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Thain  by Lindelea 164 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 35 on 1/19/2009
A horrible homecoming for him, to believe his family is all gone now!

Alas for what has been lost! Poor Bucca!

Author Reply: Yes, alas, poor Bucca, I knew him well... (sorry, couldn't resist)

EmkayReviewed Chapter: 34 on 1/9/2009
oh please update! I love all of it, and want more! :D

Author Reply: Thank you! This is a tough nut to crack, but I haven't given up on it.

BeruthielReviewed Chapter: 34 on 8/12/2007
I remember this incident from an older story. So nice to see more! I was almost giggling through the whole thing.

Author Reply: Yes, it was fun to revisit the original, after writing it as an anecdote a time or two.


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 34 on 8/12/2007
Excellent! At least he didn't push it too far and give himself away as he might have done!

Author Reply: Yes, he's learning not to be quite so impulsive all the time!


Garnet TookReviewed Chapter: 34 on 8/12/2007
It's been a while since I read any of this story, so my memory may not be totally clear on everyting that led up to this chapter. For that I apologize.

This was really a nice chapter. Yes, Pippin was trying to stay ahead of his cousins, but the fact that he was actually willing to do hard work to further his cause is a testiment to how far he has come. Yes. he's still young and irresponsible, but he's learning and maturing.

Hope we don't have to wait too long to see what happens next.

Thanks for the update.

Author Reply: I hope we don't have to wait too long for an update, too! (yikes!)

Very nice summing up of Pippin's growing maturity.


DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 34 on 8/12/2007

How wonderful to read the origin of the famous anecdote! There was so much to love about this--Pippin's joy in being alone and free for a while; his courtesy to the old hobbit (and one knows he'd have been courteous anyway, even if he didn't have his own axe to grind); I loved the bit where he covered his jacket with dirt and stones to keep it from getting dirty, LOL! and the old hobbit too hungover to notice the incongruity of it; I do hope we *will* get to see Elberard taken down a peg (and I'd love to see the old hobbit's surprise when he gets an extra silver penny for his work!) I could go on and on, but I have to go and get ready for church.

Lovely, anyway--so fun!

Author Reply: Ah, I love it when you hit the high points, and offer suggestions for future installments. Truly Elberard deserves to be taken down a peg.


Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 34 on 8/12/2007
Oh, I've been waiting for another chapter of this one! I adore the Pippin parts of this. I laughed at how very in-character Pippin got while in disguise and I did think it very amusing that Hilly's greeting to Pippin was almost the same as Pippin's had been to the old worker earlier. Great chapter and worth the wait. I always love it when Pippin gets up to mischief.

Author Reply: Sorry to keep you waiting so long! This story has demanded more in the way of research than any other, since Healer's Tale, and up until recently I didn't have the energy. Glad to hear I didn't lose you with the long break.

(I love it when Pippin gets up to mischief, as well. I wonder if Frodo and Merry would have seen through the disguise? Somehow I think they would have.)

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 33 on 12/9/2006
Going back 'home' in the aftermath of war must be a horrifying experience. Interesting to see that the forest had personality in Bucca's eyes. And that he can disappear in the blinking of an eye. There is more of a link between hobbits and elves than might be thought given their differences.

I hope his family have survived.

Author Reply: Since JRRT said the Fallohides loved the forest, it makes sense to me that Shirefolk early in the Shire's history, especially those descended from the Fallohides, would have a kindred feeling for the trees that were their shelter when they were driven from the land, in the dim past, before they crossed the mountains to find their own place in the world.


DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 33 on 12/7/2006
Oh, poor Bucca! He has to be dispirited and frantic! But he'll find his people, we know...

I love your song adaptation! That was beautifully done, Lin!

Author Reply: Thank you, Dreamflower. JRRT left us good material to work with.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 33 on 12/6/2006
Yes, very much a Hobbit, even in those dark days, able to disappear from the sight of the Big Folk in a trice, thinking of how best to find those even now hiding about him. It's one reason, I think, why I have the Hobbits loving Frodo's hidden items in pictures, this ability to hide at the edge of sight....

I am so glad to see another chapter here, Lindelea.

Author Reply: Yes, hobbits are very good at hiding, even in plain sight! Thanks for your patience with this one.

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