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A Case of Mistaken Identity  by Conquistadora 67 Review(s)
AdrianneReviewed Chapter: 10 on 4/13/2007
Well met, Coriel! A great little essay, well documented, well written and well presented. I salute you.

AdrianneReviewed Chapter: 6 on 4/13/2007
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I defy any ruler of a realm to behave any differently than Thranduil did under the exact circumstances. In my estimation, he was compassionate even in executing a just judgement. And as you pointed out the Elves were beyond tolerant, but even in baseball, three strikes and you're out.

AdrianneReviewed Chapter: 3 on 4/13/2007
Again, bravo! I was hoping you would use that little thought of Bilbo's from 'The Hobbit' "Bilbo then "preferred on the whole to defend the Elvenking." As you astutely pointed out, why would he feel this way if he had not formed a high opinion of Thranduil?

But most importantly you have reiterated something that I wrote in a story of my own. If you will allow me to indulge myself:
"No hidden valley had helped to shield his realm. No divine girdle of magic had secured it. No ring of power had been his to defend it. By the blood, cunning and valor of the Elvenking and his people had they survived, barely."

AdrianneReviewed Chapter: 2 on 4/13/2007
Bravo! I have never, never understood the misplaced and unjustified tendency to endow Thranduil with such unsavory, if not downright evil characteristics. Thank you for pointing out that the son is an indication of the father's nature. I totally agree with your assessment that Legolas was a person of bright heart. He also had the wonder of an innocent soul. That kind of gladness and innocence does not flourish in an abusive environment. Legolas was obviously loved and nurtured not only by a good mother, but by a good father.

I appreciate also, your efforts to clarify Elven nature in the first chapter. I wish people would do their research. I find it appalling the base characteristics that slash writers and others are willing to inflict upon not only the Elves but others of impeccably noble nature in Tolkien's world.

I like that you pointed out that Legolas referring to his father as 'my Lord' is the natural thing for him to do. I think it also indicates the high regard in which Legolas holds his father. Lastly, on the point of Legolas' constant refusal to use his title throughout 'The Lord of the Rings', I agree that it was most likely out of deference to Aragorn and his pursuit of his rightful crown. I think too that it is also due to a natural humility on his part and perhaps a bow to the special kinship he felt to all the members of the 'fellowship'. I particularly remember when he introduced himself to Prince Imrahil in 'The Return of the King':
"I am one of the Nine Companions who set out with Mithrandir from Imladris," said Legolas; "and with this Dwarf, my friend, I came with the Lord Aragorn. But now we wish to see our friends, Meriadoc and Peregrin, who are in your keeping, we are told."

This is one who is not only humble, but who values his friends and esteemed his place among the fellowship. Such attributes are indeed fit for a Prince.

Author Reply:
Thanks for the support! It's always good to know I'm not lecturing in a vacuum. :)

DairwendanReviewed Chapter: 10 on 5/14/2006
Though I disagree that homosexuality is an "unworthy and hideous perversion", I wouldn't be surprised if, as a product of his time and a follower of his religion, J.R.R. Tolkien may have unfortuantely agreed with you on that point.

That said, your research and scholarship are spot-on, and I am happy to see such a well-formed study of Thranduil, proving him to be a good elf, a good father and a good king.


Author Reply:
I thank you for offering your opinion civilly. That's something I'm always glad to see. It's not that I want to be unduly discriminatory, but the issue does remain a point of no compromise for all true Catholics.

And thank you for the review. :)

PrimsongReviewed Chapter: 10 on 1/15/2006
Thank you for taking the time to research and write this all out - what a treasure of information you have assembled, and I wholeheartedly agree with you that he all too often gets the short end of the stick in many a fan-written tale. Well done!

Author Reply:
You're welcome! And thank you. ^_^

LevadeReviewed Chapter: 10 on 12/16/2005
I wish I had read this when I first became a fan. It would have cleared up so many things. I was introduced to the fandom by a friend who had been involved in it since she was a child and I naturally thought she had to know so much. She did, but she had a lot of biases that it's taken me a while to work out by going back to canon and sorting through it all myself. Thranduil was one of her "big bads". I don't know why, she won't be convinced otherwise, and argues about what is "canon". Ah well...I'll email her this essay but basically she plays fast and loose with canon.

Thanks for so many sources, and being so logical. I admire people's passion, but when it comes to arguing a point, I'd rather be presented with fact rather than fervor. It goes a lot further to prove a point with me.

I think of all the time I ignorantly thought wrongly of Thranduil and it makes me a little mad -- at her and myself for relying on another person. I've not bashed him myself, and never will now. The harder part will be learning to like a character I had first been told so many wrong things, but you've definitely helped in that. Too bad they couldn't have put him in the movie in an accurate role -- seeing is believing for many people.

Author Reply:
I don't know what it is, but poor Thranduil just seems to be set in a bad light for casual readers of The Hobbit, or at least those who don't care to know more about him. I know I suffered from it for a while before I bothered to take a second glance. And I'm sure glad I did! Have fun with our dear Elvenking now, and thanks for the thoughtful review. ^_^

phoenix23531Reviewed Chapter: 10 on 2/17/2005
Thank you Thank You Thank you Thank You Thank You!!!
May I simply offer my sincere thanks for this piece. I love Tolkien's works and fanfiction as it extends Tolkien's realms. Yet I also have a long-held dislike of the growing Evil!Thranduil section of Tolkien fanfiction, and by extension the Evil!WithoutJustification genre. You essay so clearly and succinctly states the primary reasons against this terrible affront to one of Tolkien's (regrettably) more vague characters.
Of your many points, I truly loved your arguments regarding the dwarves' sentancing, (which always smacked of a parent sending an errant child to their room). Hardly malevolent, if perhaps somewhat hotheaded (and understandably so). I had not considered the specific sentance of leaving Thorin and his band imprisoned for an hundred years, and am grateful you raised it. Besides, what is an hundred years to an elf? (Though I'm sure, Thranduil did not sentance them so either flippantly or without regard to their mortality.)

As for the argument regarding the "cruelty" of their imprisonment:
Your reasoning in this regard could not be more valid. Furthermore, the elves in Mirkwood lived in caves, albeit well light and airy ones. It would be only too prudent to have storerooms and cells (even as a deterrant) in the lowest levels, to keep upper levels (and thereby the more airy rooms closest to the trees and stars) for residence. Where else would these Evil!Thranduil authors have the dwarves sent? Thranduil's own chambers? (Though that would have given more credence to some of the more debased writings...shudder!)

Finally, I love that you present these arguments with a tremendous mix of tongue-in-cheek and outright humour. I have seen too many essays that were either dry and academic, or else demeaning or excessively aggressive.

With appreciation and another string of thanks!

Author Reply:
You're welcome! You know, half of my purpose in writing this was just to probe the fandom and see if it was as far-gone as it seemed. So I was rather angry and depressed when I churned this out, and the positive outpouring of reviews has been absolutely awesome! So, that encouraged me considerably to go on with my long-term purpose of providing the internet with some more decent Thranduil fanfic. If you liked the guidelines here, you'll probably like the way I write, which would again make me just the happiest freshman in Front Royal. :)

Welcome to Lasgalen!

AeridaReviewed Chapter: 10 on 12/28/2004
Finnally someone had the guts to point out that he is not evil. Thank you so much. Really well written.

Autumn WandererReviewed Chapter: 10 on 12/9/2004
Thank you! I am quite glad that someone is willing to stand up and denounce slash and smut, and can only hope more will do so. Your arguments are wonderful, and I particularly appreciate those which concern elven family life. They are a wonderful counter to all the assorted bad reputations tacked on various elves. I only discovered Lord of the Rings fanfic quite recently, and though I have thoroughly enjoyed much of what I have read, I must admit to being quite dismayed at the amount of slash and smut which goes on. I had expected more the elves-are-sissys attitude, which oddly enough I have encountered only once, but not this! Thank goodness for people like you. If it were not for slash-free sites like this one, I would be afraid to read fanfic. I could keep going, but I think everyone has already said it before in the reviews. Once again, thank you for a delightfully accurate portrayal of Thranduil and elves in general.

Author Reply: You're welcome! You do sound like you're coming from the same side of the camp as I am. Unfortunatly the world of black and white absolutes is far from popular in most fandoms I've found. :( It's readers like you who provide some great backup support! And yes, SoA is the only major site I've been able to bring myself to voluntarily post at without an explicit invitation, and I've had to turn down lots of archive requests due to fatally flawed archives. So stick around now that you've found this little haven of mostly-good and clean and decent fanfic; I hope you have as much fun as I've had! ;)

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