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The Roses of Ilúvatar  by Orophins Dottir 4 Review(s)
The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 10 on 2/7/2004 lady scribe...Daeron has newly arrived within the safety of my keep. He is...well...most distressed at seeing the recounting of his begetting day celebration set forth for all to see. Legolas had to pound him on the back several times before he drew breath. He insist that he did not climb upon the mantle to hide from the spiders but was there merely to capture some of the skittering beast. How Legolas did laugh at that! Haldir is looking particularly wroth with them both. Glorfindel suddenly remembered he was due somewhere else. However, it will amuse the scribe to know that when Daeron recalled the great and brave deeds of Isilya on that eve, armed with only the most delicate of dancing slippers, his eyes did fairly glow and his smile break free from his mortification. He seems now lost in some delight about which we may only guess.

I am certain he shall forgive you before this age is through. As for the remainder of the tale, he was most pleased with Mir's actions for he is the first to agree that Mir showed great wisdom in the handling of his uncle. There is much love between Daeron and his adar's closest friend and ne'er would he see the king suffer such anger as to bring shame to the House of Oropher, but this love also understands and shares the king's upset over the circumstances of Legoals' wounds. A father's protectiveness is ne'er to be underestimated...not that of brother or cousin. Though he says nothing of this, it is my belief that he feels much sorrow that he was not with Legolas and Mir when this horror came upon his kin. He remained in the Great Wood as he was bid by his king and uncle to watch over its borders along with his older brother and older cousins. You know well, how he despises being separated from Legolas and Mir.

I do not know how long he shall linger here for I see now his desire to come to his liege and queen. But Legolas shall restrict him here within these walls until you have sent word that he may be received by the king.

Until such time as we receive news of this tale, we remain wholly in your service.

Your devoted servant and friend, The Karenator

Author Reply: Daeron, dearest Daeron! You know how much I love you. I know that you were only up there chasing spiders towards Isilya so that she could smash them with her dancing slippers. It is just that I am your uncle's scribe. I must set these stories down as he remembers them. Do you want to be the elf to tell him that he is wrong? I thought not.

Are you headed for Minas Tirith? I fear the baddies will soon be after Mir himself and we may need your skills with your knife. How quickly can you get here?

New chapter is up, Daeron, and you will be glad to note that Haldir is having a few problems of his own.

Humble Scribe to his Majesty Thranduil (aka your Uncle the King and purveyor of tales of your begetting day)

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 10 on 2/7/2004
I missed Thranduil's arrival - but am glad for it, even if I do attend to him late. He is indeed powerful and a vision of strength. I wept as I saw the love with which he beheld his sons - and how wonderful for Legolas to wake in his father's arms. One of my favorite scenes in Little Women is when Beth wakens, coherent for the first time in many days, and the first thing she sees is her mother who has long been parted from her daughters.

As difficult as it is for me to imagine Thranduil threatening a child, perhaps the one thing that could cause him to slip that far is seeing the harm done his own child. I do not think that he could actually have harmed Eldarion. I do not think that Elladan and Elrohir could harm their sister, nephew and Aragorn. I think for all of their talk, Glivuiel has it right - he would wish to die before being faced with such a thing. I am enjoying his character very much - and seeing the depth of his emotions.

I wish to hold and comfort my elf, though, too. Do you need any more healers?

Author Reply: Gosh, I had forgotten the scene with Beth! It was probably at the back of my mind as that is one of my "memorable" books. I just wanted poor Elf Boy to finally wake up somewhere safe after all he had been through.

No, I do not think Thranduil could hurt a child or Elladan or Elrohir hurt Estel or Eldarion or Arwen. One of the points of the story is how our belief as to how we should act to those we perceive as different from our own kind can bring us down into evil. In the new chapters, Haldir is going to have some difficult learning experiences as he must come to terms with the fact that Sulka is human and he is drawn to her despite the fact that he "hates" humans.

Thank you for the review.

Orophin's Dottir

P.S. Healer positions are open. Please join us! But, don't bring pudding!

Halandleg4everReviewed Chapter: 10 on 2/6/2004
Excellent chapter as always. Legolas' strength and ability to stand up to his father for Aragorn was brilliantly done. Amazing. I look forward to reading the rest of the story.

Author Reply: Thanks for the review. A new, fairly short chapter is up. Haldir is about to be forced to confront his own prejudices against humans. Hope you like it.

Orophin's Dottir

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 10 on 2/6/2004
I am so impressed by how you make your elves engaging and real and yet keep them elfy. For instance, your elven men kiss and groom one another in a way that human men (at least those I know) do not. It's not slashy; it's just elfy.

As a sqeeing Legolas fangurl, I enjoyed this chapter. His strength showed through, at the same time as his love and respect for his father and his friend.

And the ending with Haldir is very touching.

Author Reply: Yikes! I never get to reply to your reviews before there is a new one! Bless you, lass!

Haldir is about to become more important in this story. He has almost as many prejudices as Thranduil about humans, and I am going to make the boy confront them. It's easier than trying to force the King of Mirkwood into anything!

Thanks for the review.

Orophin's Dottir

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