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A Comedy of Merrys (or Much Ado About Merry)  by Lindelea 76 Review(s)
Lyta PadfootReviewed Chapter: 14 on 3/25/2004
Primula is a lovely name for a girl-child. Merry and Estella must really be exhausted to barely wake when moved into the coach! Well, they'll be rested when they arrive rather than worn out after travel.

Author Reply: Isn't that a nice thought? I'm always exhausted and in need of a vacation after a vacation... Thanks for commenting!

FantasyFanReviewed Chapter: 14 on 3/25/2004
This is a lovely sweet interlude after all the broad comedy of the Linen Press. Like any new parents, Elanor and Fastred are counting tiny toes and exclaiming over wee eyelashes. It was sweet of them to honor Frodo with the name, but I think it was as much for Sam as for anyone. Elanor knows how much her father loves Frodo, and how much he wants him to be remembered. I notice she waits until he's not holding hot tea before she tells him the name.

Merry and Estella are precious. I don't think they're going to let each other out of sight for a while. It'll be funny when they wake up and don't know exactly where they are and can't remember the wedding. They'll probably recognize Rosie's cooking, though. Sometimes the burden seems to lie heavier on Merry and Estella than Pippin and Diamond. It's good to see them have an interlude without angst!

What is Farry up to now? And is Goldie up to it with him? Is he going to be glad that Robin is the one finding him, and not his father or Sam? I don't guess he's brawling with Hodge, but there may be some funny business going on. That's an interesting situation, and it becomes more so to hear that Sam has his eye on Hodge, in a mayoral way I suppose; but you never have said exactly who owns that mill....

Looking forward to the next chaper. It's kind of refreshing to have a story that's light and not too worrysome, now and again.

Author Reply: Just posted the second-to-the last chapter, what is that word? Penultimate. Not far to go now. Have started another semi-light story, now that this one's nearly done, to counter the very heavy story I'm posting.

You are as observant as Elanor to have noticed her waiting until he was done pouring the tea!

It was fun to give Merry and Estella a nice rest, even if most of what I wrote was about them... asleep...

And as to Farry, well, we find him in the next chapter.

Meldewen IlceReviewed Chapter: 14 on 3/25/2004

Oh, I love the baby's name - brought tears to my eyes because even if the babe had been a boy, Frodo and his parents still will be remembered...

And I am so glad everyone's out of the linen press - finally!


Author Reply: I'm glad too. It was starting to get stuffy in there.

It was nice of Fastred and Elanor to honour Frodo. Been wanting someone to do that for awhile now.

ConnieReviewed Chapter: 14 on 3/25/2004
Yay! They got out of the closet.

What a sweet chapter. I really liked the naming of the baby.

Looks like Farry and Goldi could have a bit of rough beginning to the courtship. Nice to know in advance that it all works out.

What a sweet image of Merry and Estella. I always find them hard to visualize, but you make them so clear, and sweet, and obviously in love. Aaahh.



Author Reply: Thank you. Glad you liked it.

Yes, things are a bit rough at the moment. Good thing we know the outcome.

I haven't done much with writing about Merry and Estella for quite awhile now. It was nice to give them a quiet, loving interlude. Of course, it is only possible to do that if you have lots of action swirling round them, otherwise the story would be sweet but awfully dull, I'm afraid.

Marigold GamgeeReviewed Chapter: 13 on 3/22/2004
So more people do get stuck.... Thankfully that's well over.

Author Reply: LOL, yes it is well over. For the nonce. The linen press just might have the last laugh; we'll see.

ConnieReviewed Chapter: 13 on 3/22/2004
Oh, please say that they're finally getting out of that closet. I don't think it could possibly hold nine adult hobbits and one babe, especially since one of the hobbits in question is very tall.

All of sudden I just had vision of opening the door of a VW and twenty people climbing out. (shakes head)

Well at least Merry and Estella are having a very nice nap.


Author Reply: Yes, they finally got out. Whew. Good thing Merry doesn't follow on Pippin's heels as he usually does and precipitate them both into the linen press, then it would be *two* tall hobbits in addition to all the others...

Hmmm. Or like one of those clown cars at the circus, and how *do* they all fit in there?

FantasyFanReviewed Chapter: 13 on 3/22/2004
Would somebody please get a brick to prop that door open! I wonder exactly how many people can fit in a linen press, anyway? This is an interesting chapter, because even though the hobbits are grim, thinking Ferdi fallen over a cliff or into a pool, I keep chuckling as more people keep letting that darned door close behind them. You could always call this chapter, "Three's Company (but Eight's a crowd)"

Author Reply: Am seriously considering titling the chapter "Two's Company" seeing as how Rose thought just Daisy and Frodo were in the linen press... and in the beginning it was two hobbits as well. Your title is very clever, even if you meant it in jest!

Lyta PadfootReviewed Chapter: 13 on 3/22/2004
A lovely chapter. Everyones actions to the little one are adorable - but I especially enjoyed Daisy's.

Author Reply: Ah, thank you. I think Daisy-Day will fit nicely into the Gamgee family.

PervincaReviewed Chapter: 13 on 3/22/2004
I think that linen press is getting rather full of hobbits! Is there room for anymore? I loved the little interlude about Merry and Estella! I was starting to wonder what they were up to. :)

Author Reply: There might be room for more, but that will have to wait for another story, if ever. Don't want the joke to get old, as it were.

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 13 on 3/22/2004
Now that is one full closet and I only hope that Pippin doesn't walk in and forget the door too as Nell is so very worried. This is just wonderful! I wish I had a closet that size, think of the storage space! Envy.

Author Reply: I could really use that kind of storage space too, but mine would probably be so full there'd be no room for hobbits. (Making mental note to start weeding and decluttering again)

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