pass this on to my dear friend and sister, Lalaith, I am always much impressed with how well she controls her wind. Not even Galadriel wielded such precise gifts. Just ask Celeborn. Yet, Lalaith will brook none to bring harm to her child. The foul human deserved her terrible wrath...and got off rather easy, I would say. He was most fortunate that a tree root did not come snapping from the earth and wrap itself around his neck! You must ask her tell you about the time we went shopping in Dale and a wandering Easterling tried to approach Mir. He said he only wanted the lad to help him find his dog. I do not believe anyone would find a piece of him with an eyeglass and a pair of fine bone tweezers.

I knew the queen would embrace the Master Dwarf for that which her son loves, she would also find a place in her heart. She is truly good for Thranduil. And how could one not adore the hobbits. No matter what race, mothers will always find common ground.

My eyes are full at the sight of Legolas finally in the arms of his beloved parents. He heals, but it has been slowly. Now, with the strength of his adar and naneth and continued love of Mir, I feel hope blossoming for his full recovery.

This report is well received by those of my household and there is much joy. Pray, do not forget to keep us apprised of news.

Your humble servant, The Karenator

Author Reply: New chapter is posted. Lalaith continues to ensnare all of Minas Tirith! She is planning a party. For Gimli. With Thranduil. Tell Kaladriel to stand by to give advice! (Is 911 available in Minas Tirith? Gimli and Thranduil? How crazy am I? Don't answer that!)

Talk to you soon, Fair One!

Humble Scribe to his Majesty Thranduil

LydiaReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/24/2004
Oooohhh, a new chapter finally, and an exciting one at that. Thanks!

Author Reply: Thanks for the review, Lydia!

I just posted a new chapter which I hope you will enjoy. Let me know! Reviews are fuel for the poor writer!

Humble Scribe to his Majesty Thranduil

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