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Spring Awakenings  by daw the minstrel 32 Review(s)
JebbReviewed Chapter: 7 on 4/4/2004
Hurrah! Well done Eilian and Celuwyn they have finally put their feelings first and it was beautifully done too thank you for writing this it was needed I think they so obviously love each other and now they are bonded at least they have each other to rely on when the sotrm breaks over head. As I have no doubts it will two Adar's on the warpath Elian will find it safer in the south I think!
As for Legolas well good for him at least his little fling is less likely to be commmented on given what has happened elsewhere although knowing Thranduil he will find out eventually this was a superb chapter so full of lovely things

Author Reply: I've been laughing to myself at the way almost every single reviewer has jumped instantly to the realization that the adars are going to be really angry about this. That thought is still way in the back of Eilian's and Celuwen's heads, but morning will come and in the light of day, they're both going to wonder what in Arda they've done.

Legolas is going to look like a very good boy compared to big brother, but as French Pony reminded me in another review, what are brothers for?

JoeeReviewed Chapter: 7 on 4/4/2004
Oh dear...On the one hand I want to jump up and scream FINALLY! but on the other hand I know heads are going to roll over this. But I am glad they have finally bonded and I'm looking forward to seeing Thranduil's and especially Solith's reactions. Update soon please =)

Author Reply: Just what I like, an eager reader! Solith and Thranduil are both going to be sincerely ticked off over this. I think the newlyweds should expect to have a few problems once they come out of their current dazed state.

Glad you liked it, Joee.

erunyauveReviewed Chapter: 7 on 4/3/2004
Oh, Eilian is in so much trouble! That was beautifully done, and I'm glad Eilian's body finally overcame his good sense and, more importantly, Celuwen's good sense. They will be much happier for it! But oh, he is in trouble!

I was actually thinking, when Legolas took a step back from Tuilinn, how much more sensible he was than his brother (somehow, I don't think the words, 'remember who you are' have ever come between Eilian and a kiss), though he seems to have got beyond that scruple. He can count himself lucky that Eilian's visit to the settlements has been somewhat more eventful than his.

Author Reply: I'm afraid you're right, and Eilian is in a whole lot of trouble. I hope he finds compensations for whatever storm is about to break over his head. Legolas is such a good son, comparatively speaking, that Thranduil should barely have time to say "trade, shmade."

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 7 on 4/3/2004
Not rain nor snow nor fear of Ada shall keep these messengers from their appointed rounds, eh? I think Sólith is going to have what must be the weirdest experience in child-raising: hearing your kid tell you, rather graphically, to shove it. Sorry, Sólith. You snooze, you lose. I am having fun imagining what will happen the next morning when Ada wonders what happened to His Little Girl and goes out to look for her. Let the wacky hijinks begin!

On the other hand, this is rather like the climax (pun fully intended) of "Cold Mountain," so Eilian had better watch his tuchus for a while so it does not end up in the same position as Inman's.

And good ol' Legolas is probably going to find that his report to Thranduil is a lot easier now that Eilian has given the King something far more interesting than trade to worry about. But, after all, what are brothers for?

Author Reply: You're making me laugh, FP. You snooze, you lose, indeed! And given that elves can tell from another's eyes and voice if they're bonded, there will be no secrets here at all.

"What are brothers for?" LOL. Yes, indeed!

FadesintothewestReviewed Chapter: 7 on 4/3/2004
Finally! Finally! Finally! I have been waiting for this moment for sooo long, and it is so great to finally have Eilian and Celuwen together. How wonderful for them. They need each other, they balance each other, they make each other happy. What a wonderful and romantic chapter Daw! And our Legolas finding solace with the young maident. I only hope he too can find the love Eilian has with Celuwen. The thought of such a loving and thoughtful soul to be without that kind of love is unbelievable to me. Great chapter!

Author Reply: I'm glad you're happy for the newlyweds! I suspect that not everyone in their lives is going to react that way. But I do think they love one another, and given that their parents love them, if they treat one another well and, as you say, make one another happy, then the parents will come around eventually. It's just what happens in the meantime that will be unpleasant.

Legolas is still in the early stages of whatever is happening there. Thank the Valar. I don't think my blood pressure could stand writing a chapter like this about him!

AnyReviewed Chapter: 7 on 4/3/2004
Oh my! Phew! It's a bit hot in here, is it not? *waves with her blouse's collar* Pooohhh... ;) Oh Daw, that was such a good chapter! I'm so glad for Eilian and Celuwen even though it's clear there's very stormy weather ahead now for them. Oh my, Celuwen's ada will have Eilian's hide! *argh* And Thranduil? Well, I cannot see him being as glad for his son as I and most likely all your other readers are - to say the least! :/ But Eilian is right, of course, no one can change what they've done now, no one can break their bond! So, it's worth the risk - Celuwen and he finally got what they've longed for all those years and that is all that should matter. They deserve this! They have waited so long - too long if you ask me! *sigh* If only things would go smoothly for them from now on, but I cannot for the life of me see their fathers happily pat them on their backs, saying "Well done, children! We're happy for you!" *doublesigh*...

And Legolas, well, well, so he likes the settlers now? *gg* Yeah right, I'm sure he *likes* all of them equally! ;) Hehe... Annael's reaction is so typical male! I mean, hey, if my best friend would crawl back into our room in the middle of the night and radiate such contentment I'd be very suspicious even in my half-sleepy state. I'd knew instantly that something rather, uhm, interesting must have happened to her and I'd bombard her with question until I knew everything! But men - they just don't see things like that! Oh my... *sigh*


Author Reply: You made me laugh with that quote about "Well done, children!" It is hard to imagine Solith or Thranduil saying that under the circumstances. But when you come right down to it, what's done is done. There will be some unpleasant moments, but these two will weather them I think. I am actually a little more uncertain about how Celuwen will live when Eilian is gone. I suspect that when she comes to her senses again, that's going to be a big question that Eilian seduced her into ignoring.

I thought that too about roommates!! Annael can probably make some guesses though. I just think males are less likely to want all the details.

Antigone QReviewed Chapter: 7 on 4/3/2004
Hoooooly cow!! I shall put my eyeballs back in my skull now. Thank you, Daw, I do think I jokingly asked for a "steamy Eilian scene" some while back, but I didn't really think you'd do it! It was, by the way, very appropriate to the story and tastefully done. They are adults bonding for life, after all.

Eilian and Celuwen have solved one set of problems, but now will have to face the wrath of both Adars. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if both Thranduil and Solith put the brunt of the blame on Eilian because he has such a reputation for being reckless, though it does "take two to tango" as they say. For my part, I'm a little stunned myself that Eilian ignored Thranduil so thoroughly. Sparks are going to fly sooner rather than later - as I recall from LACE, Elves can tell who's bonded by the look in their eyes, and Eilian and Celuwen have to go back in the house some time.

As for Legolas, I like what you are doing with him. Tuilinn seems nice: she likes children of all sorts and she has good taste in male Elves. I hope Legolas gets to spend some time with her.

Author Reply: This is not the usual kind of scene I write, I know. But it has seemed to me for months now that it's how these two would break through the impasse they were at. Now they'll deal with the consequences, but they both know that whatever else happens, that bond cannot be undone. So let the stormy winds blow!

And Legolas is entitled to some happy moments too, poor thing.

rikwenReviewed Chapter: 7 on 4/3/2004
Oh wow! What a impulsive thing for Eilian to do. But I think he is right, it will be the only way he and Celuwen will ever get together. And it doesn't matter what Thranduil will think, the way he is connected to his children, he will already be aware that something is up and that Eilian didn't follow the game plan. Though the two lovebirds, like the old saying, have neither pot to piss in or window to throw it out of, are going to do ok. Even with the coming fireworks, I think Eilian and Celuwen are strong people and they will love deeply with or without their parents consent.
As to your concerns, the bonding scene was well written, it showed a lot of love and dedication between two people. The scene of the bonding statements between just the two of them made me sniff a time or two (tissues were not on hand). Ah, true love...
As to Legolas, kissing under the apple trees. That he found someone who can listen to him talk about his time on the Southern Patrol can be healing, especially since he is giving up his home leave for this trip. Even though nothing may come of it (yes cannonically he sailed alone with Gimli to Valinor at the end), it doesn't mean that Legolas did not love and was loved. Sweet dreams to the younger brother.

Author Reply: I like your faith that things will turn out OK. The thing I remind myself of as I get ready to write is that Thranduil loves his children and wants them to be happy. His main concern, I think, will be if there are consequences to his governance of the realm. That and the fact the Eilian more or less blew him off. He should be used to that by now, but I suspect he's still not going to be happy about it.

I just could not imagine that Legolas never looked at a maiden in all those years. I did not want to think of him as lonely or unloved. But then, he does go to Valinor with Gimli. So whatever happens has to accomodate that.

merReviewed Chapter: 7 on 4/3/2004
Hi Daw,
I add to your reviews so infrequently, I am sorry to say. My bad habit is by far in inverse proportion to your gift to us. This is another wonderful chapter in another interesting story. I have read your stories for about one year now--the first time I 'met' Eilian (sp?)--and I liked him right away. I have a soft spot for caring males (real or imagined). I also know some people who remind me of Celuwen's father. I wonder, how closely related to people you know are your characters? Well, thanks again.

Author Reply: Thank you, mer. I kind of have a soft spot in my heart for Eilian too. He's impulsive, but really generous and loyal and loving.

I don't usually base my characters on people I know, although sometimes when I'm having trouble thinking of what a character would do, I try to think of a model that might be consistent with them. Like for Anyr, for instance, I picture hippies, opposed to war, generous to others, and expecting everyone to take care of them. I have to admit I have a professional acquaintance whom I sometimes think of when I'm writing about Tinar. Sad but true!

White WolfReviewed Chapter: 7 on 4/3/2004
That scene between Eilain and Celuwen was steamy enough to raise a reader's eyebrows, especially since you aren't known for writing that sort of thing. You described it very well. I am very happy that they have finally consummated their love, but boy are Thranduil and Solith going to be furious. I have the feeling that the fallout will be worse from Thranduil.

It looks like Legolas little tryst didn't quite produce the same amount of sparks, but I think he is learning more about the joys of an adult elf maiden. Good for him.

Author Reply: I have never written anything like this before, but the situation seemed to call for it. I was a little worried I would offend people, so I tried to make sure that people were warned. But these two were bonding and that means they needed to make love, not just have sex but make love.

Having said that, I think you are right on. Both adars are going to go ballistic and Thranduil is not only an adar, he's the king. Plus he gave Eilian some pretty specific instructions that Eilian ignored. Sparks are going to fly. I haven't tried to write that yet. At the moment, I'm back writing about the looney toon elves that Legolas is dealing with.

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