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My Brother's Keeper  by daw the minstrel 25 Review(s)
The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 3 on 8/15/2004
Okay, forget everything I've said in the two previous reviews. And here I was contemplating what the shadow was doing to Poor! Eilian. Poor! Eilian, indeed. But I will give him this: As the president of the Middle-earth Academy of Arts and Acting Elves, I will nominate him for the Best Actor Award. What a sucker I've chasing a lame goose. Know how I know...not that I'm a sucker, that Eilian is acting? Thranduil and Ithilden know about what he is up to and if Eilian were involved in substance abuse, he'd be on the locked ward of the Mirkwood Rehab Cavern. Thranduil is the original 'intervention elf'. Eilian would be chained to a wall if that's what it took. So this is my take: The dang! dangwath has been disappearing for some time. The feast disappearance of the herb was a setup so that people would connect it to Eilian. Ithilden has recruited Eilian due to his recent brush with shadow sickness to be the bait for the guys trafficking the dang! dangwath. Maltanaur is watching Eilian's back as usual. (I won't even go into what Maltanaur would do to Eilian after Thranduil finished with him if Eilian had been joyriding on this weed.) Thranduil ain't happy about using his son as bait, but it's one of those necessary evils. He wants Legolas to be as far away from this drug sting as possible when it goes down, so he's asked Eilian to stay away from him. And for once, Eilian agrees with his father. Of course, Legolas--the last Elf in all of Mirkwood to ever know what's going on--will manage to get right in the middle of this drug operation. That's what happens when you don't know what's going on, ya know. You go off chasing a lame goose and feel sorry for your brother. I sympathize. My work here is done...until the next chapter. I might have to revise a little. :>) our competent commander. I was laughing out loud. What a visit. He sat there like a wooden bench...until he adorned his tunic and leggings with tea. And Alfirin was just trying to be helpful. You go,, elleth. I'd like to think that he would have invited her to go walking or something and didn't come to just stare at her. A pinch of dang! dangwath in his tea might help loosen him up a bit. Yeah, he'll be back. Tonduil might not survive this courtship though. What a hoot!

Well, Thranduil backed himself into a corner with the going-out-after-dark thing. At least, on this occasion, Legolas went home when promised. I can't vouch for him any further. I see trouble on the horizon.

Your minstelship, you have woven a fine tale here, indeed. You're leading us on merry chase. I have to say that I'm a little disappointed that we won't get to see 'intervention adar', but I have a feeling that I might be just tickled pink with whatever you have up your sleeve. It looks like an exciting ride. The tone is still a little darker than usual, but I like that. I love a good peek into the shadows of our favorite Elves. Ah, the unusual, the rare, the never-seen-before underbelly of the immortal. See the Elves as you've never seen them before. Staring Eilian Thranduilion in a role sure to bring him recognition as one the finest actors in all Arda. Co-staring: Thranduil Oropherion, Ithilden Thranduilion, and in a special appearance, Alfirin, as the healer's daughter.

Yes, the Academy is well pleased.


Author Reply: I liked what you said in the previous two reviews! It was very insightful about the shadow and the effect it might have on people. And Eilian really does have shadow sickness. What else he might *really* be doing is another question. You argue very well about that. :-)

Poor Ithilden. If he'd been spared from utter humiliation for long enough, he probably would have asked her to go for a walk. As it is, he's probably walking funny. I have to admit I still laugh when I think of her mother asking if she should "take a look" to see if Ithilden is burned.

Legolas is being a very good boy for now. He wants to go out again. What might happen on further night adventures is another good question!

Tapetum LucidumReviewed Chapter: 3 on 8/15/2004
I was right! I knew you and Ithilden were up to something! Now Eilian is working as one of Thranduil's spies. I thought it was very OOC for Eilian to get sucked into something like the dangwath. I am glad he is working for his brother.

Legolas was very smooth on that one. Thranduil walked right into it. I tend to agree with the king. It wasn't really a set up - it was taking advantage of a good opportunity to get what he wanted. I was surprised that Thranduil had asked Eilian to stay away from his brother. Once I figured out what he was up to then it made a lot more sense.

Ithilden's little visit to Alfirin's was very amusing! It is good comic relief against the other serious story line. Can you even imagine a prince showing up at your door unannounced? Tonduil definitely has some hero worship going on. Nothing like having hot tea dumped in your lap to squelch your romantic aspirations. I am sure Alfirin's mother is correct - Lord Ithilden will be back.

It must have been hard for Eilian to face this particular "weakness." Especially if he had been relatively immune to it in the past. Maltanaur will keep him on the straight and narrow. You did well having him announce his presence to all those along the riverbank. Anyone would know where to find him.

Annael's mom is the best. No wonder Legolas loves her so much. She is very thoughtful and she and Siondel have realistic expectations for an elfling Annael's age. Thranduil would do well to take some hints from her. I liked how Legolas had the nerve to speak up in Penntalion's defense. Not every kid would tell their friend that some of the blame was their own. I would have followed my sibling too. Even if he was healthy and well - it is natural - much less with him not acting himself. I should have known that Maltanaur would be involved. He would not leave Eilian vulnerable.

You did a good job with Hiolith's background. He is obviously not a bad elf - he has just been dealt a bad hand. Looking forward to the next chapter!

Author Reply: I think I'm not going to comment on sneaky suspicionsess. I ALWAYS give away plot points because I love chatting about my characters. :-)

I wrote the Ithilden part of this chapter last and laughed all the way through it, especially when Alfirin's mother offered to 'take a look' to see if he was burned. If that was my mother, I think I would pull up a floor board and crawl under it.

Eilian was really shaken by the shadow sickness. I think he's feeling surprised by his own vulnerability and it's scaring him. He's normally cheerful but I also think he has these dark spots in his life. He's not living a normal life for a wood elf and he knows that his father does not always understand or approve of him, but he's helpless to change. It's good that Maltanaur is there. Maltanaur and Legolas both support Eilian in different ways. Maltanaur offers loving criticism and an occasional smack; Legolas loved Eilian uncritically at this point in his life, although he may be getting to the age when that will change.

Annael's mom sends cider and seed cakes for all three of them. Isn't that great? I love her too.

I'm interested in Elves like Hiolith who do some things that are outside the accepted actions. How do elves react? I'm going to show that, I hope.

DotReviewed Chapter: 3 on 8/15/2004
Oh! Oh! The plot well and truly thickens. You are just too darn clever. I owe Eilian SUCH a big apology.

See, it’s really hard now to go back to the start of the chapter when Thranduil and Ithilden are trying to reassure Legolas about Eilian after reading the end of the chapter… “Legolas, if you want to help Eilian, the best thing you can do right now is leave him in peace.” Yeah. I feel like such a dimwit. I had totally thought that they were trying to protect him from the reality of shadow sickness and how badly Eilian was affected. But I guess they were doing that too. I feel bad for Legolas. He adores Eilian and must be shaken by his recent behaviour. Even the way that he asks “Was he drunk last evening?” has a sense of disappointment to it. Or maybe he knows that’s something that his father would disapprove of.

How could Thranduil give Legolas an opening like that??! I’m glad Thranduil had enough sense to see that there’s no way Legolas would pretend to be concerned for his brother just to get something he wants. Anyway, I think it’s perfectly reasonable to allow him to do the same as Annael. I know, Turgon is there too… But not allowing Legolas out at night isn’t exactly going to prevent him getting into any mischief Turgon can concoct. I like the little discussion about when Legolas’ brothers were allowed out at night. Interesting how the child of the Peace is the most troubled. It was probably harder too to impose boundaries when there was no real reason whereas now at least when everyone knows that there is danger, certain restrictions make sense. I hope young Ithilden had friends with whom he desperately wanted to be out at night but I rather think it wasn’t such a big deal for him.

Hmmn. Thranduil reinforcing the notion that Legolas will be seen as his son at all times could quite possibly make him rather more aware of his brothers’ behaviour in public too…

That whole scene with Alfirin and Ithilden was priceless. Did he just turn up out of the blue, have a cup of tea and go away again?! Brilliant. I guess he’s made up his mind to pursue her then. He seems to have made a rather imposing figure on the doorstep. And WHEN will ‘mistress’ and ‘my lord’ become just ‘Alfirin’ and ‘Ithilden’?! I love Alfirin’s amused father, bustling mother and awe-struck brother. “The tea is very good.” Well, I suppose that was a commendable sentence under pressure. And he spilled his tea! *cringe* It’s just one of those moments that seem to happen in slow motion, yet you end up somehow powerless to stop it. Even funnier than Alfirin dabbing at his leggings was her mother “Are you burnt, my lord? Let me take a look.” LOL! Poor Tonduil is horrified. And Ithilden could be walking funny for days. That’s right up there with the vomiting, I think. Poor guy. And yet I laugh…

Eilian seems to be pretty much on the edge of society at the moment. Thank heavens for Maltanaur dragging him home, though or who knows what would have happened. In some ways it’s a good thing in that he needs to know that he’s not as invincible as he thinks, but I hate to see him realise that at the same time. I admire his determination to conquer this. He’s obviously pulled himself out of the grips of despair. I like his new-found awareness in the way he looks at others and realises that there could be more to them too than he thought. Gee, that is surprising how Eilian and Thranduil both seem to have behaved rather typically. Am I to take it that if there was a Middle-earth equivalent of the Oscars, they might get one for best ensemble cast…?

I love how delighted – and astonished – Annael and Turgon are that Legolas was allowed to join them. Hang on a tick. Didn’t Turgon have some plan about what Legolas was to tell Thranduil? I hope the story about Annael was true. I had to laugh at Legolas getting totally prepared for a serious discussion about the importance of consistent form. He’s such a little archer already. I wonder if Siondel did tell his family something about Eilian. That’s a tough one. I know he speaks more openly than Thranduil does but it’s awkward when his son is best friends with Eilian’s brother. I can’t believe they witnessed that. No doubt no-one will think to explain to Legolas what’s going on, he’ll jump to his own conclusions and with Turgon in the mix, good intentions are bound to end up in trouble.

Hiolith’s story sounds scarily similar to Eilian’s own. The south seems to have a way of attracting back some of her warriors. I can only have faith that Eilian has more strength than he did. I’m betting Maltanaur will be keeping a VERY close watch on his charge. Especially as Eilian isn’t completely himself yet. *sigh* What a great twist. Or maybe I’m just an idiot. I mean, the clues were there! I KNEW Ithilden and Thranduil were strangely comfortable with allowing Eilian deal with his illness by himself, I KNEW it was odd that Ithilden let a well-known gossip hang out with a very shaky Eilian, OF COURSE Ithilden would have known there was an archery contest on when he sent Eilian off to the practice fields. Then there’s the whole “you must trust him” conversation, frowning poor Calith into silence when he would presumably have realised that news of Eilian’s condition would be wide-spread in a matter of hours and… and… probably more that I can’t think of at the moment! Plus Eilian, who may be a little wild at times, has some sense and so his very public behaviour on both the field and at the feast was a tad surprising, yet still not out of character enough for me to be suspicious that it was more than the shadow’s effects. I could kick myself. This is fantastic, daw. I’m beginning to wonder what else I missed, though. Darnit, at least I didn’t think Hobbit was really a Dwarf-child!! :-)

Author Reply: Legolas does adore Eilian, and I think he's willing to accept quite a lot from him without criticizing him. But I can see why Thranduil thinks Legolas is better off away from his brother right now. Eilian is doing something dangerous on several levels, and Legolas is not good at being deceptive.

I think that Eilian probably had more freedom than either of his brothers when he was young because of the Peace and I'll bet that when restrictions were finally set (and he would have been the equivalent of a human 16 year old), he took them very badly. I find it hard to imagine Ithilden at this age, actually. Surely he was kid like too?

Pathetic as it is, I laughed out loud when writing about Ithilden and Alfirin and am still laughing as I read your review. "Shall I take a look?" Could a mother utter a more embarrassing sentence???

I think that Eilian is actually a little hurt that people are unsurprised at his behavior (he accepts your apology :-)). His shadow sickness was real enough and scared the wits out of him. He does tend to believe he's invulnerable and he's learning a hard lesson.

I thought that Siondel would probably tell Annael what he thought was wrong with Eilian. I pictured him speaking seriously and urging compassion for a brave warrior. And btw, while Turgon did coach Legolas about how to be allowed out, Legolas just told the truth and took advantage of the opening Thranduil gave him.

Dot, you're surely not suggesting that there's been some deception here? :-)

KarriReviewed Chapter: 3 on 8/15/2004
I love Legolas's concern for Eilian. He such a good kid. I liked that he was quick enough to take advantage of the opening left by his ada, all the same. Ithilden's encounter with Alfirin's family was humourous, but a little painful as the nervousness and embarrasment was so palpable. I really liked Alfirin. She is a good match for Ithildin. (Still don't like Celuwen, though. *sigh*) Eilian is in a bad way. It think Maltanaur must be very frustrated. It is his job to protect the elfling, not judge him, and I think he must be feeling rather helpless at the moment. Thranduil and Ithilden need to step in and do more than whatever they are doing to knock some sense back into Eilian and get him cleaned up. I worry that Legolas is going to end up emotional hurt in the least and in physical danger trying to help Eilian at the worst if something isn't done soon. Great chapter!

Author Reply: Legolas is loving but he's not a fool and if his father is going to offer him an opening like that, he's going to drive right through it! Someday, he'll be a good tactician as a warrior. :-)

Ithilden's encounter with Alfirin's family was painful for more reasons than nervousness! Tea in his lap must have killed any romantic notions for a while!

Your observation about Maltanaur is really good. It is his job to protect Eilian, not judge him, and the keepers have all tried to refrain from carrying tales partly because their charges would then not trust them and partly because they are genuinely fond of them.

DuchessReviewed Chapter: 3 on 8/15/2004
Sneaky Legolas, pouncing on that golden opportunity like that. *g*

Poor Ithilden! His first visit to see Alfrin was a complete DISASTER, wasn't it? But you have to admit, it WAS very funny. LOL

Oh I was sooooo worried that Eilian was hooked on that drug, but now it looks like he's investigating someone who is basically a drug pusher, looking for new marks. Please tell me I read it right and Eilian isn't actually addicted to that stuff? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease? *not wanting to think that of Eilian at all*

I'm also glad Legolas and Annael didn't let Turgon talk them into staying out later! *sighing with relief*

Author Reply: Legolas was very alert for what would help him convince Thranduil to let him go out and Thranduil just gave him the perfect opening!

I have to admit that I laughed out loud when writing about poor Ithilden having the tea land in his lap. And then Alfirin tries to mop it up and her mother offers to "take a look." He must have been mortified!

You'll have to draw your own conclusions about Eilian, Duchess.

sofiaReviewed Chapter: 3 on 8/15/2004
I think Alfirin’s parents know that she and Ithilden like each other. That whole situation must of been embarrassing and funny. more soon please.

Author Reply: Oh, I think you're right about Alfirin's parents, Sofia. After all, they've been in love themselves and they know their daughter. And when Ithilden shows up on their doorstep unexpectedly, there aren't a lot of other reasons they can think of. But how awful that the tea lands in his lap! And her healer mother offers to "take a look." Poor Alfirin.

AliceReviewed Chapter: 3 on 8/15/2004
And the plot thickens. Eilian is in over his head. Drug use is different for elves. A human family would probably be horrified and I doubt someone would be enabling him. But then addiction is rare for elves and they don't have deaths, people in prison, and many nasty things that happen because of drugs. This story is actually kind of scary. It's easy to see that Eilian's in trouble and know we find out that people don't seem to realize just how much. I think this story's headed for some angst.

On the lighter side of things though is Ithilden's courtship of Alfirin. (Snickers). Oh the poor, poor boy. And poor Alfirin too. And Tonduil. His hero comes and visits and his family spills tea on him. Oh the mortification. Ah well. We know Ithilden hangs in there. Which is good because apparently this whole courtship thing is not going as planned. Oh my poor commander of troops. It's a lot of fun reading about their courtship. Their both so shy and awkward that they're unbearabley cute.

Poor Legolas. He is not going to be happy when he finds out that he's not supposed to see Eilian. I wouldn't be either at that age. Of course, I'd be really upset if my friend knew more about what was happening in my own family than I did. Thranduil's just a might overprotective of his baby. As witnessed by his willingness to allow Eilian, the problem child, to do more things at Legolas's age. Thranduil is going to have some choice words to say to Eilian about letting that one slip. Ithilden chose the better part of valor by leaving that discussion.

I'm really enjoying this story. I really like the title by the way. Though Prodigal Sons is my favorite title. I look forward to the next chapter.

Author Reply: I didn't think there would be a big culture of drug use in Middle-earth. Life was too hard, and people struggled just to survive. Being strung out would get you killed. But addiction of warriors who had been treated with a drug struck me as possible, particularly among Men.

I have to admit that I laughed when I was writing the Ithilden part of this. Alfirin dabs away at Ithilden's crotch and her mother offers to take a look. How embarrassing! It would make a good story to tell Sinnarn some day but I doubt if either of these two would tell it. Maybe Uncle Tonduil would!

Ithilden was indeed smart to stay out of the discussion of whether Legolas should be allowed out. Legolas went home when he was supposed to and stayed in the area he was supposed to, so Thranduil will probably be reassured, but Legolas is very worried about Eilian.

nessieReviewed Chapter: 3 on 8/15/2004
I have a bad feeling about Eilian...But anyways! I loved, loved, loved Ithilden's part in here! Oh, how embarrassing it probably was for him! I giggled rather loudly and I think my mom is wondering what the heck is going on. And about those three rascals...Curiousity killed the cat, kiddies. But I'm glad Legolas had enough sense to return. That Turgon, oy, I feel sorry for Thranduil sometimes. But this was another great chapter as always and update asap!


Author Reply: The part about Ithilden made me laugh while I was writing it too. Can you imagine how embarrassed Alfirin was when she realized where she was dabbing and then her mother offered to "take a look"? LOL

The boys did very well in going home in time for their curfew, despite Turgon's urging that they stay a little longer. Legolas did not want to blow his chances to get out again.

Glad you liked it.

nanethReviewed Chapter: 3 on 8/15/2004
I knew we were being set up. Poor Legolas- to be out of the "loop" and worried so. A good mystery is always a good read!

Author Reply: Legolas is really worried about Eilian, and with what looks like good reason.

You think you're being set up, naneth? You have a suspicious mind.

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 3 on 8/15/2004
Oh, Lord, I was afraid that Eilian was going to get involved with dangwath. I hope he won't become addicted - he seems to be badly affected by shadow sickness this time.

I loved the tale of poor Ithilden and the tea - Alfirin trying to dab it off, and her mother offering to take a look! And poor Tonduil didn't understand what was so funny. I love this new tale!


Author Reply: Eilian's shadow sickness is really painful and distressing to him. Maltanaur was genuinely worried about him and still is.

I have to admit that I still laugh when I think about Alfirin's mother offering to take a look. No wonder her daughter wanted to crawl into a hole. Can you imagine that? And Tonduil is just appalled. LOL

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