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Elflings   by Bodkin 110 Review(s)
DotReviewed Chapter: 11 on 10/29/2005

Ok, it’s late and I’ve had too much wine but I was excited about seeing him, so in the quickest review ever…:

- I started off feeling a little sorry for Eleniel and ended up proud of her and feeling bad for Oropher, who will probably find it a little more difficult than most to make his place here. His people may still love him but I can’t imagine him making a home with his family where Thranduil is very much still the head.

- Great job in showing the relationship between grandfather and granddaughter. I love how understanding – and slightly indulgent – Thranduil is but how aware he is that he’s very different as a father.

- Interesting topic about how to balance Noldo and Sindar traits. I feel bad that Eleniel feels restricted and you showed very well how much Elerrina wants to, but simply can’t, fully understand her daughter.

- The thing I like best is probably the build up to the meeting between Thranduil and Oropher. I was really curious as to what was happening! Thranduil’s restlessness and sense that something was happening was just perfect.

- The meeting itself was lovely. It even made me a little teary. The love and familiarity between them is so obvious, yet there’s a very poignant sense of Oropher being an outsider now too.

- I really feel like I’ve got to know Eleniel a little better. I love how you keep her at a central role in this chapter. And her maturity and sensitivity are wonderful to witness.

- ‘Enough of that, Adar,’ Thranduil said mildly This is where I really felt bad for Oropher. So much has changed since he went to Námo’s Halls and it will be hard for him to let go of old grievances. Plus, his son is not the one he left behind.

- ‘They said I was rushing it,’ That struck me as so right. A little sad, but spot on. I’m always so intrigued by your interpretation of everything in the Blessed Realm.

- I love the image of Eleniel is Oropher’s arms. I’m glad there are elflings for him to meet, who he can love and who can love him and who can get to know him as he is now. As Thranduil says, uncomplicated by memory. There could be interesting times ahead if he gets to meet up with Galadriel, Celeborn & co.!!

Sorry this is so rushed. I’m very bad for not reviewing this, even though I always read it, but I was so excited to see Oropher back at last. I’m really looking forward to seeing what you do with him!!

Author Reply: You put so much into your reviews that you can't possibly review everything. I'm glad this excited you enough to make you put off going to bed (and at least you get an extra hour to make up!)

Growing up - whether elf, man or any other species - is not an easy time and even a good kid like Eleniel has her trials. Thranduil knows only too well that being a grandfather is special - the hugs, but not the challenges - and realises that guiding Celumil will be a whole different kettle of fish.

I don't think Elerrina is deliberately being difficult, really. She has made big adjustments and embraced much of the Wood Elf culture - but everyone has some things that are just so deeply engrained that you don't even realise they're there. Some of her assumptions about elleth behaviour come from that very deep area - she doesn't even know until someone mentions it, that there are other ways of thinking of things. And Eleniel is a very co-operative and - as she says - sensible elleth. She doesn't fight just for the sake of it. Moreover, even Aewlin and Nimloth have to learn how to be female representatives of their line - and that involves learning to run (rather than rule) large estates and manage households.

The Oropher reunion is one I have been putting off - even though Redheredh's interest meant it was going to come! - because it is chock full of complications. How does a returned king come back to his people over 3k years after he died? Who rules? How does a son who has been in charge for over an age deal with this? How do the people react to him? What is he going to do? How soon does it become apparent that 3k years is a long time, even for elves - and that an emotional response might not be enough to heal a relationship long sundered? Things have changed - new alliances, new understandings - and things that drove politics an age ago are barely even memory. People have changed. Oropher is impetuous - it's a sort of defining characteristic - and I can imagine those whose ease the passage back to life telling him that he needed to think his way through all this. And him igoring the advice.

Eleniel - and Celumil, I think - will be key in helping him find some solidity. Galenthil, too, but less - because as a male he is less available for the emotional and physical contact that I think Oropher needs. And Eleniel might come to realise that different isn't worse - and find her own strength. She doesn't get to be centre stage much. Naughty elflings are much easier to have as the main characters!

I'm so pleased you enjoyed the build-up to the meeting - and the meeting itself. It must be so shattering to have returned to you the father you lost under such horrific circumstances. But splendid too - and emotional and almost frightening in its intensity.

And now - as you say - the problem is what to do with Oropher!

BejaiReviewed Chapter: 11 on 10/29/2005

What a great chapter. Love the eager trees, and the meeting, with its joy and pain. And Oropher, with his old grudges, and Thranduil, with his wisdom. I do hope that you write the meeting between Oropher, Galadriel, and Celeborn. They deserve one.

Wonderful, as ever.

Author Reply: Thank you. This would be such a complicated reunion - with all kinds of inferences to do with relationships and power and the emotional backlash of battle and sudden death. Resentment, too, probably. And, as you say, old grudges that are now millennia out-of-date. And combined with the reaction of thousands of others - those to whom Oropher is their king: those to whom Oropher is the war-leader responsible for the death of their husband/son/father: those to whom he is no more than a name from history. And not only he has to deal with this maelstrom; everyone around him has to cope with it in a different way. The uncomplicated love of a child is probably something Oropher needs desperately.

Oropher, Galadriel and Celeborn. True. That could be very interesting.

elliskaReviewed Chapter: 11 on 10/29/2005
Oh Bodkin! This is wonderful. I read it fast because I saw it just as I was on the way out of the house and I almost couldn't believe it! I have to leave but I will be back in a few hours to leave a proper review--I just had to say right away that I absolutely loved it.

Author Reply: Thank you. Blame Redheredh for putting Oropher in my head. I feel guilty for putting him here really - and combining him with Eleniel, who is, after all, my world rather than Tolkien's. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

TJReviewed Chapter: 11 on 10/29/2005
You are a great writer! You should know that by now...
I'm delighted that you are still continuing with your stories and I hope that you'll continue for a while.

I was hoping that you will start bringing them back, particulary Oropher and Gil-galad. I would love to see the further reactions on Oropher's return, but, even more so, I would like for Ereinion to return.

Thank You very much.

Author Reply: Flatterer! I am thoroughly enjoying the writing and have no intention of stopping any time soon. It's far too much fun - and such a delightful world in which to play.

Redheredh tempted me to think about Oropher some time ago - but I admit I have been delaying - because his presence is going to add about a hundred layers of complication to all the relationships. I really don't know how Thranduil will deal with it - and don't want him ending up wishing his adar had stayed with Namo. And you want Ereinion? And then I would rather like to see Maglor meeting Elrond after x thousand years. And, perhaps, an Earendil/Maglor meeting.

Thank you for reading - and putting ideas in my head!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 11 on 10/29/2005
This was a good one, Bodkin.

‘When was he an elleth – or a twin?’ she asked. ‘Or the sensible one.’

This question about Thranduil made me laugh. My sympathies are with Eleniel. Tolkien said that male and female elves were equally capable, and Eleniel should be allowed to have some freedom, poor thing.

So, Oropher. That will put a kink in things, I'd think. Thranduil and Oropher together would make a formidable force. It almost doesn't bear thinking about. And would they clash? Surely on occasion, they'd have to.

He makes a nice contrast to what's expected of Eleniel, the "sensible" one. And what a lovely ending.

Author Reply: Should have been a question mark there. 'Male and female elves were equally capable' but my own feeling is that the females probably got stuck with the superwoman role of independent careers, childcare and looking after the household, while the males were ready to protect their families from the attack of any woolly mammoth. Oh hang on. There weren't any woolly mammoth.

Elerrina has made a huge leap in attitude and expectation with her marriage to Legolas - but she hasn't, perhaps, come quite as far as she thinks. And it's probably in the underlying assumptions that she still has a way to go. She doesn't consciously subdue Eleniel and push her into a girly role - it's just what she considers so normal she doesn't even think about it. And Eleniel is a co-operative child, (unlike Elrohir's ellyth) and she mostly accepts the restrictions - and, moreover, she does need to learn to run (rather than rule) kingdoms. Now Thranduil's noticed, he'll probably wangle rather more time in the woods for his granddaughter.

Oropher. Cat. Pigeons. Will they clash? Oh, I would think so. I can't imagine them being able to live together for long - Thranduil has been king too long to hand the reins back. (Legolas never was king - and he knew/hoped that he was standing in for his adar over the years he waited for him to arrive. At least, that's how I see him having been able to cope with his adar resuming control.)

And meeting those who have no expectations of you - nothing to straighten out - must have been bliss to those who returned. Oropher needed - needs - that.

Thank you!

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 11 on 10/29/2005
What a lovely chapter, Bodkin, and what a range of emotions!

I must start with Oropher's return. I wondered what had got the trees so worked up, but didn't anticipate this. I loved how strongly Eleniel felt the trees' song - she's far more wood-elf that her mother would like. Thranduil's reunion with Oropher was just wonderful, very moving.

I started reading this by feeling so sorry for Eleniel - it seems her mother is trying to fit her into a mould that's the wrong shape. I, too, would hate to be doing girly things like sewing and stitching and be left holding the baby (quite literally!) while the boys do exciting things. I liked her observation that Nimloth and Aewlin wouldn't be in that position in the first place - very true!

Author Reply: I can imagine, somehow, that Elerrina finds it much easier to let Galenthil be a Wood Elf - but expects Eleniel to be more like her. I'm hoping that Laerwen manages to make her ease off - probably more because she doesn't want to damage her relationship with her daughter than because she truly understands. Maybe Miriwen or Sirithiel would be better able to get Elerrina to grasp the underlying problem. Legolas cherishes his wife - and probably (male) doesn't see the problem - because, after all, ellyth do have to learn how to do girly things. Despite male and female roles being supposedly less defined, I can say I've seen much evidence of it - the ellyth look after people and the ellyn fight. And rule. Galadriel being the exception. And Eleniel is a reasonable, amenable kind of elleth - she will comply (unlike Aewlin and Nimloth) because she wants to please her parents. Maybe, the return of Oropher will help.

Eleniel is Legolas's daughter - and Thranduil and Laerwen's granddaughter. Her bond to the forest is much greater than most others, even among Wood Elves - and she has a communion with it - like them.

I'm glad you enjoyed Thranduil's reunion with Oropher - I can imagine it being a great joy that could become an extremely complex situation, both politically and emotionally, so I've been putting it off a bit. Thank you.

elliskaReviewed Chapter: 10 on 9/5/2005
Wow, I am really way behind now, but I finally got to sit down and read some fanfiction. I loved this chapter!

--Galenthil is too cute watching the badgers and I loved Elerrina's "you need to wash your hands.

--Legolas cracked me up. The silence, the 'how should we manage this'... ooo, that would have definitely made me squirm. And then the final touch--go speak to your daeradar. Oh cringe!

--and then Legolas's conversation with Elerrina. :-) The refinement of the responsibility lecture. LOL!

--Here's a shocker for you: I loved the conversation between Thranduil and Laerwen. Especially the part where she asks about Oropher. I can't see Thranduil accepting anyone's governance, not even his own adar's. That was great.

--And I loved seeing Galenthil, Eleniel and Legolas with the badgers. That was a sweet ending. I must say, that I agree with Galenthil today--I would love to go live in the forest right now. And the 'did you ever argue with him' interchange made me laugh out loud!

Great chapter. I'm glad I finally stopped to read. It brightened my day. :-)

Author Reply: Well - you've been busy. But now things are settling down for the long haul and you need a break. And what better than fanfiction! (And fluffy Legolas stories - hint, hint!)

Mothers are the same wherever they are - and washing hands and brushing hair are important to all of them!

Silence is a good technique for making 'em squirm. Legolas has been of the receiving end of paternal disapproval often enough to know! And an apology to Daeradar (or perhaps Daernaneth) was called for, I think.

If only children realised how much of parenting was a game - where the adults know the rules. I'm glad you liked Thranduil and Laerwen (which is still a stinky name to type) - and wouldn't Thranduil be thrown if Oropher turned up and started issuing commands!

I'm glad you enjoyed it - and I agree that being in the forest watching badgers would be a great way to spend some time. And being in the company of elves would add a certain je ne sais quoi, too.

JuleReviewed Chapter: 10 on 8/30/2005
Thank you for another wonderful chapter. Everytime I go online I hope especially for story or chapter updates by you or or Daw. There are many stories I like but the 2 of you write the stories I am addicted to.

Galenthil is wonderful. As of this chapter he is my fav of the new ones. I used to be hopeful of an Elrin/Elenial match but that was back when she was a great archer. I loved her woodelf talent and spunk. When she seemed to be grtowing into an elf to admired, I was excited at the the final joining of the families.

Unfortunately she is growing into a judgemental Noldor and I no longer hope for such a match. Her brother however is wonderful and I cannot wait for his further adventures.

I cannot wait to read of the new little one. Thranduil and Laerwen will be great parents. It will be fun to watch. Hey maybe this little girl and Elanthir will unite the already families.

Thanks for writing


Author Reply: Thank you. I am so flattered I shall go and dig out something else to post!

Galenthil is a delightful ellon. Lots of good qualities. Like his adar in some ways, but rather more focused on creatures of the forest. And charming with it.

Eleniel being judgemental? I didn't mean her to seem that way! She is trying to grow up pleasing both her Wood Elf adar and her Noldor naneth - and has to make some accommodations along the way. She is still keen on archery - but she has to do the girlie stuff too - sew and learn to run households and music and basic healthcare and weaving and accounts and managing the stillroom and all those sorts of beneath the surface things that are going on all the time. And, being an elleth, she feels a bit older than Galenthil mentally just now. Perhaps she needs to be centre stage for a story!

The little one will turn up soon. I don't think Laerwen will be able to wait much longer! I think Legolas looks forward to watching Thranduil raise a little elleth.

I'm glad you enjoyed this!

RedheredhReviewed Chapter: 10 on 8/29/2005
Galenthil is such a great kid and being raised right. Family matters are much the same for elves as they are for mortals, it seems. Growing up, older, and wiser happens, but fortunately (for most) with care and love.

Very enjoyable conversation between both sets of parents. ;) If he did it deliberately, it would be annoying, but part of her brother’s charm was that he was so totally unconscious of the effect he had on those round him. ... If he tried to push her into doing his will, she could resist him much more easily, but he never did. Ha! Even if only in private, his adar is not quiet setting the best example in this area, is he. ”You will not regret it… “ And such was his conviction that she believed that she would not. Ther naneth’s needs to consider her example too. ;)

Thranduil apparently got it right to temporarily demote Galenthil as punishment for being irresponsible. Both children are at the age they want to be more independent. But, also need to learn they are depended upon. "Just wait til you grandfather gets home!" I really liked her pointing out how they are all working together to raise the children. Though sad to think the other grandparents would say such hurtful words that Elerinna will not repeat them.

Laerwen is right about the Shadow, but there are still dangers in the forest. Their anticipation makes me nervous...

Clever Eleniel! She is a great kid too. One day, people *will* come to her for wisdom.

I really enjoyed the last part with their adar gently teaching them about family responsibilities and the rewards,imparting his expectations. These particular children just might listen and learn.

Yep, Thranduil especially can be rather badger-like sometimes.

Another lovely episode.

btw, just who is your favorite elf?

Author Reply: I don't know that I have a favourite elf. Maybe a favourite-at-that-moment elf. But, on the whole, I love 'em all! I'm also quite fond of Men (note capital - wouldn't want to sound too - erm - widespread in my habits). And dwarves. And hobbits. I think I have a sneaking desire to give them all happy lives, though.

Galenthil is a good kid - like his adar in many ways, but rather more one-track-minded - and more inclined to let Eleniel sort out some of the complications of life. And Eleniel is intelligent - and a noticing sort of child, who likes to please her adults. They have four core adults and lots of peripheral ones all of whom care for them and want to do right by them. Could get a bit oppressive at times, I should think.

And happy adults make for happy children. Legolas - and his adar - are both apt to use their charm to get their own way. But, they know it's a game - and that both sides have to be pleased with the results.

Thranduil has enough sense to leave most of the parental stuff to Legolas and Eleniel (because interference there has tremendous potential for dispute), but he's had plenty of practice in disciplining careless ellyn and can make his point when he wishes! Whether he is quite as good at managing ellyth I am not so sure!

Elerrina's parents don't see why they shouldn't express their opinion. And don't realise that their opinion is both unwelcome and likely to widen the wedge between them and their daughter.

Legolas and Elerrina are fortunate in their children, I think. But, as the old saying goes, 'the harder they work, the luckier they get'.

Thank you. And I like Thranduil being badger-like!

LiannaReviewed Chapter: 10 on 8/28/2005
Legolas seems so middle-aged in this one. Yikes! Of course, as the parent of adolescents, he doesn't have much choice.

But it's good to see him with Elerrina, though. I like to think that the elf warriors from Arda could eventually adjust to Valinor and have reasonably fulfilling lives there. Legolas seems to be doing OK. And Galenthil and Eleniel are turning out to be such nice young people.

I like this series. It's interesting to see them all grow up.

Author Reply: Legolas - middle-aged! Well - I suppose there are moments when children tend to make the most frivolous parent feel ancient. But he was a warrior and a leader of elves in his former life - he knows how to do authoritative when it's needed. He doesn't have as much strain put on him as Elrohir, but there are times when his offspring need - er - direction.

The elf warriors have the advantage of plenty of time to adjust to a more peaceful life - and plenty of space, too, in which to do it. Legolas can enjoy himself with his wife and children - and yet still have plenty to do.

I'm glad you like this. But the elflings are growing up far too quickly!

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