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The First Journey  by Manderly 76 Review(s)
FirnsarnienReviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/1/2004
Aw, Leggy's excitement is contagious! LOL I thought for sure, he was going to puke at morning meal. His enthusiasm for going could hardly be contained! And Tavaro taking his time eating his poridge, it's a miracle Leggy didn't just dump it over his head and declare him finished!!! I'm glad Tavaro finally gave in to the little imp, er, I mean, his brother, heh, heh, and finally announced his readiness to leave! LOL

Aldeon's thoughts for Legolas were really sweet. It's too bad that little Elfling never enjoyed the freedom his brothers did. But, I can see why they'd want to keep him as safe as possible, he absolutely adorable! *sigh* ;)

Legolas has such a kind heart. I love the way he rushed back to thank his father and tell him he loved him. That was so sweet! *sniff*

Well, happy story or not, I'm still glad those two guards are with them on this journey. I swear I'm as bad as Thranduil...every time Legolas leaves the palace walls, my stomache clenches up and my heart begins to race with a little aprehension. ;) And yeah, I think Tavaro will be extremely glad for those guards by the end too. Legolas is tiring! LOL

So many little sweet moments in this chappy. ;) I hope you tell a little of how Leggy does sleeping in the tree. After all, it's a new experience for him. Perhaps Tavaro has to sleep next to him? Keep a hand on him? Hmmmm, this could be a wonderful little brotherly comfort scene here. ;)

Anyway, enough with my mindless rambling. Great chappy as usual! It made me smile and sigh an awful lot...pretty much means...I loved it! :) Can't wait for the next one! :) Hurry!!!

Author Reply: I am sure Legolas would have done what you said had Tavaro gone for his fourth bowl of porridge.

I can really sympathize with Aldeon's feelings about Legolas as I feel the same way about how the world is so much different now for my kids than when I was growing up.

Tavaro will be become more and more grateful for the two guards as the journey progresses. Legolas can only stay out of trouble for so long.

I guess I should have described Legolas' experience of sleeping in a tree more, but since I've never slept in a tree before, I really didn't know how to go about describing it. I would think you are right about Tavaro having to sleep close to his brother to make sure the elfling doesn't turn over in his sleep and drop to the ground. That would be some rude awakening.

Thanks for your review!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/1/2004
What a great beginning for this trip. The two brothers are both enjoying themselves, and Legolas is having his great adventure.

Author Reply: Yes, the trip is off to a good start. I think Legolas is too star-struck with being out in the world to get into any trouble just yet and Tavaro must be finding it a change to be in charge of his young brother rather than being under the charge of Feren.

Morgan Jain EmeryReviewed Chapter: 3 on 6/28/2004
I have just finished reading all your stories and i think they are brillant. Your portrayal of the characters and the interaction between the brothers is so well done!

It is amazing that English is not your first language because you write so well, i am English and my grammer is far from great!!

I look forward to reading the rest of your work

Take Care :-)

Author Reply: Thank you very much for your kind and encouraging words! There are so many great stories out there that I am flattered enough that people are reading mine, let alone praise them.

I have been learning the English language for a while now and am relatively comfortable with it, but there are still intances (quite often actually) that I get totally lost. The challenge is always there.

Thank you again for your review.

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 3 on 6/27/2004
Eeewwwwww! Extra lessons as punishment! A fate worse than...than orcs! Poor Legolas. This chapter had a nice mix of the endearing, adorable Legolas (I love him being Tavaro's slave since ch.2 - if I were Tavaro, I'd definitely milk that situation for all it's worth *vbg*), and the rebellious Legolas (complete with "if looks could kill, Aldeon would be king" and dragging feet!). But you know, Legolas still manages to keep a civil tongue towards his Adar and not compound his problem with disrespect....he seems high spirited, not maliciously getting in trouble just for the heck of it. I think Tavaro and even Thranduil are beginning to see that constant lecturing and keeping the elfling locked up will only spur his rebellious curiosity to greater heights and lengths! Sooooooo, a trip with Tavaro, hmmm? And Tavaro feels like he doesn't need any extra help keeping up with the bratling? Oh my....well, he's not too old to learn a lesson, I suppose.....


Author Reply: Eeewwww is right. It's my guess that Legolas would rather take on orcs anytime than do extra lessons, and I think Thranduil knows that and hence this punishment.

What you said about "if looks could kill, Aldeon would be king" had me laughing. A very apt description of the elfling. I have been on the receiving end of such looks from my kids often enough.

Tavaro may be liberal minded right now but once he gets Legolas all to himself, he might think twice about his ability to handle his little brother. I can't help but think that Thranduil is smirking all the way to bed now that he knows Legolas is off his hands for a while.

Thanks for the review!

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 2 on 6/27/2004
I dearly love it when the elves communicate with the trees, and Legolas saying hello to his beloved friends after a long winter was (And very elf-f, too!) This was such an enjoyable chapter for me because of Legolas and Tavaro's interaction. I love it when much older brothers are so caring and understanding of the little ones. Legolas is such a lovable little guy and so glad to see his big brother. Big bro' on the other hand, is well aware that the bratling *vbg* is out past his boundaries..."Does Adar know you are out here? No? I thought not." :-) The whole conversation was priceless, carrying over to the palace and Thranduil! Isn't that just like a kid...Are you hurt?...No?...Was there much blood?...It's a long cut with lots stitches in it! Bloodthirsty little elfling (reminds me of my sons at that age *g*). Just a great chapter!


Author Reply: I am quite relieved that readers like the part of Legolas saying hello to the trees. I wasn't too sure about it when I wrote it. I thought it might had been "too elvish".

I too like close interactions between much older brothers and younger ones. I guess that's why I write about it so much.

Kids that age love blood and things disgusting in general. My daughters were the same way (they still are to some extent). I guess we only develop a sensitive stomach as we get older.

Thank you very much for your review.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 3 on 6/27/2004
You do these characters so well, Manderly. I really enjoyed this chapter. Legolas is charmingly adoring toward Tavaro who is very sweet toward him. Thranduil is such a good father. He knows exactly the kind of trouble Legolas is likely to get in, and he's concerned for his older sons too.

Author Reply: I am so glad you enjoyed this chapter. I was rather apprehensive about this story because of the lack of action and/or excitement in it and I was afraid that it might be difficult to maintain the readers' interest. Actually, I am still concerned about that but hopefully you will all bear with me.

Thanks for the review.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 3 on 6/27/2004
Love the image of Legolas being an admiring 'little slave' to his big brothers. Tavaro will be driven to distraction by trying to keep this little monkey safe - and he doesn't stand a chance of success. But at least the elves at home will get a break.

Author Reply: Yes, I think Tavaro will definitely have his hands full being responsible for Legolas, but hopefully he won't come to regret taking his little brother along for this visit. I am sure the guards at the palace will probably break out the wine in celebration when they find out that they will not have to chase after the elfling in Salque's absence.

Thank you for the review.

FirnsarnienReviewed Chapter: 3 on 6/26/2004
Aw, so poor Leggy gets to leave the palace walls...finally?! He's gonna be happy. Although I think Tavaro is really going to need that Mithril rope to tether his brother to his side! And I know he's probably going to be very thankful for the guards! LOL

That little Elfling's got more energy than he knows what to do with. LOL I loved the way he sulked to his room to do his extra lessons. I could just see his feet dragging...I know mine would have dragged! Extra lessons...blech! :P

And again, Legolas said something about Tavaro's injury that caused the mothering to go to his older brother instead of him. However unintention it was, he's a brilliant little Elfling! LOL But certainly, his fear too is understandable. I'm glad he doesn't brood too much over his brothers safety in the woods...although...I do tend to like a brooding Legolas! Heh, heh!

*sigh* And of course, it's always nice to see Aldeon, even if only briefly. I think he's the one I've come to develop a crush on. Then I'd have to say Feren is next and then Tavaro. Although...this story may change that order. LOL *sigh*

I can't wait to see what adventures await these two brothers while they travel to see Herendil. And the bonding that will take place...*double sigh*...I can't wait! :) Hurry with the next chappy please! :) I'm starting to salivate! LOL

Author Reply: I wonder whether a general warning should go out to all of Arda - elfling on the loose. I think by the end of the journey, Tavaro will reconsider his idea of his little brother being refreshing.

Hmm, you like Aldeon, do you? I will have to start thinking of a story where he is more prominent, and Feren too (who I am sorry to say will not be making an appearance here). Hopefully, Tavaro will grow on you too by the end of this story.

Much brotherly bonding coming up, I promise.

As always, thanks for your review!

FirnsarnienReviewed Chapter: 2 on 6/25/2004
LOL Leave it to Legolas to hug his much missed trees! And it was sweet to see how they hugged him back, at least in their own way! LOL

The reunion between Leggy and his brother was sweet even though he did get scolded for being out on his own. And I loved the way he immediately asked if Feren was all right. Where's Aldeon?

I laughed when Tavaro asked his brother if Legolas had no fear of his king! That was great, for it's true. How many warriors would have dared defy an order from Thranduil? Not too many, if any, I'm sure. Only little Leggy can be so bold and adorable at the same time! LOL

Ah, and I see Tavaro is going to be out of commission for awhile hmmm? He's gonna have his hands full with Legolas soon, no? Can't wait to see what mischief those two can find! Even if it's nothing too dangerous. ;)

LOL Poor Tavor though, Leggy is an expert at diverting attention from himself and using Tavoro's injury to distract Thranduil was sheer brilliance on Legolas' part. He's a pretty smart Elfling, isn't he? LOL Even if if it didn't work for too long! LOL

Ooooh, now I *really* can't wait to see what happens next. I love the brother interaction. *sigh* It's wonderful! *another sigh*

Hurry with the next chappy! :)

Author Reply: Legolas is definitely happy now that Tavaro is back. Aldeon will make his appearance in the next chapter, but his role in this story will be limited.

Sometimes I wonder myself how Thranduil can be so patient with this son when he is so impatient with everybody else. I really don't think he would put up with such blatant disobedience from anyone else in the realm.

Lots of brotherly interaction coming up between Legolas and Tavaro. Like you said, nothing too dangerous but one never knows with Legolas. Thanks, as always, for the review.

Frodo3791Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 6/22/2004
Just as Legolas is hoping that he will be able to join the warriors soon, Thranduil is wishing that it will be a long time. I think Thranduil needs to try and find some time for Legolas and then perhaps he will loose some of his mischief. Legolas is very young and will eventually learn to grow up, but until then he needs somewhere there to remind him what's right and to learn from mistakes. Thranduil needs Legolas as much as Legolas needs Thranduil.

Nice work.

Author Reply: I agree with you that Thranduil needs to spend more time with Legolas but I guess being the king and a single parent, he must wish that there are more hours to the day. I guess with Legolas being so full of energy does not help the situation either. Hopefully father and son will reach some compromise or else both will lose out. Thanks for the review.

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