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Legolas's Begetting Day  by daw the minstrel 31 Review(s)
JuleReviewed Chapter: 3 on 7/26/2004
You have to give Turgon credit. He is very loyal and loving to those his cares about. I remember in one of your other stories after being told he couldn't hang out w/ Legolas for a week, he just hugged him and went on his way. Here he throws himself between his Red-y and a broom weilding cook. He really is a sweetie. It is to bad he had such lousy parents.

Eilian should be ashamed of himself. Think of all though trouble the elflings could have found if they actually went down to the store rooms. I'm almost afraid to see where he sends them next.

I can't wait to see where the rest of the mice turn up

Thanks for writing


Author Reply: I still feel bad about killing Turgon. I did it in one of my first stories, when I hadn't written about him very much, or I don't think I could have done it. I'm afraid he's a bit too willing to try to deceive the adults, but at least he's trying to protect Red-y.

Eilian should indeed be ashamed of himself, but he's too busy trying to charm the maiden. :-)

sofiaReviewed Chapter: 3 on 7/26/2004
Is that his real name? Cook? I actually like that...

Author Reply: "Cook" is his title, actually, sort of like Captain or something. I could have named him, I guess, but making up names is hard!

erunyauveReviewed Chapter: 3 on 7/26/2004
Ahem! Babysitting rule No. 1: no wine! But I do have to give Eilian props for his sneakiness.

'“And of course,” she went on, “like this little one, you were born in a time of danger. I was afraid for you, I confess, but although it is perhaps selfish of me, and although I might wish your life were easier, Ithilden, I have never for a second regretted having you.”'

Lorellin is just lovely.

I was reminded of the crisis during Sinnarn's birth and how the family did their best to give Ithilden and Alfirin peace.

Author Reply: That may be your rule and it would certainly be mine, but it's not Eilian's! He was bad to make the kids fetch the wine for him and Miss Go-Away-Elflings.

I'm enjoying the chance to write about Lorellin a little. I try to picture how their family would have been different if she had lived, and I can see how good she was for all of them. She's wood-elfy, I think.

Another reviewer mentioned that I had put Legolas in danger when Sinnarn was born and was doing the same to Eilian here. I hadn't even thought about that! I can only plead that these folks live in a dangerous place and a story needs some conflict. Either that or I like to hurt the pretty elves. :-)

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 3 on 7/26/2004
They all hung around in Minas Tirith for months, didn't they? Battle in March - wedding midsummer - home in September? Surely Legolas would have let Adar know quite quickly that the fighting was over and he wasn't smeared all over the land before the Black Gate. Not to mention everyone would be keen to get out all the news about Sauron and the return of the king.

Turgon has a very lively mind - and is clearly more used to attempting deception than Annael, who is exceedingly honest. Love the 'you imagined it' bit - and the look that says 'pink elephants' from the assistant when the cook mentions the red ribbon.

I can't help but feel a bit sorry for Legolas, as I think of him wandering around that palace, sitting and listening to the singing or reading, watched by servants and guards who are busy about their tasks. It shows how lonely and isolated he could be if his Adar wasn't so loving and he didn't have such good friends. It's probably good for Turgon and Annael to see him in his own rather impersonal living environment. I expect it actually makes Annael feel sorry for him, though I would think Turgon would revel in the opportunities for mischief. (Ties in with when Annael tells him he is privileged rather than spoiled - and that he wouldn't want to be Legolas.)

Author Reply: You may have a point, Bodkin. ;-)

That picture of Legolas is kind of lonely. I hadn't thought of that. Only Thranduil and Ithilden are home consistently, after all, and they can be busy. His mother's death was really a tragedy. She wanted him for years before he was born and loved him from the minute he was conceived. He must have spent most of his time with her until she died. Sigh. No wonder he nearly faded.

Ms. WhatsitReviewed Chapter: 3 on 7/25/2004
Well, if I were Amelith and I were alone with Eilian, I wouldn't take kindly to the intrusion of younger siblings either!

Aww. Poor Legolas all worried about Blue-y getting frightened. That reminded me of him in Tangled Web worrying about Hobbit the Dwarf-child.

You know, I hadn't thought (when I read the last chapter) about how worried everyone must have been at home with Eilian missing and the chaos surrounding Legolas's birth on top of it all. Yikes.

Hah! Turgon tells the cook that he imagined the mouse! What nerve. But poor kid--he lost his special mouse.

Author Reply: You wouldn't??? You wouldn't invite the kids to stay and play Monopoly? Fancy that! :-)

I've very glad you can see grown up Legolas in this kid (or maybe see this kid in grown up Legolas). It can be hard to keep the characterizations consistent but appropriate to the age, I find. I have to keep reminding myself how old everyone is and what has and hasn't happened yet.

Legolas's birth day was very exciting! (I'm sure his original beggeting day was too, but Lorellin hasn't told me about it yet.)

I'm glad for the chance to write about Turgon again. He's always himself -- good hearted but really nervy.

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 3 on 7/25/2004
I am so enjoying these little mice. I think Red-y might be fortunate, and for some reason I do not doubt that blue-y and green-y and brown-y will soon join him in the great outdoors.

Eilian is a riot, I love how his riddle has elfling becoming a wine delivery service. And I am sort of with Legolas about the elleth - she isn't happy to see him, so he isn't happy to see her. :(

*goes to find Celuwen* Anyone else DOESN'T belong

Author Reply: Celuwen went off to a settlement. He's not going to sit home on a Saturday night! He should be ashamed of having the kids get the wine though. Cook really should have given them cider. I'd like to have seen the look on the maiden's face!

nessieReviewed Chapter: 3 on 7/25/2004
Ah, Eilian, clever you. I figured that riddle by myself, too *looks proud of self* Bye bye Red-y! Poor Turgon... It has to be HIS mouse they get rid of first! And I really liked Ithilden's flashback. I could see how much the family really misses Lorellin. I wonder what it would have been like, especially for Legolas, if she had lived or for at least a while longer. She really encourages her sons and makes sure that they know they are loved very much by their parents. I don't like Amelith either. She'll never live up to Celuwen! I think Eilian's first should be a daughter. There's too many boys in that family ;-D !
Man, if you get sample food every time you go down to the kitchens, I'd be there every day! I like the cook, and found it amusing with him chasing after the mouse with a broom!

"I think you imagined that mouse," Lol, very subtle Turgon, when you're screaming "Don't hurt it!" and blocking off the cupboard with his arms are spread out.

Well, loved this chapter! I think there should be longer flashbacks, because I love Lorellin and I love her and Thranduil together even more. Now, about Legolas getting lost in the woods...Was that already in one of your stories, because I don't remember that. If not, I think you should write that little tail...When you're done with this, of course :-D Loved this and update asap!


Author Reply: You are so good with that riddle! The next one is harder. Turgon is actually pretty sweet in this story. He tries to protect his mouse. He has Legolas and Annael to comfort him, which is nice because they're both nice children. It's to his credit that he choose to hang out with them, I think, rather than looking for another trouble maker.

I'm enjoying the chance to write about Lorellin. She dotes on her sons and is much more open about her feelings than Thranduil is. She's good for him too, I think, because of that. She makes him play a little.

The story about Legolas getting lost is nowhere at the moment. I just made it up for that bit in the story! Maybe I'll write it sometime.

Elena TirielReviewed Chapter: 3 on 7/25/2004
P.S. Reading one of your earlier responses: The Cook had the right idea. Brooms are *far* more effective than baseball bats against mice, for two reasons: 1) they have a larger surface area on the business (trapping) end, and 2) they just trap the mouse, not, um, squish it. Think of the mess!!!

And if you pick up a live mouse by its tail (not the ribbon ;-) ), you can take it outside safely. (Or, flush it down a modern-day convenience!)

- Barbara, who has had some experience in these matters... but not with a baseball bat -- yuk!

And, speaking as a home baker, too... I would only dispose of those tarts that the mouse touched. Hey! Making tarts is a lot of work!

Author Reply: Squishing is good. It's too good for a rodent. Ahem. Let me get hold of myself. Sorry, elflings. I think you just imagined that I said that.

Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 7/25/2004
I just laugh all the way through the parts with the children everytime. Too funny. This is a great story.

Author Reply: Thank you! I have to admit the kids make me laugh too. My husband refuses to read what I write but I tell him what the kids are doing and saying and he laughs too.

Elena TirielReviewed Chapter: 3 on 7/25/2004
Turgon flung himself against the door, slamming it shut, and then turned to face Cook with his arms spread wide to defend it. ... “I think you imagined that mouse,” Turgon declared.

LOLOLOL! ROFLMAO! Oh, Daw, that is just too funny! Turgon is so protective of Red-y... and his elfling mind just doesn't grasp the incongruity of his actions and his words! Sooooooo funny!

And then you intersperse Ithilden's past worry about Eilian, and his current worry about the lost Men. You handle that so well! (And, I admit, I'm rooting for the Men to be found alive, unlikely though that seems... Guess you needed *someone* to be in danger who we didn't know for sure would survive... But that poor Captain! How would *you* like it if your brother had to be sacrificed because the mean old author needed a plot device?)

Ahem, got a bit carried away...

Carry on, mean old author!

- Barbara

Author Reply: You don't think Turgon convinced Cook??? I guess not. :-) I do love writing about Turgon. He's an author's delight -- plot elements just pop up all over the place when he's around.

Nilmandra has already spoken to me severely about the Men. And actually, I have a glimmer of an idea!

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