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Elflings   by Bodkin 110 Review(s)
LiannaReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/18/2005
Do I detect the beginnings of a certain connection between Eleniel and Elrin? Hmmm...

Legolas is getting so serious in his old(er) age!

Author Reply: They are far too young for that sort of thing!! At the moment all they share is a kind of head-shaking bemusement at the insane beings that are Aewlin and Nimloth.

Parenthood tends to be a bit of a sobering experience. Legolas is lighter-hearted when he abandons the family and goes out to play with his friends.

SharonBReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/18/2005
Oh dear. Those two do seem to have inherited talents from their daernaneth. It appears that they saw the past instead of the future. But Nimloth seemed to handle it better than Aewlin did. Then again who know what future nightmares this will evoke. Another interesting chapter!

Author Reply: I'm not entirely sure, but I think Aewlin got the full experience, whereas what Nimloth saw was less clear and rather more general. Although I might change on that. I think they might suppress the ability for a while - and they certainly won't be playing with magic mirrors for a while, but 'what's bred in the bone, comes out in the flesh' - some of Galadriel's descendants are bound to share some of her talents. And they have other rather intimidating elves among their ancestry, too.

Glad you liked it.

AliceReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/18/2005
I really like Elrin. He's a good kid. And his cousins are extremely manipulative. Impressively so actually, considering they got older kids to bow to their wishes. I think they need to go and spend a summer with Anana. Galadriel will straighten them out. Or at least present a bit more of a challenge.

Author Reply: Elrin is a good kid - and very responsible. You could say he takes after his mother - but there are other responsible members of the family too. E2L see a lot of Estel in him - though it could be wishful thinking.

Aewlin and Nimloth haven't yet quite outgrown the total ruthlessness of early childhood. They are on the verge of improving. And I think they need Anana's help for other reasons, too.

Thank you for reading.

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/18/2005
Poor Elrohir *sigh* I seem to say that everytime I read one of your stories about his daughters! Scrying? At their age? Bearing in mind their lineage, it's not surprising that they saw something nasty in the woodshed!

It seems to be an uphill struggle for the adars to keep one step ahead of their offspring. A guard at night - dedicated to keep an eye on the elflings - might possibly help, but I doubt it would make much difference!


Author Reply: Poor Elrohir, indeed. And poor Sirithiel. His daughters will improve, like a good wine, given time. Although they might well end up rather more intimidating than the average elleth. And they didn't MEAN this to happen - which is why the parental reaction softened a little.

The trouble with a guard is that 95% of the time he would be so bored that he wouldn't be awake for the necessary 5%. Oh well, it might make the parents feel safer. Until they realise that it hasn't worked.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/18/2005
Oh my goodness. Twin Galadriels. What a scary thought. The children's personalities are nicely differentiated here, which is hard when you have such a pack of them.

Author Reply: Yes indeed - a very scary thought. Six parents and five children is definitely too many to keep well organised. They might have to separate for some of these little adventures! I'm glad you think their different personalities showed.

elliskaReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/18/2005
Oh there is absolutely nothing more amusing / terrifying than the power of a group of youngsters together, is there? I loved the children's debate amongst themselves about the prudence of sneaking out at night. What is it that draws all children out at night? Heavens know I did the same thing and even thought it was stupid, dangerous and ultimately boring and not worth the risk. But my friends and I snuck out anyway. But the conversation between the adults was hilarious. Elrohir and Elladan are suffering from karma, I think. The stories you hinted at from their youth were hilarious. And I love the banter between the wives and husbands. But of all the things I expected to happen in the forest, the pool really doing something magical was the last thing I expected. As Miriwen said--who would have expected that? I love seeing their grandparents' abilities showing themselves in the youngsters. Very clever. And very frightening. I think the children may have actually learned something this time. :) For a brief while anyway.

I like this series and I had forgotten about it. I must have been a little while since you updated it. I think I'll go have some fun and read the rest of it again.

Author Reply: The intelligence of a group is in inverse proportion to the number of members. Isn't there a saying something like that? It strikes me as being VERY TRUE. You only have to look at a political rally or a crowd of pop music fans.

Something magical happening was the last thing any of them expected, I think. Except perhaps Aewlin and Nimloth - and they certainly didn't expect a nasty reality to impinge on their fantasy. I think they have learned to avoid the possibility of magic for a while.

There are a few more chapters of this vaguely outlined - number 6 is partly written, and I sort of know what 7 will be about, but 5 is still little more than a few words, so more will come - when inspiration strikes.

Thank you for reading.

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 12/21/2004
Yay! A cast of characters!!! I am going to print this out and hang it by my computer...just reviewed Second Sight and could not for the life of me remember the names of Legolas' kids! *sigh* Eleniel and Galenthiel....see precioussss, better already!!! :-)


Author Reply: It's a very simplified cast - people like Miriwen's and Sirithiel's parents have names, but I don't think I've ever mentioned them by name. I don't know why I didn't think of it before fael bain pointed it out - I know that I know pretty much who everyone is now (though I would have to look up M and S's parents), but I get confused with other people's worlds.

It's funny - it took ages to feel comfortable with some of these names, but now, it's just natural. (Sirithiel was the one I found it hardest to remember at first. I had to write it on a bit of paper in front of me.) And when I was doing Going Forth and recalled that Nimloth was Elwing's mother, I wished I had settled on a different name for little Nimloth - but it's too late to change, because it's just what she is called now. Oh well, c'est la vie!

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/21/2004
I can't think of anything more frightening than to have your child in danger; worse when that child becomes endangered after you leave him in the care of others! Legolas' reaction to his son's disappearance (and later his daughter not staying put) were right on! It won't take these adas long to realize what the naneths already only takes a split second for catastrophe to strike where kids are concerned, and the younger they are, the more creative the catastrophe!

Elrohir and Elladan can cope with a temper shortened by fear...but poor Elrin...I hope Legolas has a talk and explains things to him. Elrin did a wonderful job of remembering twin connections to each other, and then using that to find the little one.

Yes, indeed, my mother-in-law laughed at her son's reaction to something our oldest boy did and said, "This is just payback for that time you made a playhouse in that refrigerator box in the middle of the street, and I walked out to see that huge truck run over it!" Offspring are NOT for the faint at heart! LOL! Wonderful story! :-)


Author Reply: Terrifying - and they disappear so quickly! E2L are accustomed to protecting things and people - but from outside dangers. I don't think they have quite cottoned on to the fact that they need to watch the children more than the surroundings. Legolas was on watch - but thought, 'Hey, they're asleep, no-one will notice if I go off for a few minutes' - which then turned into half an hour - and by then . . .

Elrin couldn't have done much to keep Eleniel from running off - except, I suppose, sitting on her - and he did try to call his adar, but Legolas was in a state of panic. I'm sure he will appreciate Elrin's efforts once he has had time to calm down a little. And learned that you don't leave a kid in charge of a little kid and expect them to do just as told.

A truck running over the box playhouse! That must have been a real heart-stopping moment. One of those stories that is amusing in retrospect, but at the time . . .

E2L have had quite an easy introduction to Doing Things With The Kids. One little Elrin to three of them - the odds were just about right. Now it's one to one - and you can see the fear in their eyes. Just wait until it's five to three! (Or will they have learned containment techniques by then?)

Elena TirielReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 12/20/2004
Thank you! This is very helpful...

- Barbara

Author Reply: I'm glad it helps. It's easy to forget that keeping track of loads of OCs can be difficult. I'm happy to expand as necessary - do ask if you want to know more!

fael bainReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 12/20/2004
Good idea, I feel so much less confused now! =) Looking forward to more!

Author Reply: Thank you. If there is anything else you want to know, do ask.

Lots of the build up is in Reflections. The heading west is in Far Horizons. Some of the background to the decision to sail is in Fallen Rain and Healing. It all happened quite gradually really - (I didn't start with marrying off the most eligible elves!) - but they've all become quite real to me now. (I've even got pictures!)

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