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A Dwarf Among Elves  by jenolas 36 Review(s)
DotReviewed Chapter: 5 on 2/21/2004
I am getting so behind in my reviewing…

This is a lovely chapter. I really like the way you show the differences in the way Legolas and Gimli get used to life in Valinor. Legolas seems quite content to sit and relive old times, while Gimli clearly feels the need to be doing something, to keep busy. It’s quite courageous and selfless of Legolas, really, to want to do this so soon after being parted from Aragorn, but he seems to see not only how valuable a recorded history would be but how much Elrond yearns to know of those he loves.

I really love the idea of such closeness between Legolas and Elrond. Elrond can learn of the deeds of his children, and can advise Legolas in a way that he must miss doing with his own sons. In turn, Legolas has a sympathetic and understanding friend in Elrond and someone to guide him until Thranduil sails to them. Of course, the tales of his and Thranduil’s younger days would certainly be an added bonus!

As I’ve mentioned before, I really feel for Celebrian. Her own grief seems to be stronger now that she can hear stories of her family and at times she seems so desperate to hear them that she doesn’t stop to consider Legolas. I felt so sorry for Legolas when she presses him too much for information when he is already upset, but I can see why she does it. I imagine she’d be as embarrassed as Elrond appears to be if she could think a little more clearly, but as a mother she just can’t as of yet. I think you do a really great job of creating that little hint of desperation in her.

Gimli certainly seems to be a hit with the ladies! I had to laugh at the thought of him making friends with Celebrian because she provides him with food!:)

I’m glad Gimli is fitting in so well. It’s great that the elves appreciate his talent and are not afraid to acknowledge it. There’s something really touching about the fact that he can add something so beautiful, so important and so memorable to this place – he’ll leave his mark forever in a way that the elves will always treasure.

“Ai, and let us hope that the lights call our sons home to us as they always did,” he whispered as he turned a pleading gaze to where Eärendil watched from above. “Tell them we miss them, Adar.” So…lonely, but such a beautiful thought that their beloved sons would be finally guided home to them. I guess I’ll just have to wait and see if they will be or not;)

Author Reply: Keeping himself occupied is Gimli's way of dealing with his new life, and he probably enjoys the chance to show off his artistic talents. That he is willing to share them with the elves shows that both he and they are slowly adjusting to the course their lives are now taking.

Celebrian is, as you say, simply a mother desperate to see her sons, and is not deliberately trying to hurt Legolas.

Valinor may ge the Blessed Realm, but not all experience only peace and happiness, the sorrow and loneliness of separation still afects many elves.

Elf messengerReviewed Chapter: 5 on 2/18/2004
Gimli is quite the craftsman. I like how your story is going. Until next time,
Elf messenger

Author Reply: I hope you continue to enjoy it, thank you.

Elf messengerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/9/2004
I like your chapter. It was so heartwrenching though when they went to the Hobbits graves. Nonetheless it was a good chapter, keep up the good work!
Elf messenger

Author Reply: Thank you, I will certainly try.

LKKReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/8/2004
"Bittersweet Moments", you have named this chapter, jenolas. You could also have called it "Bittersweet Foretellings" for you reminded me of something I don't like to think about -- Gimli's death and the grief Legolas will certainly feel at his passing. I almost hope you end this story before that time comes. With your writing talents, I know reading such a moment will bring me to tears.

Not everything about this chapter was bittersweet, though. I laughed at how Gimli tried to ease Legolas' pain by saying he had to help Elisiel find a wife for Legolas. I also liked his delight at seeing the hobbits' patch of Longbottom Leaf. I bet maintaining that patch is one act of gardening our dwarf will eagerly undertake! LOL


Author Reply: Yes, the Longbottom Leaf will certainly be appreciated, at least by Gimli!

Just like in real life, not all stories have a happy ending, and for those other than elves, mortality is inevitable. :(

Thanks for your comments, and as to where the story ends... I will let my muse decide.

DotReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/7/2004
LOL! Gimli is so funny in his sheer delight that Elisiel’s home is on the ground. The poor Dwarf seems constantly afraid that he’ll be forced to do something ‘elvish’!

There’s a lovely sense of peace and utter happiness in Legolas throughout most of this chapter that’s wonderful to see. His deep love for his mother is so obvious and open that it’s just really heart-warming to witness. I like the way that even in his own joy, he remembers that Gimli might not be feeling at ease or as happy and thinks to ask him.

“Wrapped in a blanket of comradeship.” What a marvellous phrase!

I’m glad you decided to make the final resting places of the hobbits so simple – for all their courage and the esteem in which they were held, I imagine they would never have wanted anything too ornate. It seems completely fitting.

“Every one has gone, dear Gimli,” he whispered through his tears. Ah, jenolas – that nearly broke my heart! It was such a powerful image, that moment of realisation for Legolas that all his mortal friends were gone forever, but one - and the dearest of all of them would one day follow. He shows such desperation at the inevitable and seems in such pain at the thought that he will be alone that it really brought tears to my eyes. This one moment just made me realise why elves look on death as a ‘gift’. He was lucky to have Gandalf and Gimli there with him, one to gently advise and the other to make him smile again. I think even I’m beginning to dread the day that Gimli does pass away…!

Longbottom leaf?? Good old Samwise! A true hobbit ‘til the end;)

Author Reply: Well, Gimli does not want to be 'corrupted' by elvish influence, he is a proud Dwarf, after all. *grin* Yes, Legolas is sensitive to his friend's feelings and wants to ensure that Gimli is happy.

Yes, I imagined the Hobbits would prefer a simple memorial, too.

Legolas managed to lived all those years with the knowledge of Aragorn's ultimate demise, but being an Elf, may not have fully realised that Gimli was eventually headed down the same path. Seeing evidence of the Hobbit's mortality made him realise it, and he was filled with grief at what is to come.

I imagine Gandalf had a hand in ensuring the success of Sam's crop! :)

DotReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/7/2004
Just time for a quickie review, I’m afraid. Internet access is a little restricted these days…

Elisiel and Gimli still seem to be getting on well – I like the idea that they have a similar sense of humour. Gimli needs some friendly faces in this strange place, and I imagine Elisiel is more than eager to get to know her son’s friend and learn everything that happened in the time since she has been parted from him.

It’s great to see Gandalf! It seems that Gimli is quite happy to see someone who isn’t an elf!

I love the mention of the hobbits. You really let their personalities shine through, even though Gandalf says very little of them. Especially Sam – I had to smile at the thought of how happy he was to see Frodo again and so enthralled by everything that he even built a talan! I can just imagine how amused Frodo was.

It was a really striking image of Celebrian desperate to know of her family and Elisiel holding her son’s hand, knowing how difficult it is to speak of those he loved and lost. I really feel for Celebrian. It must have been so hard for her. From the way you wrote it, I get the impression that she had almost been trying not to ask, sitting by as Elrond asked about the events of Middle-earth but eventually being unable to contain herself any longer to the point where she is perhaps unable to even realise the depth of Legolas’ grief, so great is her own. And what an amazing gift her sons sent to her. It’s one of such great love and shows just how strong a connection there is between elves and their parents, making it all the more heartbreaking when they are apart.

I loved the closing conversation between Legolas and Gimli. To the dwarf, Gandalf is still the same person that he always was. Just Gandalf. But Legolas sees deeper than that and understands the power that he possesses, that he is always seen just as he wants to be. It’s a nice reminder not to get too comfortable with him, that there’s always more to him than we might think.

Author Reply: Gandalf is offering Gimli support by keeping his 'usual' appearance andhe is aided well by Elisiel, who has taken a liking to her son's friend.

It is a sad and difficult time for Celebrian, to sit quietly while Elrond and Legolas didcuss those she left behind, and the relatives she will never meet. Legolas understands Elladan and Elrohir's feeling well, for he suffered the same loss as they, and so is only too pleased to act as messenger.

Gandalf always was a bit of an enigma, and that has not changed :)

FadesintothewestReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/7/2004
I simply love your stories Jenolas and this chapter was truly bittersweet. I feel much the same way. I just came back from seeing FOTR and seeing Peter Jackson speak on LOTR. It was great and my friends and I loved it but it was bittersweet as I did not get to share it with my family who are huge fans like myself. Maybe that's why getting home and reading this chapter really made me tear up... It's just amazing the bonds of friendship that Lord of the Rings creates, it has truly reached into so much of our world, and that's really why I felt it when Legolas cried at the Hobbits' grave. Thanks for this great chapter!

Author Reply: Thank you, I appreciate hearing you like my work.

Lucky you! I imagine it was quite a thrill to hear PJ speak and answer questions.

I also like the strong friendships that develop in LoTR, quite subtley for the most part. On some level, Legolas was aware he would see the demise of all the members of the Fellowship, and seeing the Hobbit's resting place made him feel grief and sorrow that mortality exists even in Valinor and includes his best friend.

Elf messengerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/4/2004
Your story is very good.I like how you portray all of the characters. Keep up the good work!
Elf messenger

Author Reply: Glad you like it so far, thanks.

BejaiReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/4/2004
What a delightful story! I always enjoy stories that take us to Valinor, and I'm especially enjoying seeing it from Gimli's POV. His gruffness is so endearing! Lovely writing, interesting plot points, wonderful images. Looking forward to more.

Author Reply: I am finding it interesting to try and write from Gimli's perspective and I am glad my effort is appreciated. If he is sometimes frustrated by Legolas's behaviour, just imagine how much harder it would be for him to deal with a whole land full of like minded Elves!

LKKReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/4/2004
I love the idea that Gandalf appears as elf to Legolas but as the same old Gandalf to Gimli. Is this idea one of your own? It's very clever regardless of who thought of it.

I was as amused as Frodo at the idea of Sam building a talan. I recall that he didn't much like being on the flet in Lothlorien. Sam must have really been taken with the elves in Valinor to have built one for himself. I bet it wasn't very high off the ground though. LOL

The twins' message to Celebrian was a beautiful moment, jenolas. Very touching and sweet. Well done!


Author Reply: As far as I am aware, the idea of Gandalf being able to appear in as 'himself' to Gimli, but as an elf to the others is mine. I do not recall having read it anywhere else, although I guess there is so much fanfiction around that someone else might also have used the idea.

A I think that as he grew older, Sam might have been a little more willing to try something he once was not fond of..especially anything to do with Elves once he arrived in Valinor. (Maybe Gandalf or Frodo or one of the Elves dared him to do it? :)

Glad you liked the message. Thanks for your kind words.

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