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When the King Comes Back ( Brandy Hall )  by Dreamflower 52 Review(s)
PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 16 on 3/26/2004
This was a most delightful story! I'm sorry you ended it where you did because now *I'm* curious as to what Paladin, Saradoc wrote! I can pretty much guess that Frodo was catching up on news and such, but...oh, well. Another tale perhaps? I see you already have another story posted--you *are* a busy beaver! Take care.


Author Reply: Yes, well, it had to end; I confess, I did write a couple of the hobbit letters; maybe I'll finish them up and put them in an epilogue if enough people are interested.

PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 15 on 3/26/2004
Necessity made him a warrior, destiny made him a King, and his heart made him a healer. - Dreamflower

Nicely done! And I love the bit where Pippin seeks his mother as an advocate--I think she was always butter in his hands (to an extent, of course).


Author Reply: Thank you. I felt that Aragorn's true calling is as a healer, and that, of course is *part* of his being King. And yes, I thought Pippin would get a bit further with Eglantine this time. He's fixed things up with his father, but I see it as still being just a little delicate.

PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 14 on 3/25/2004
Pippin shook his head sadly. It had been inevitable that those in the Fellowship would know about the Hobbits’ night terrors, but outsiders just could not understand. - Dreamflower

With this paragraph and other similar to it sprinkled throughout the story, I can't help but have an image of war veterans coming home after a war (doesn't matter which one). Was it your intention to hint to this? I have long believed that the hobbits had nightterrors after the horrors they experience in the War, and I love the element of how close these four have become in the process of trying to pick up the pieces.


Author Reply: Yes, that was part of what was in my mind. The idea was put into my head by a very interesting discussion thread on rec.arts.books.tolkien about how Frodo suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
The other thing is that I think it would have been much *worse* for the hobbits than for other members of the Fellowship, because hobbits' minds are not meant to work that way. Hobbits are meant to think of the simple things in life, and not *have* to experience such things, and I think that this goes deeper than just culturally, I think it is an integral part of their make-up. Certainly, they are "very tough in the fibre", but I think that emotionally it would be harder for them to come back than physically.
I'm glad the closeness I wanted to show came through. These four have become a family to themselves over the course of their adventure, I think.

PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 13 on 3/25/2004
I can't tell you how sweet this story is...and I love the 'sixth sense' you have between Merry and Pippin.


Author Reply: Tolkien never seemed to have a problem with the characters exhibiting a "sixth sense" Frodo was always having dreams that foretold things, and a lot of characters said things like "I know this or that in my heart",(remember Faramir's vision of Boromir's death) and the other characters did not dismiss it, but simply accepted it as true. I think Merry and Pippin would have been at least as close as brothers. I see the relationships as Merry in the middle being very close to both Frodo and Pippin, but that he was somewhat closer to Pippin. I think too, that Merry could "read" Frodo best, and that Pippin could "read" Merry better than the other way around.

PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 12 on 3/25/2004
Merry (and Frodo) has such a kind heart! Love him...and Pippin! What the heck, I love *all* hobbits! :-) This is a fantastic story. Onward...


Author Reply: Isn't it amazing how hobbits can just get into your heart? I often wonder what it is that makes them so darn lovable!

Bluegrass ElfReviewed Chapter: 16 on 3/24/2004
Great story! I really enjoyed it.

PervincaReviewed Chapter: 16 on 3/24/2004
Oh! I wanted to know what the messages from the hobbits were! I suppose I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed that you'll be inspired to write another addition to this "series". I really, enjoyed this one, especially the reasoning for Merry and Pippin's move to Buckland. You are a fantastic writer, so I thank yuo for sharing these wonderful stories! :)

Author Reply: I had to stop somewhere 8-). I had a lot of fun with the letters from Aragorn, and the messages from Gondor and Rohan. I have to confess I did make up a couple of the hobbit letters, too, but I decided to let Strider have a little privacy in his correspondance. Maybe if I make up the rest of the letters I can post them separately or something. Not sure if that's a good idea or not, hmm...

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 11 on 3/24/2004
came back here to say how much I enjoyed the surprised reaction of Frodo when he learned that he had also been missed. Must have been very hard coming home to no one special relative or friend. His closet friends were with him and Bilbo stayed in Rivendell. You did make me think on this.

Author Reply: This was one of the things that came to me at the time I realized that Frodo would be the last of his line. It just seemed so sad. I had Aragorn writing to the fathers of Merry and Pippin, though not to the Gaffer, as he was illiterate (and I'm fairly sure that's the kind of thing Aragorn would find out about) but of course there was no one for Frodo. I do think his loneliness played a large part in his difficulty healing. Yet it's also clear that Frodo's was a bright spirit that caused people who knew him and met him to love him dearly, so I felt that there would indeed have been those in the Shire who *did* miss him after all.

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 16 on 3/24/2004
At the end of each chapter I kept telling myself to stop and review, but I couldn't quit reading this long enough! I loved it and I love your Frodo as he is still strong and thinking of his friends even at the end of the quest. So many do him such an injustice by making him so damaged that he can barely continue until his ship sails. I alos like the way you show the connection between Merry and Pippin, even in their dreams. I also enjoyed Merry and Estella. Well, face it, I enjoyed all of this. Hope there is now one in the works about life at Crickhollow and Frodo as Mayor and lots of Sam. Thanks for a lovely story.

Author Reply: Thank you!
Frodo was lonely and heartsick, but at least according to JRRT, he did not really give up on being healed until after Elanor was born. And he held himself responsible for the troubles and pains his kinsmen and friends had while on the quest. Just because he suffered,too, would not mean that he would give up on helping them. After all, everything Frodo did and suffered was because he had so much love in him. Part of the thing I wanted to explore in the story was the connection between the cousins--I find it thoroughly fascinating.

PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 10 on 3/23/2004
I loved this chapter; the comparison between a 'hardened' Merry and a 'soft' Berilac. Oh, yes...nothing like a hard day's work while running on half a tank! :-)


Author Reply: Merry was enjoying himself, I think. Somewhat a reminder of the days on the road with the Fellowship. And he likes seeing the Shire get itself back to normal. I believe Beri is only a softy in comparison to Merry; but he's game!

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