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Legolas's Begetting Day  by daw the minstrel 169 Review(s)
JebbReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/22/2004
I loved this it was so wonderful to read something that brings a smile to your face and lets it stay there!
There was so much to enjoy the differences between the elflings, you could see which one of the vistors had, had a 'proper' upbringing and the differences between Legolas' life and theirs are brought into sharp relief when they enter his world
As for the mice I can only see great trouble ahead I supsect Nimloth is not the only one who is going to get an unpleasent surprise
but the thing that made me laugh out loud and is stillm aking me smile was the wise words of Legolas regarding his elder brother I can just hear Thranduil saying it
thank you so much for sharing

Author Reply: Thank you, Jebb. I had fun writing this chapter too, which was a relief after the sorrows of writing about Five Armies. I wondered how Turgon and Annael would feel about visiting Legolas. This is not the first time they've slept over, I think, but still, it must be a little odd. Even his room seems huge to them -- so huge that they're sure that Nimloth will never notice a few mice in the corner. ;-)

The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/22/2004
Hi daw,

It's so nice to go back to the simpler days of Legolas after the intensity of your last story. Not that I didn't love the last one, but I do have a soft spot for the family tales. I always enjoy the little Legolas stories. This one promises to be quite fun, I think.

You do such a nice job of tone and voice according to what age Legolas is in your story. One place in particular comes to mind. When the little trio passed the guards, and Annael spoke to them, Legolas did not because he had been instructed to not distract the warriors, and he made the mental note that his friends didn't have guards at their house. That was such a kid thing to think.

I enjoyed Thranduil's memories of Legolas's begetting day. Of course, I got 'really' sidetracked by Lorellin 'having her way with him'. Funny how you have a tendency to slip those little things in when the little ones are around, and I have to behave...or I feel guilty. But once they've gone to to the mouse house, I might just spend some time reflecting on that. :>)

Adorable family dinner there. Just delightful. So what are the men doing coming a-calling on a spring night? Is a little excitement--besides the mice--around the corner?

A great start. I'm looking forward to seeing where the mice go and what the men are up to. I'm also looking forward to the memories of Legolas's birth...especially Thranduil's. Perhaps he'll elaborate about Lorellin's 'way'. :>)

Okay, don't be too late updating since I'm playing the role of Father Flanagan by-the-sea next week and will be out of pocket.

Take care, Karen

Author Reply: I'm glad for the chance to go back to just the family and write about elflings too. I like the opportunity to get into Legolas's head and think like a kid. :-)

Poor Thranduil. He loved his wife and loves her still and the memories are painful as well as sweet. I'm starting on chapter 2 today, so I don't know when it will be done but I have a pretty good outline, so I think it will go quickly. But it will be there when you get back. :-)

nessieReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/21/2004
Yay! This story came sooner than I expected! Ah, how I missed Turgon. I'm pretty sure the mice are going to cause trouble later on! I could just imagine the looks on some of the Elves faces if they saw four little mice running around the palace with different colored ribbons tied to their tails! I'm glad there are going to be flashbacks in this story. Anyways, loved it and update asap!


Author Reply: Thank you, nessie. I miss Turgon too. He's really a good hearted kid, but he needs a parent like Thranduil, rather than the ones he has.

The mice cause trouble??? Surely not. :-)

esamenReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/21/2004
“Why is it called a begetting day?” Turgon asked, setting his piece of bread carefully on the edge of the table. “What does ‘begetting’ mean?” Much to Thranduil’s dismay, the child looked at him expectantly, waiting for an answer. Indeed, as he glanced around the table, he found the three elflings and his two older sons all looking at him with interest.

Really, daw! You insist on going here! What are we to do with you!

Too funny . . . Thranduil rising to the occasion. I hope we all get to find out what the other definition of "begetting day" was that Legolas heard.

Now, I hope the mice don't get into the storeroom . . . Legolas might wind up in trouble . . . I'm sure you've got some surprise in store for us up your talented sleeve. My goodness, you're being prolific this summer! Another marvelous story! Do you write 24/7? Definitely great news for all us readers.

Thanks for sharing your vision . . .

Author Reply: I think we all already KNOW the definition of begetting day that Turgon offered. He's one of those kids who just somehow knows stuff that other kids' parents wish he didn't. And really, haven't you ever wondered how elves explain that to their kids? A begetting day? Thranduli did pretty well all things considered, but he 's an experienced parent.

I write as much as I can in the summer when I have less work to do. In the last week, I've actually worked at what I get paid for (although not in the summer) a fair amount, but I sure didn't do much else when I was writing "Tangled Web."

JuleReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/21/2004
This was so adorable. Legolas, Annael and Turgon sound like the cutest elflings, even more so because of their mischief. Is Thranduil crazy?. He knows their up to something yet leave Eilian in charge, Elian with an ellyth on the the brain. The King even says she can come over.

I love Eilian. He is one of my favorite characters but I just know this is going to go badly.

The part about Legolas being born is great but where is Eilian.

I can't wait to see what happens next.

Thanks for writing.


Author Reply: This made me laugh, Jule! You are so right on about Eilian! What was Thranduil thinking??? We should find out a little more about what Eilian was doing when Legolas was born in the next chapter. At least, I hope we will.

White WolfReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/21/2004
Turgon's question and everyone's reaction to it was so funny. I applaud Ithilden and Eilian for restraining themselves as well as they managed to do.

Those elflings and all they went through to identify the little mice and give them a good home was so endearing. I'm wondering if they (the mice) are going to get loose in the palace. I'm sure the elflings scrambling around trying to catch them before Thranduil found out would be a riot. Of course, yuo may something else just as funny in mind.

Author Reply: Ithilden and Eilian enjoyed themselves a little too much from Thranduil's POV!

They kids did try to take good care of the mice -- make them a nice home, feed them, and so on. I think they're being pretty optimistic to believe that a towel is going to hold their pets in the corner there. :-)

mistry89Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/21/2004
Have always like the family dynamics and the way the characters of the 3 friends mesh and bounce off each other - none exactly alike, none totally predictable, and yet none ooc without reason.

“Is this the kind of nothing it is better for Adar not to know about?”

Just like the children of Men ... and yet indisputably elflings - the similarities are enough to draw parallels and the differences highlight their "alien-ness".

'Nuff said, am delighted to see this and anticipate more!
Thanks :)

Author Reply: This was a lovely review. I really appreciate your comments on my characters (whom I love without reason). I thought maybe the elflings' comfort with the mice might be elfy. It's hard to show up their elfiness when it's just elves. It's easier to do when I'm contrasting them to Men or Dwarves.

Thank you.

tigerlily713Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/21/2004
Food storage is a very valuable lesson to learn. Clever elflings.

Great chapter and great new story!

I can't wait for more! Lily

Author Reply: Thank you, Lily. I think those elflings should be commended for taking such good care of their pets! After all, taking care of pets is supposed to build responsibility. Maybe Eilian should get a pet too! How about a monkey???

Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/21/2004
The whole scene involving Turgon's question was just priceless. And those poor mice! Once again, another fantastic beginning. I love having your stories to read. May you never run out of ideas.

Author Reply: Turgon's question was one that everyone at the table reacted to! How fun. The older brothers were bad to laugh.

I think I'll run out of energy before I run out of ideas. Tolkien is just full of good stuff.

Estel_Mi_OlorReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/21/2004
Yay, another fic! :) I love little Legolas. He is so adorable. This was a very sweet chapter. The mouse idea seems to be working alright-for now. I find it funny how Thranduil is amused by the elflings food-napping. I wonder if his reaction will be the same when he discovers mice in Legolas's room. Well, they are causing no harm, yet...

Turgon's begetting question was very funny. At least it amused Ithilden and Eilian. Imagine, they thought they would have a boring evening! But Thranduil answered it with great decorum. His flashback of Legolas's begetting reminds me of Eilian's begetting.

Well Cheers for this fic, and I wish Legolas a very happy begetting day.

Author Reply: I suspect there's not an adult in the palace who will be happy about the mice. Adorable as Legolas and his friends are, I'm thinking their pets might not be so welcome.

And you're so right about Eilian's begetting (which my beta wrote)! All of Thranduil's kids were conceived out of doors - hence their names. "Ithil" is the Sindarin word for moon, "Eilian" means rainbow, and, of course, "Legolas" means green leaf.

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