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Legolas's Begetting Day  by daw the minstrel 169 Review(s)
JastaElfReviewed Chapter: 6 on 8/1/2004
Oh, daw, that was just superb!! WHAT a grand way to wrap up the tale (tail??)!!! To show us the excitement of the rescue... then the meeting of each brother with little Legolas... and how he wrapped himself around their hearts.... *sob!* that was so sweet!!

But I think my favourite part was the mice! They all have their own wonderful names and agendas... they're even a little like the Elflings!! (grin) And I love the fact that they all kept their ribbons as badges of rank and adornment... and little Precious is preggers!! And she's getting her nesting material from Thranduil's office! Heh!

The fact that the Mice call the Elves Singers is a lovely thing, too. AND we get to see, through the eyes of the Mice, that the Men get rescued as well! YAY!! A hapy ending all around....

save for that little moment of sweet tragedy, when Legolas gets what his heart desires--to the ultimate sadness of the elders in his life. What a touching, poignant moment.... SO very well done!

When the Evil Empire of comes back to life, I will leave a review there as well--I'm all for raising people's hit and review counts when it is deserved! (grin) But for now, thank you for another wonderful tale in the dark brightness that is Mirkwood!

Author Reply: Thank you, Jasta. It didn't take Baby Legolas long to wipe out all the doubts about whether having him was a good idea, did it? :-)

I have to say the mice were my favorite part too. They see themselves as the center of the world, just as the rest of us do, and in their world, they are important. And Precious is going to bring the theme of babies right along there!

I thought the knife gift would draw together the silliness of the treasure hunt and mice with the dangerous story of Eilian's escape, the "present" and the past. I'm glad you liked it.

BrazgirlReviewed Chapter: 6 on 8/1/2004
Beautiful ending! It was so beautiful...
Very nice chapter, I must say, very nice. I thought Thranduil would be mad at Eilian but he didn't... he is nice anyway. I loved your story.

Author Reply: Glad you liked it, Brazgirl. Having all these adults fall in love with Baby Legolas seemed beautiful to me too.

Thranduil was probably not too happy with Eilian, but he what he really wanted was to help his son be a better, happier person. Good Ada!

KarriReviewed Chapter: 6 on 8/1/2004
A lovely conclusion, Daw. The mouse perspective was quite entertaining. Thranduil and Eilian's discussion went well, considering that it was Thranduil and Eilian.... Legolas was as sweet and adorable as ever. (I laughed when Thranduil noted that even Turgon looked sweet and innocent. ;-))

Author Reply: Thank you, Karri. Ending with the mice made me laugh, which is what writing this whole story did actually. I enjoyed it.

Thranduil was a pretty good father with Eilian, I thought. He got to the really important thing (the girl) and didn't harp too much on the crown and the chemise.

And I think all children must look sweet and innocent when tucked up in their little beds. :-)

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 6 on 8/1/2004
“What a lucky baby Legolas is,” Lorellin said contentedly. “He will have people who love him looking after him at every turn.”

And he has. Just not his naneth.

They all looked sad, he thought. What was the matter?

One more step on the path to adulthood, when he would be among those whose life was constantly at risk in his duty to the realm. Is it any wonder they are sad.

Author Reply: I know. :-( I thought of that. It's really sad to think of this gay, playful, loving nana being there for him for only 10 short years. Think of the loss!

I thought that the gift of the knife would draw together this fluffy story of his begetting day celebration with the worries of his birth day.

nanethReviewed Chapter: 6 on 8/1/2004
What a fun ending to this story! LOL! This was a really fun story to read. I just can't believe that it's finished so quickly.

There's just something about babies that makes everyone a little "mushy", you just can't help yourself! Babies truly bring a sense of hope and joy with them as they are born. You captured that feeling very well.

Thanks for another wonderful story. Can't wait for more!

Author Reply: Glad you liked it, Naneth. As always, I'm sorry this is over. I always feel a little lost when a story ends.

Baby Legolas certainly made his brothers forget any doubts about his parents' wisdom in having him! You can see protectiveness springing into being, full blown.

This was a fun story to write too. I enjoyed the mouse stuff particularly. It was just a good chance to write comedy.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 6 on 8/1/2004
Those mice! Thranduil as Singer in Charge just about to become host to a family of mouslings. What a wonderfully entertaining ending.

And a very clever way to find the Men - love the names the mice have for themselves. A little more imaginative than the elflings' choices.

Glad to see the Maltanaur and Eilian got home safely - and that, with sufficient reminders, Eilian was actually able to forsake trouble and orc-slaying to make it home for Legolas's arrival.

Those orcs, by the way, should definitely get a refund from the charm school.

And the whole baby thing - lovely. Ithilden fallen within seconds, Eilian won over with a little squeak - and Thranduil and Lorellin so happy.

A weeny Legolas story with Nana still alive would be rather special. And, of course, Eilian and Ithilden need post Five Army elflings. And Sinnarn needs to get married. And . . .

Sorry this one is finished. Very much looking forward to the next.

Author Reply: Yes indeed, babies all over the place of both the mouse and the elf persuasion.

I thought the mice would think of themselves as important folks, the center of the universe as a matter of fact, just like the rest of us. So their names show that.

Eilian did some very dangerous stuff there and it's a good thing that Maltanaur, Thranduil, and Ithilden don't know about it. It's fun to write about Orcs! They're so much more visceral than Elves. Sauron's snot!

It didn't take baby Legolas long to make Ithilden and Eilian forget their doubts about the baby, did it? :-)

IthildinReviewed Chapter: 6 on 8/1/2004
Really enjoyed this story daw. So many nice moments -
“What a lucky baby Legolas is,” Lorellin said contentedly. “He will have people who love him looking after him at every turn.”

Eilian looked at her and saw the love in her eyes as she looked back at him and Legolas, and suddenly, his eyes stung with tears. Legolas was not the only lucky one, he thought and began to jiggle his little brother and croon to him.
to quote just one. :)

Returning to the mice at the end was just perfect. And the way they referred to the Elves as the Singers... oh, very nice touch! And Precious in her nest - too funny!

Well done,
Ithildin *(

Author Reply: Thank you, Ithildin. This story was a ton of fun to write -- a little fluffy, but fun. And the mice made me laugh!

JustafanReviewed Chapter: 6 on 8/1/2004
I loved this story! I'm so glad that you wrote a story that let us see Eilian and Ithilien's reaction to a baby Legolas. I do so love your characterization of Legolas as a young elfling. Thank you so much!

Author Reply: Glad you liked it, Justafan. This was a lot of fun to write, and a nice change from battle scenes. It didn't take baby Legolas long to make his brothers forget their doubts about the wisdom of having a baby, did it? :-)

erunyauveReviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/1/2004
I have to admire your cleverness with the treasure hunt hints - those little rhymes would have driven me bonkers. And it was very sweet when Thranduil got Legolas to let the mouse go.

I *do* want to know how Eilian came by that chemise - and I find it amusing that the palace laundry knew to whom to return it.

I hadn't thought of how it would be for Eilian to suddenly lose his place as the youngest - it seems so odd to think of that for an adult, but obviously, that would be a common situation for elves (it does give me a tiny ounce of sympathy for Feanor). And, of course, there is his affection for his mother. It might not be fair to be jealous of a helpless baby, but he can't help his feelings.

Author Reply: I am the world's worst poet and those little rhymes are the height of my accomplishment. :-)

Thranduil was a very good father to Legolas in that chapter. It was tempting to make him get all upset about the mice, which would have been entertaining, but I thought he really would be interested in helping his son learn something here (and also in getting rid of the mice).

I picture lost of people living in the palace -- servants mostly. So in my head, the chemise belonged to one of them. Really!

I had trouble working out just how Eilian would feel about Legolas's birth. He's an adult (more or less) but his mother is the person he's closest too, probably the person he loves the best. He knows he'll never be as close to Thranduil as Ithilden is. And he can see that his mother is absorbed in the baby even before he's born. I don't think he'd be nasty jealous, like a two year old, but I think he might unconsciously worry.

erunyauveReviewed Chapter: 4 on 8/1/2004
'“Tell Legolas that he should hurry because he is a fortunate baby who will have a beautiful nana to love him,” he said.'

Sniff! I can imagine how that memory would be especially poignant to Thranduil on Legolas' begetting day.

I laughed out loud at the discovery of Green-y in the Great Hall. I'm sure some dwarves would have paid gold to see graceful elves falling in a heap. And then I had a good giggle at the head of the chattering pest (the squirrel - though I think that Thranduil's first suspicion is not far off Eilian's thoughts).

Author Reply: It is sad to think about how much Legolas's mother loved him and how short a time he had her. I should write something in which we see them together with him as a toddler.

The Great Hall scene was fun to write. I don't often write slapstick! And Eilian would never call his father a chattering pest! He's not totally insane.

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