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The First Journey  by Manderly 76 Review(s)
BodkinReviewed Chapter: 13 on 8/13/2004
Poor Tavaro. Legolas is feeling ill, but I'm sure Tavaro is far more worried. Sickness and death - not a moment for Legolas to be reminded of mortality, poor little lamb.

Tearful partings - horrible things. Even knowing you should live for ever, it is pretty nasty to part from much loved friends.

I hope they get him home to Adar and healers with herbs soon.

Author Reply: I think Tavaro deserves more sympathy here. Legolas just has to put up with feeling sick, but Tavaro meanwhile is worried sick for his brother AND the prospect of facing Thranduil with a sick Legolas in tow.

I hate goodbys. My family lives across the country from me and though I love visting them, I always dread saying goodby when it's time to leave.

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 12 on 8/11/2004
uh-oh...tired and pale, a "catch" in the throat that causes a cough with deep breaths, no appetite, sleeping alot....sounds suspiciously like pneumonia to me (I've had that "catch" before with onset pneumonia and it hurts!) Poor elfling, and no herbs in sight either! Water rising...I may hyperventilate for the whole settlement! :-) This was a good chapter leading up to the extremes I foresee later :-0 and shows quite well the devastation floods can cause, and how quickly it can happen. (Did someone say Houston, we have a problem? I live about 35 miles north of H-town and we are currently watching hurricanes and tropical storms, so flooding seems appropriate about now, tho' so far they've turned a bit!!) Legolas was so good with the guards and Roitar...and I've said it before, but I love those guards! The prince is more to them than a charge, or a prince, or a confrontation with the King...he really means something to them! Now I hope Herendil and Tavaro can stay out of hot (er...cold) water, and the herbs for L magically appear! Well done!


Author Reply: The signs do not bode well for Legolas. Pneumonia is nasty business having suffered through it once myself. I just wonder whether elves are afflicted in the same way as us (imagination beginning to run wild).

Floods are pretty devastating - one can put out a fire, but really can't put out a flood, though I don't know whether I want to experience either. I hope the hurricane and tropical storms bypass where you are. I was reading in the newspaper today about the double-whammy that is about to hit Florida. Will keep my fingers crossed.

I am beginning to grow quite attached to the guards as well and am trying to think of ways to bring them back in another story.

Rose SaredReviewed Chapter: 12 on 8/11/2004
oops, pneumonia lurks huh? Poor little elfling he is not going to forget this journey in a hurry is he? Amazng he ever left home again really.G>
Enjoying this fic lots.

Author Reply: This journey is probably becoming more memorable by the minute for the elfling. Yes, amazing that Thranduil would let him out of his sight after this adventure. But I find that kids are very resilient - they seem to be able to forget the nasty times soon enough as long as there are enough good times to balance things out.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 12 on 8/11/2004
Ominous, ominous. Legolas doesn't seem well - the floods are coming - the herbs are lost. Houston, we have a problem.

Tavaro and the dagger - he understands the value of friendship, doesn't he? Worth above rubies.

Love the way Legolas hugged the guards. And their reasoning - not just their duty but their responsibility. They couldn't let something nasty happen to him, even without the spectre of Thranduil over their heads. And then the way Legolas comforted Roitar.

A very anxious time. Nature can be scarier than orcs.

Author Reply: Houston, we have a problem - that's funny! I can almost hear Tom Hank's voice saying that.

Tavaro knows the meaning behind the exchange of daggers. I wouldn't be surprised if he and Herendil have done the same thing themselves millenia ago.

The guards take their assignment to heart, don't they? Good thing that Legolas understands and appreciates that.

Nature is certainly more unpredictable than orcs. I've had a couple of nasty experiences with a flooded basement - not pleasant at all.

KarriReviewed Chapter: 12 on 8/10/2004
Oi! The situation certainly looks grim, both with the river and Legolas's health. I hope it will turn out well.

Author Reply: Floods, evacuation and coughing. What else can go wrong? I am beginning to feel a little sadistic in what I am putting the elves through, including Legolas.

KarriReviewed Chapter: 11 on 8/10/2004
A terrific chapter! Tavaro's love for Legolas comes shining through brilliantly, as does the care and concern of all the elves there.

Author Reply: I think I am getting addicted to writing about the brothers' interaction with each other - can't seem to stop doing it. Good thing that the readers seem to enjoy reading about it.

KarriReviewed Chapter: 10 on 8/10/2004
A very exciting chapter! It was very valiant of Legolas to sacrifice himself like that, even though I am sure he wasn't intended to sacrifice himself. Baragallon was very brave in saving Legolas. Tavaro's fears was nicely written -- very intensse.

Author Reply: I think that Legolas probably acted more out of instinct rather than heroics, but wasn't quite prepared for the cold plunge into the river. Bet that came as a shock. Good thing Thranduil insisted on having the guards accompanying them. Thanks for your review!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 12 on 8/10/2004
You did a nice subtle job showing Tavaro's reaction to Legolas's new dagger. He sees that Legolas traded for something plain but valued because it came from a friend, and he approves of that.

I am worried about Legolas's cough. And about the flood of course. Nature sure can be troublesome, even for Elves.

Author Reply: It's funny how in writing that sometimes a small gap filler comes out as rather definitive of the entire chapter. When I wrote about the little dagger scene, I was basically trying set up for the breakfast 'reunion', trying to move them from one room into the other. I'm glad it worked.

Things are not looking well for everybody here. Nature can be a pretty nasty enemy and we in Canada have had quite a share of floods this summer.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 11 on 8/8/2004
Not unforeseeable complications! Not an absence of the necessary herbs!

I'm glad they ended up holding each other - physical contact is very reassuring and they both needed the comfort.

I somehow suspect the bad dreams Baragallon might be having would have more to do with failing to protect Legolas and having to face the king in a worst-case scenario situation.

Author Reply: As we all know, we fanfic writers thrive on complications or else what can we write about? With Legolas, it's almost a guarantee!

Physical contact is great medicine - I am a firm believer of that.

I imagine all Baragallon needs to see in his dream is Thranduil's face and the dreams will instantly turn into nightmares. He's probably seeing himself being banished to kitchen duty.

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 11 on 8/7/2004
Once again, I love the interaction between Tavaro and Legolas. Recovery from near-drowning wouldn't come quickly, and the emotional damage to the elfling will take some time to heal...I'm so glad he has Tavaro (and bless Tavaro's heart, I'm glad he has his little brother to hold on to...he needs that reassurance). The scene that stands out in my mind is big brother holding the little one all night to keep the bad dreams away *sniffsniff*

Is Tavaro aware yet that Legolas was saving Roitar's life, and not just getting in trouble? He seemed a little perturbed during the discussion with Baragallon (did I spell that right?), and I don't remember if anyone told him the circumstances leading to Legolas falling in the river. Anyway, nightmares on order for everyone, except maybe the elf hero/bodyguard! :-) I hope our sweetie doesn't have any of those complications the healer spoke of (like pneumonia) :-0 ...but of course, you being such a kind author, you wouldn't do that to him, would you? *vbg* Of course not! Great chapter Manderly...


Author Reply: I can't decide who had the worst time, Legolas or Tavaro, in this little incident. It's a good thing that they have each other to drive the nightmares away. Near-drowning must be a terrifying experience. I am not a swimmer so water scares me anyway.

I would imagine that Tavaro was told of what happened as they rode back to the Herendil's cottage. He probably knows that Legolas was only trying to save Roitar, but the shock of having nearly lost his little brother is probably playing havoc with his emotions.

Pneumonia? Complications? Whatever do you mean?! *vbg".

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