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A Tale That Grew in the Telling  by GamgeeFest 105 Review(s)
ShelbyshireReviewed Chapter: 16 on 8/19/2004
I first reviewed at the beginning and within a couple of days I have caught up. Where's Frodo? Will we get his POV soon? If Sam had opened Frodo's bedroom door at Bag End, would it have been trashed too?

Author Reply: You caught up fast! Frodo's POV is coming up next chapter. That's an interesting thought about Frodo's room at Bag End that never occured to me before, but no, it would not have been trashed.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 16 on 8/18/2004
Goodness, I'm just as intrigued now as I have been! Whatever has happened to Frodo??

Author Reply: We'll finally be getting all the answers next chapter. I know how important it is to you to know that everyone is going to be ok, so I assure you now: Frodo will be just fine. :)

ShelbyshireReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 8/18/2004
I've been looking for a new story to read and have found one. Thanks! Frodo and Sam have always been my favorites.

Author Reply: You're welcome. And thank you for the review. I've always favored Frodo and Sam fics myself also. Glad you're enjoying it so far. :)

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 15 on 8/11/2004
Poor Merry. He is so worried about Frodo - and Pippin is worried about Merry. Find that Frodo!

Author Reply: Merry is determined to find Frodo, no matter what. Pippin is focusing on Merry at the moment, since there's nothing he can do for Frodo. We'll soon find out what happened to Frodo. Just two more chapters.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 14 on 7/30/2004
That flood wave coming down the river sounds seriously scary.

It's good to see Pippin being optimistic to boost Merry's courage. Frodo will be all right. I think he's heading back to Bag End and the wretched ring. I hope.

Save Frodo!!

Author Reply: Merimac's lucky he got away from the river in time. That was indeed a close call.

It's hard for Pippin to be anything but optimistic. As long as there's a chance, he'll continue to hope for the best.

The ring definetly has a hand in Frodo's disappearance.

Thanks for reading, glad you're enjoying it!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 14 on 7/30/2004
Oh, have mercy! Now I remember why I try to avoid WIP! You've really got us hanging on the cliff, haven't you? I started this story this morning to kill a bit of time, meaning to take a break and get some housework done, and here I sit two hours later! This story is just amazing!

Author Reply: LOL, well I could have told you not to start reading this yet! We haven't even gotten to the cliff! We are galloping toward it at a pretty fast pace though, so hang on!

And you certainly did kill some time, didn't you? I'm so glad you're enjoying this. I'll try to write more quickly, so you don't have to wait so long between updates. No promises though. :) I did finally revise my outline for Part III last night, so that will be a big help now that I once again have some idea where this is going.

This story truly has grown in the telling. I only expected it to be a happy little fluff fest when I first sat down and outlined it about a year ago. But when I finally started writing it, it just sort of took on a life of it's own and left me in the dust trying to catch up. The last chapter of Part II, which is coming up shortly, especially threw me for a loop, hence the revision for the outline of Part III.

Hope you continue to enjoy it!

FantasyFanReviewed Chapter: 14 on 7/29/2004
I am thoroughly enjoying this story, though I come to it in the middle. It seemed like a nice sweet story of Sam and dealing with a storm, until the revelation that Frodo is missing comes as a shock at the end of the first part. With all the damage from the storm, I was thinking they'd been caught in a flood out on the road. But reading what happens in Buckland, it's not waht I expected at all. There's a sense of unease about Frodo, something not right, but nothing to point to him going totally off his rocker and disappearing like this. Is it the Ring being missing that's caused his unquiet? It was spooky how it tried to reach Sam with the door that wouldn't stay closed, and even more so after Sam found it on the floor. But all during that time, Frodo was fine. Did he suddenly notice it was gone and rip apart the room looking for it? I'm pretty worried about his state of mind, going out into the storm. I hope someone finds him before he gets hurt.

I'm looking forward to the next update!

Author Reply: What a lovely review! Thank you so much.

This was supposed to be a happy little story, but then it just sort of took on a life of its own. I just finally figured out what I'm going to do with Part III, considering no more unexpected developments come along that is.

Each part of the story has it own theme. Part I was friendship, and therefore light and happy and carefree. Sam is always good for this sort of story. That was the best place to start for the surprise ending as he was far away from all the action.

Part II is about loss. Frodo has lost so much in his life, first his parents, then Bilbo when he left the Shire. It's something that's with him always, and as we all know, there are certain times during the year that such losses are especially difficult to bear. I believe Frodo would still mourn around the anniversary of his parents' death. Of course, that blasted ring acting up the way it is doesn't help any of this in the slightest. It's safe to say that the ring is up to no good, as became apparent when it tried to tempt Sam.

Thank you for reading. I'm so glad you're enjoying this so far and I hope that I can continue to make this interesting.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 13 on 7/27/2004
Has Frodo finally spotted that the ring is missing and gone off in desperation to try to find it? I can't think of anything other that ring-angst that would make him deliberately wreck his room!

Author Reply: I don't want to ruin it for anyone, all I'll say now is that there will be plenty of theories as to what happened to Frodo, and all of them will have merit in one way or another. There's 3 more chapters for Part II, and we'll get all our answers in Part III. Thanks for reviewing. :)

pebbles66Reviewed Chapter: 13 on 7/26/2004
Oh, I can't wait for them to find Frodo! What in the world has happened to him? Please hurry and write more. This is a very well-written story and I am enjoying it very much.

Author Reply: Thank you! I'm so glad you're enjoying it. Answers will come, but you'll have to take the roller coaster ride with Merry and Pippin for a few chapters before we get to them. Hang in there and I hope you enjoy what's to come. :)

Lyta PadfootReviewed Chapter: 12 on 7/22/2004
Poor Frodo, my family keeps trying to get me 'settled' (translation: married). Its very stressful to have to deal with well-meaning family members making not-subtle-at-all inquiries. Pippin and Merry's reactions were perfect, as was Frodo's reminder their times are coming - and they are!

Author Reply: Yes, I know that feeling all too well myself. "So do you have a boyfriend yet?" Can't get any less subtle than that! They do mean well, but somehow that doesn't seem to help very much.

Merry and Pippin are going to have to watch out when they come of age LOL!

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