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Lost  by FirstMate 82 Review(s)
hisielomeReviewed Chapter: 13 on 3/31/2004
Wow! I have just finished reading the 13 chapters. Well done. Great flow and character development. By the way, I guess some elves just don't care about the kinslayings. I liked the different points of view. Please continue.

Author Reply: All 13 chapters at once? Good grief! It's actually novel-length at this point, so it must have taken you awhile. I'm so glad you found the story and enjoyed it so far. I've been working (SLOWLY) on the next chapter and should have it up in the next couple of weeks. Thanks for your review!

fael bainReviewed Chapter: 13 on 3/29/2004
Thought I'll leave some encouragement on this site as always, can't wait for the next one, although I'm a bit nervous about the whole Elves being bad thing! ;)

Author Reply: Thank you, my dear, for the encouragement. I can certainly use it! Was too busy over the past months to write, but just recently started back up again. I've written the explanation for the 'bad elves,' and hope you'll think that it fits. Thanks again for the encouraging words!

ArquenReviewed Chapter: 13 on 3/25/2004
Yes! A new chapter! Really enjoyed this one. Please don't leaving us all hanging on the cliff for too long...our fingers will get too tired! I was expecting a bit of a stronger response from Elrond when Elladan attacked his relationship with Elros, but I really did feel for Elladan.

Author Reply: Okay, I've been terrible about doing anything with fan fiction recently, writing, reviewing, or answering other's reviews. I'm really sorry. Anyway, I hope you're not still on that cliff. I imagine after awhile you just sighed in disgust at having to wait, pulled yourself up over the edge, and walked away. I've been working on the next chapter off and on. Finished the first half almost immediately and then had a long spell when I didn't even have time to think about it. Just recently started writing again. Not sure when I'll get it up, but I will eventually. Thanks for reviewing!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 13 on 3/22/2004
It took me a while to pick up the thread of this story again, but then I was so glad I did! You write Elladan's pain and anguish so well. I can really see him blaming himself and punishing himself by shutting himself off from all comfort. Elrond is such a good father. The ending of this chapter left me really worried for Elrohir.

Author Reply: I'm so glad I didn't lose you as a reader after taking too long to update. You are so awesome at updating quickly and here I took over two months for this last chapter...ugh! Elladan was the focus of this last chapter but I really had a hard time figuring him out. Originally, I wrote him absolutely furious with his father and Galadriel and generally being upset with everyone, but I had to change the chapter since it didn't feel right. I think he'd be more likely to see all the things he could have done to prevent the tragedy and blame himself instead...poor fellow. Elrohir is in a bit of a pickle at the moment and will need to be strong to get himself out of it, but I have a feeling that he'll manage quite nicely!

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 13 on 3/22/2004
The treachery lies within Imladris? Oh, that does cast a rather evil light on things. That means, perhaps, that Elrohir is hidden nearby, or worse, has been returned to the same place he was found before. I hope someone has thought to look there.

Elladan's grief and anger are tangible, and it is sad to think that he would fade without his twin. My heart is aching for poor Elrohir right now.

Author Reply: Hmmm...I don't think anyone knows where Elrohir was found before. At least, I don't believe I've said they did. Dwarves found him and sold him to humans and neither of those groups would have told the elves. But yes, the treachery does lie within Imladris itself--the ultimate betrayal. I'm trying to imagine just what Elrond is going to think and do once he realizes that all this heartache was caused by some of his own people. I would NOT want to be one of those bad elves when he finds out! I feel sorry for Elrohir, too, right now, but actually feel worse for Elladan at the moment. I suppose that's because I had to try to get into Elladan's head for this last chapter, but the next one will focus on Elrohir. Thanks for the review!

LossenchristalReviewed Chapter: 13 on 3/22/2004
AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! I finally find an update on one of my favorite stories, I eagerly read it, and then I am left hanging off this cliff! *Tries to grip a little tighter with her fingers* Well, at least the ending suggests that Elrohir did not totally run away by himself, but is being held captive! That is better in my mind. Poor Elladan though.. don't torture him too much longer!:)I'm glad he sort of made up with Elrond before he left.:) All in all, another great chapter! I hope the next one will be soon...???:)

Author Reply: Uhm...didn't start out to write two cliffies in a row. Usually I alternate happy and sad endings, but it just didn't fit in with the flow of the story. Poor Elladan has to linger on feeling guilty and sad for at least one more chapter (he won't be in the next one at all...he's out working the treaty with the dwarves). I'll be nice to him in the end, though...really! Thanks for the review and I will really try to get the next chapter up soon (or at least sooner than I did the last one!)

paranoidangelReviewed Chapter: 13 on 3/22/2004
Oh poor Elrond, I think he needs a hug as well. I can't help feeling something important is going to happen now, but I'm very much enjoying the angst.

Author Reply: Well, I made sure he got a hug there at the end--Elladan ran back to give his dad a quick hug before he left. Well, something important will be happening soon...basically wrapping up the whole story and answering all the lingering questions. I'm glad you're enjoying the story and thanks for the review!

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 13 on 3/22/2004
An update at last! But poor Elladan, how he must be suffering to have lost his twin again - and for good this time, he thinks.

I was wondering at the end of the last chapter if it was really Elrohir who had hit him, or one of the elves who had come from Lothlorien who'd been one of the original attackers. Then I thought it must have been Elrohir after all, and how far gone he must be to attack his brother. Now I'm wondering again - and also whether Elrohir's distrust of horses is not about the horses themselves, but the grooms instead! What are they up to, why do they have a grudge, and *how* could they do this to someone who is supposed to be a friend?

Please don't leave the next update so long!


Author Reply: Hey Jay! update at last. Shame on me for taking so long! Elladan is having a bad time of it right now. He wants to be strong, but is feeling terribly lost himself. To lose Elrohir is bad enough, but to feel that it is his fault makes it even worse. Poor fellow...and they won't even be reunited in the next chapter...I feel so mean. Kalen and company do have a lot to answer for. They feel justified in their actions, but have really crossed the line. I have a feeling Elrond is going to be looking for a new head groom fairly soon!

Iawen LondeaReviewed Chapter: 13 on 3/22/2004
I loved this chapter!! So many strong emotions. I really liked what you did with Elladan in this chapter, it was very interesting and very different from how he reacted to Elrohir's first disappearance.

Secondly, I also really liked when Arwen was crying. It is heart-breaking for her. Even though she doesn't share the bond the twins have, she does have a bond with each of them. Elrohir is her brother and she didn't even get to see him! That must be really hard for her to have to take.

When will Aragorn reappear in the story? I know you didn't want to write Arwen-meets-Aragorn, so it will be when Arwen leaves... but with Elrohir missing will she just leave her father and brother so soon?

And that ending!! DRIVING ME NUTS! LOL. Don't leave me hanging too long mellon nin.

Author Reply: My dear friend...I'm so pleased you liked the last chapter! I wrestled with the darn thing for so long that I was very unsure of how it would be received. Yeah...Elladan is having a hard time dealing with Elrohir's loss this time. Last time he was determined to find him, while this time he doesn't think it will make a difference even if he did. Hmmm...I guess he's going to have a lot to deal with when Elrohir does come back and is okay--he'll have another bout of guilt, I suppose, because he didn't do everything he could to find him earlier. Oh well. I will give Arwen a better role in the next chapter--at least one touching scene with Elrohir since she hasn't even spoken to him in years. more Estel for this story--sorry. I couldn't send Arwen away when her family was in the midst of turmoil (didn't seem like something she'd do), so I can't bring Estel back. It would make a nice, short sequel, though, for me to send the twins out to meet him. I won't promise that the wait won't be long again (I NEVER thought it would take so long to write the last chapter), but I do promise to TRY to be quicker this time! Thanks for the review(s)...I do so love hearing from you (but I don't want you to feel obligated to write on both sites just because I said how much I enjoy the reviews!) :)

LizReviewed Chapter: 13 on 3/22/2004
Ok, this good...I've never reviewed before, but you updated and I read this chapter and now my hands are shaking and I feel as though someone just threw me against the wall and knocked the wind out of me. Oh my God!!!! I am so completely emotionally attached to the way you wrote the twins. I need a happy ending now!!!! Truama...seriously with the shaking hands and the not being able to breathe.
Ok, I will be patient and wait but PLEASE do not not finish this story. PLEASE don't just get bored and stop writing. I beg you. This is SOOOO good!!!

Author Reply: My goodness! I like to think I can touch readers with my story, but don't want to leave them feeling ill! (Does it help to know that I would never end a story on anything but a happy note?) Seriously, I am glad you like the way the twins are portrayed. I think they're interesting characters who were horribly underdeveloped in the books (and of course, ignored in the movies!)--then again, that leaves a lot of room for interpretation in fan fiction, which I suppose is a good thing! Thanks for the review...and I PROMISE I will not get bored with the story (only two chapters left) and stop before it's finished!

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