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Jewels  by Lindelea 114 Review(s)
Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 26 on 9/3/2007
Poor Pip! We'll have to see how it goes with Paladin . . .

Well written as always, dear Lin :-)

Author Reply: Thanks!

Alas, poor Paladin, I knew him well...

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 25 on 8/30/2007
I'm so glad they found him in time!!

I recently read a book called "The Children's Blizzard" a true account about a prairie blizzard in the late 1800s that killed many school children because in much of the area, it hit during the day and they were sent home from the schools only to get caught out in the storm.

This had me thinking of that book.

I look forward to more :-)

Author Reply: I remember reading a book about a more recent blizzard, in the 30s or 40s, I think, that hit Minnesota around Veteran's Day. A lot of hunters and fishermen perished, I think, and a whole train full of people were stranded.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 25 on 8/30/2007
A bad time to become ill, I fear. At least Socks followed orders and fetched help. But is this the start of the respiratory failure he faces in the future?

Love Heart sitting by him afraid of waking him.

Author Reply: Yes, a bad time. You're right, this is the start of his serious lung problems, compounding the damage done by the troll. This is also the start of Ferdi's downfall--he was supposed to be Pippin's escort, and Paladin (unfairly, perhaps) blames him for Pippin going out into an ice storm alone.

Are you coming down Labor Day? We're still planning to do tea but not sure which day.

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 24 on 8/25/2007
I love all the details in this chapter Lindelea. Yes, look under your nose Merry, Estella has been there all along!

Author Reply: LOL! How often we take the familiar for granted!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 24 on 8/20/2007
Oh, bless the forethought--and the trading! Heh! The painting sounds so wonderful!

Author Reply: LOL, trading for brandy, imagine it!

(I love the image of that painting in my mind's eye. Sure wish I could draw...)

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 24 on 8/20/2007
Aw, good of the lad to come when he knew Merry would be needing him. And the portrait is a lovely gift.

They really do need to believe him occasionally ;-)

Well done!

Author Reply: LOL, they really do!

(And if Merry did suffer from an anniversary illness, I'm sure that Pippin would be there.)


Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 23 on 8/16/2007
I do remember reading this before, with all the little remembrance boats. such a beautiful scene :-)

Pip could probably use some good hard work. *G*

Author Reply: Aw, thanks. Hmm. Good, hard work. I'll pass that on to the Powers That Be. *g*

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 23 on 8/14/2007
Joy to them as the pain eases. It never dies, but it does ease.

Author Reply: So very true. *hugs*

FantasyFanReviewed Chapter: 23 on 8/14/2007
The remembrance day tradition is so comforting. Grief shared is grief halved, because there's nothing like being reminded you're not alone in your sorrow to help lessen it. I like the idea of combining this custom with the blowing of the horn of Rohan on the battle anniversary. Tolkien says that hearing the horn brings joy to the hearts of friends. It somehow feels very hobbity to end a ceremony that is so inherently sad with a reminder that sadness and troubles end, that life goes on and can become joyful again. Very lovely. Later at Yule, song brings light to those who are still in gloom. And later yet, Pippin's light-hearted jests overlie a lot of apprehension about the future. It's been a hard half-year for them all, but they're still trying to retain that essential core of hope for the future, if not cheer in the present.

Author Reply: I had forgotten what JRRT said about the blowing of the horn, but you've reminded me. I'm certainly glad that I didn't get it the other way round in the writing!

I think of the ceremony at the hospice when my dad died. They covered him with a special memorial quilt, and he looked as if he was sleeping. They brought a bottle of Asti and one of sparkling cider and we toasted him (the children too) and told stories and laughed and cried together--more laughter than tears, for the stories were all the funniest and fondest ones; and they left us alone until the glasses were empty and we had no more words to say, only hugs. It was a lovely leave-taking, bittersweet, but a good way to say good-bye, if one had no choice but to say it.

Yes, you caught that nicely, about Pippin's jests. It's not always easy to manage that hobbity custom of speaking lightly, but I do my best.

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 22 on 8/9/2007
I've played catch-up and not left reviews at every chapter.

Well, well written. You did a wonderful job of enough sorrow to hurt the heart but not so much as to have us feel crushed by it. It is sad that such things do happen, we never know what plans that we've made will be missed.

MEWD on all of these chapters!

Author Reply: Hullo, Pearl! The little ones are sleeping in this a.m., and so I am stealing some time from the needs of the day to answer reviews, and hopefully leave a few! (Read the latest chapter of your and Golden's story yesterday but got interrupted in reviewing.)

It is always nice to hear from you, even if you are playing catch-up! I used to try to leave a review after every chapter I read, but lately I only do that when reading each-chapter-as-it's-posted, and on stories with lots of chapters already posted when I start my reading, it's a little more hit-or-miss. (It used to be much easier when the little ones took a daily nap and I had more time for reading and writing!)

There is sorrow in life, but there is also joy, and the two tend to alternate... I have tried to write "real" as much as possible, over the years, and while sometimes I have to contrive a bit to get a satisfying ending, I still hope that the stories reflect real life, and real issues.

It is always an honour to receive one of your MEWD pats on the back.

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