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My Dear Bandobras  by Le Rouret 246 Review(s)
Ms. WhatsitReviewed Chapter: 6 on 8/2/2004
Aww. This was a sweet letter. Loved the bit about "union" vs. "marriage". And Thranduil really is the master of the guilt trip, isn't he. Poor Legolas.

LamielReviewed Chapter: 6 on 8/2/2004
Lapels! Beaded lapels, no less! My goodness, I can't say I understand it either, but I was grinning all through the Elven king's belaboured description.

And he does present his arguments with all the thought and clever reason of his millenia experience in diplomacy, but I say again to Legolas, resist! Be strong! You can do it!

Now what is this reference to a friend in Rohan? Is this a reference to your Legolas/Eowyn fic, or something else? I don't believe it's movie verse (and in any case Haldir didn't bring any female elves to Helm's Deep), and I can't imagine that Thranduil would encourage his son to become involved with a mortal lady. Anyway, what maiden friends does Rumil have? Perhaps I'm just being dense, and soon after I post this review I'll slap my forehead in disgust at my own obtuseness. Oh well.

Still enjoy this fic, especially the speedy updates. Much appreciated.

Ms. WhatsitReviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/1/2004
Amusing as always. I laughed when Legolas got interested in the girl in spite of himself. I like how meticulously he answered every one of Bandy's questions, and I like how they called the kids "Bandys."

DuchessReviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/1/2004
Yikes! Legolas really DOES need Bandy there, doesn't he? I can't wait to see what his mother thinks of the offer in that letter. *giggling* How much longer must Bandy wait to go back to his master?

Oh I just LOVED the fact Bandy's last letter inspired sleds being made for the children to play on! *vbg* That was too darling and the images the descriptions brought up too cute!

MORE please?!? *chuckling* This is rather addictive! :):):)

LamielReviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/1/2004
You married Legolas off in another fic? Oh dear, well, I shall trust that doing so got the urge out of your system, and he will be safe in this one.

It is interesting to note the advantages that having a lady of the house brings to the organizing of all the feasts and what not that are required of a lord. Even I must concede that Legolas' parents have a point there, but... doesn't he have a sister or someone who could do the job? And now it sounds like he's beginning to waver... no! Stay strong, Legolas! I'm cheering for you!

It's also interesting to think about what Gimli's thoughts are on the whole marriage issue. Very few writers do any sort of Dwarf romance, apart from the slash fics. And it's rather sad to think that he would like to marry, but the maidens aren't so agreeable. Somehow the idea of marrying Gimli off doesn't bother me nearly as much. I suppose it's because there's a shortage of Dwarven Mary Sues about. Thank the Valar for that.

LamielReviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/31/2004
I do like Bandobras' style - such enthusiasm cannot be constrained by such trifles as proper English grammar. It is nice seeing the contrast between his and Legolas' correspondence - no doubt that's why Legolas likes him so much as well. I suppose they did come to the right conclusion about it all, that if Legolas chooses to marry that's a good thing, but he should be pressured into it. Of course, myself I'd argue the virtues of bachelorhood at least until he sails over sea and beyond the reach of most fanfic writers. Bad enough that my best fantasies revolve around a fictional character - must he then be married as well?

DuchessReviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/31/2004
*laughing like mad* Loved that parting line, I hope Legolas waves that letter at whoever is trying to push him into marriage and says he has to wait until Bandy can be there before he even makes a choice of bride! *giggle fit*

So we're still in the dark about exactly what Bandy did with the wine barrel, eh? *sigh* Imagination is best here I guess. lol

I'm greedy, I want more now. *vbg* Please write more as soon as you possibly can? *hopeful look* This is just too adorable!

Ms. WhatsitReviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/31/2004
I laughed out loud at the idea of the whole damn Shire taking sides about Legolas's love troubles! And about the idea of Legolas adopting a daughter--and the "issue" being the issue! LOL.

I suppose when Legolas goes to Valinor he can marry and provide Thranduil with grand-elflings.

Ooh, bad winter in the Shire coming up? Hmm. Is that part of the reason this isn't a happy story? (I'm going to be asking that about every non-happy bit of info you put in, btw, so get used to it! :P)

Yes, why ISN'T Gimli married? And why isn't anyone nagging him?

Ms. WhatsitReviewed Chapter: 3 on 7/30/2004
Uh-oh! The plot thickens...or, at least, the pressure on poor Legolas does. Elves don't *force* each other to marry, so he doesn't have to worry about being hauled bodily to the altar, but I bet Thranduil would do anything short of that!

--to be known in the future as Thranduilion-married-despite-himself--


And this line, too:
--Indeed when they are both present there is so much grace in the room it is a wonder any of us can speak.--


Now I'm wondering how he's going to keep avoiding this. You've said you're not into Legomances, so it probably won't be the standard "two people are forced together via arranged marriage and learn to love each other" deal, so our Elf must get a bit creative to dodge the marital noose.

DuchessReviewed Chapter: 3 on 7/30/2004
LOLOLOL Poor Legolas, trapped indeed at this point in time. He really DOES need Bandobras there to stand between him and grasping Elven ladies who are being foisted upon the Hobbit's beloved master. I'm sure Bandy could pick out the best one for him in no time too. *giggle fit*

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