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Light Out of Darkness  by shirebound 106 Review(s)
cpsings4himReviewed Chapter: 6 on 8/9/2004
Happy, contented, warm, hobbity sighs! This is so lovely. It's official now! They are ALL my favorite chapter! I only regret that this is the end...but I know you will go on to write more beautiful stories! Yea!


Author Reply: Thanks, cp! You make *me* feel happy, contented, warm, and hobbity!


nivinaReviewed Chapter: 6 on 8/8/2004
I so enjoyed this series! It is beyond wonderful, and in this last chapter I particularly adored how Frodo and Pip found comfort in each other, and the way you kept exploring Gandalf's thoughts. :)

Thank you so much for another wonderful story. :)

*tight huggles*

Author Reply: Thank *you*, Nivina! I knew this 'story' would be a bit unconventional, but it turned out to be such a joy to write.

*huggles you back*

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 6 on 8/7/2004
I have enjoyed all of these. Read them all at once and am reviewing here. Just wonderful, everyone of them.

Author Reply: Thank you so much.


esamenReviewed Chapter: 6 on 8/7/2004
“All grown up,” he whispered.

“Yes indeed, my dear hobbits,” Gandalf murmured softly to himself, “you have all grown up.”

Sigh. Ah, sweet sadness mingled with joy. I can't bear it . . . more, please . . . thanks for your wonderful stories.

Applause across the miles,


Author Reply: Oh, what a compliment when a reader "can't bear it... but wants more"! More is coming, I promise. Thank you so much for reading.

ElwenReviewed Chapter: 6 on 8/7/2004
What a beautifully peaceful scene. It's good to see that fire has become a friendly light to them once more and I love your insights into Gandalf's thoughts. (I always thought he left them rather suddenly in the book.) I could see the warm glow of the flickering fire and hear the soft light murmur of their voices.


Author Reply: I agree -- Gandalf's departure from the hobbits was even more abrupt than *Frodo's* eventual departure from them! I'm so glad you enjoyed this story, Elwen. So very, very glad.

aprilkatReviewed Chapter: 6 on 8/7/2004
On my way out to vacation, but had to stop and leave a quick review.

It seems very fitting that the light you end up with is fire for a couple of reasons. The fact that Frodo and Pippin are overcoming their fear of fire and are able to start enjoying the safety and "home-iness" of it again shows the amazing feat they accomplished - returning Middle Earth to a sort of normality after the horrors of the Dark Lord. And somehow, despite Frodo's eventual growing away from the Shire, fire somehow seems the most hobbity of lights, so it returns us where we all started.

Just a nice sense of return and completion.

Author Reply: How kind of you to review "on the run"! I'm so glad the ending seemed to bring us to 'return and completion'. What a nice thing to say.

Have a wonderful vacation!

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 6 on 8/7/2004
p.s. I liked Gandalf's echo of "all grown up" and his realisation that his task in Middle-earth was through; he could go "home". Much as he loved Middle-earth, I think his heart must have yearned for home somehow.

This is so hobbity:
“Good.” Pippin plopped down next to Frodo. “Sam forgets to cook when he’s worried, you know.”

Frodo smiled at the light words, hiding -- he knew -- deep feelings. There had been such praise heaped on him in Gondor. Minstrels had sung, there had been feasts, tributes, honors... yet all he had longed for was this. Just to be a hobbit again, and treated as nothing more. Or less.

And Merry being hopeful that Sam was going to cook. And Sam being secretly pleased.

And one more thing... we were evidently on the same wavelength once more (remember the Time of the Dog?). I was working on a story for Marigold's challenge this week, which involved camping out in front of the hearth at Bag End! What a shock of recognition reading that phrase in this chapter gave me!

Anyhow, let me congratulate you once more on a job well done.

Author Reply: "The Time of the Dog"... hee hee. I love it when that happens! (And I'm currently writing a sequel to that fluffy puppy story.)

Thank you so much for your lovely words.

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 6 on 8/7/2004
When I saw this was the last chapter, I felt a pang. And some part of me said, How in the world can she end this? Any ending would be an anticlimax, after the powerful writing that went before.

Am so happy to report I was mistaken. The ending is the perfect touch.

Author Reply: Oh my, thank you!

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/7/2004
Not only peace and healing, but joy! What a wonderful and comforting tale you have spun.

I did like this: (rusty as I am in Sil-knowledge, and ignorant in many parts as well. Will have to get back into the Sil, I think, but don't know when the time will allow)

“It is said among us that Elbereth gathered up light from the Two Trees, and flung it outwards,” the Lady spoke softly. “Thus were the stars kindled and set as jewels above. We praise her kindness, in giving us the stars to light our way in the pathless places. We believe that our songs are heard, and that she somehow knows that we honor her.”

Frodo's goodness and humility is very clear here, and it is a comfort to think that his leaving Middle-earth was not a retreat from failure and pain so much as a seeking after the Light:

He does not know, Galadriel thought. He appears as radiant to us as we appear to him. Middle-earth will soon grow dim to his sight, and his heart will ache for a Light to match his own. The Blessed Realm calls him home. His choice has already been made, although he may not yet realize it.

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 4 on 8/7/2004
Somehow I missed the earlier updates, and now you've finished the story! Congratulations!

This chapter, as the others, is infused with healing and peace. Gimli is very wise and understanding; he already knows Legolas well.

I particularly liked this:
it will remind me that even in the darkest places can be found beauty... and friends

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