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Glorious Summer  by daw the minstrel 26 Review(s)
caz - bazReviewed Chapter: 6 on 9/27/2004
oh yeah! that's just plain evil. i can see you right now with Sauron going mwahhhhahahahah mwahahahahahahahha that'll get those really annoying readers who don't review to start flaming my ass. mwahahahahah mwahahahhaha.

yes. i do believe that was the most evilest you've ever done yet. I've got to get to Politics right now so i'll come back and flame you later.
caz baz

Author Reply: LOL. OK. I'll wait here.

I'm working on the next chapter today if I can, Caz-baz, so maybe you'll be put out of your misery soon.

JebbReviewed Chapter: 6 on 9/27/2004
It was good to see the patrol giving Legolas the respect he deserves I hope he does not come to regret his decision to camp during the night
As for Eilian's reunion with Celuwen well it was lovely and Malantaur's amused tolerance and knowing comments made it so funny
But after a perfect night comes the morning and danger so just who holds the sword I have tried to convince myself that it could be Malantaur or Ithilden and Thranduil come to retrieve their wayward homeguard commander but Eilian's growing unease doesn't make that likely
I hope in that case that the cavalry will be coming to the rescue very soon in the shape of two keepers and a younger brother
Wonderful story telling and the tension fairly crackles

Author Reply: I've been trying to show Legolas gaining the respect of his patrol by little steps throughout this story. I think he would be someone who was very earnest about doing his best and was concerned about his warriors. He also has good instincts and training. So the patrol members need to notice that he has their good in mind and is capable. Then they can trust him. I hope he's at that point now.

I enjoy writing about Eilian and Celuwen, although she's a little tricky to figure out sometimes. And Maltanaur knows Eilian very well. Thranduil did a good thing when he chose Maltanaur to look out for his second son.

I'm glad you find this entertaining. I was afraid I was moving too slowly to set things up, but thing should proceed with a bang now.

ManderlyReviewed Chapter: 6 on 9/27/2004
You left us there?! The only comfort that I have is the title of your chapter. I am hoping that whoever is poking the knife into Eilian is a settler, but that still won't stop me from holding my breath until your next post (so have pity on your poor readers and post soon!)

It was sweet reading about Eilian and Celuwen and their reaction to each other after being apart. Ah, newly weds! I hope Thranduil will be more understanding and spare Eilian of whatever harsh words he may have.

You know, I have this wicked desire to see Maltanaur taking on Solith, at least verbally. It would give me great satisfaction.

Author Reply: All the chapter titles in this story are taken from things people in the chapters say. So this chapter title is taken from Celuwen's demonstration of the string/crystal alarm system. But it could be a pun, of course.

I'm having fun speculating what it would be like to be bonded for Elves. I have to admit I'm kind of making it up as I go along, but it's interesting to play with.

You're making me laugh at the picture of Maltanaur telling Solith off.

merReviewed Chapter: 6 on 9/27/2004
I want you to know that--yes, I can calmly wait for the next it going to be posted soon???????

I like how the wives mothers embarrass Thranduil's sons! First Alfirin's wants to thoroughly check Ithildin to make sure he wasn't burned and now Celuwen's mother says that their Eilian is welcome to stay even though accommodations might be a little cramped. Very amusing.

Author Reply: LOL. Probably Thursday, judging by past events. I have to go to work, sad to say.

I think that Eilian is probably harder to embarrass than Ithilden is. He was too happy that Solith was mad at where he'd be sleeping to have time to be embarrassed. :-) Now Ithilden in that situation would have had trouble! LOL

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 6 on 9/27/2004
Celuwen was surprisingly forgiving about Eilian coming to check up on her, however much she was pleased to see him. You managed to lull me into thinking that much of Eilian's tension was because he was forced to 'enjoy' Solith's company when snaring the rabbits, so the sword was a surprise!

Legolas is doing very well as lieutenant, I think, and even Riolith is accepting that now. I'm keen to see what happens when they track these men down.


Author Reply: I see Celuwen as self-possessed and maybe even a little remote in a way, something that would be enticing to Eilian. And that allows her to step back and say that what Eilian does is his business. Except that she doesn't like to see him hurt. Of course, over the years, she's had lots of practice watching him do stupid things.

Legolas *is* doing well. I'm proud him!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 6 on 9/27/2004
PS: Just love Maltanaur. And Eilian desperately needs what Maltanaur offers him. He would be a far less happy and balanced elf without his keeper.

Author Reply: That is so true. Maltanaur loves him but is pretty easy going. Thranduil chose well in the keepers he picked for his sons. Beliond would not have been good for Maltanaur.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 6 on 9/27/2004
Well, at least Eilian seems to have been Proved Right by events, which should defuse the criticism from Ithilden and Thranduil, who should realise that they need to listen more to Eilian's sensitivity to danger - only now they will probably eat him for not taking a full patrol with him.

I'm glad Eilian seems fairly well able to cope with Solith's boundless disapproval. Still, after centuries of enduring his adar's displeasure, Solith must seem relatively harmless. After all, he cannot make Eilian suffer in his professional life, or make him kneel, or use emotional blackmail on him. And Isiwen is aware of how much he has done for Celuwen - maybe, in a few centuries, she will be able to make Solith acknowledge that Eilian is not all bad. (Though it will probably take the arrival of that wild daughter . . . a solemn little son would be nice, too. And by the way, Alfirin needs more elflings.)

And Celuwen was happy to see him, even though she was a little miffed - still too newly-wed to take his arrival as an insult to her independence - and she focused on the trouble it would cause her beloved. I like the hanging crystal early-warning system - though I feel that a windy night is likely to trigger it and have the wood-elves leaping up and down at imaginary dangers.

I hope Legolas is not too far away in his pursuit of these rogue men - and that he is subtle enough not to endanger the hostages. I like Gelmir - (we want more Gelmir!) - he seems quite relieved to be free of the Thranduil family curse of responsibility and leadership. I hope he makes it up with Riolith, though - I don't think this patrol needs inner tensions, there are going to be enough from the outside.

I think you need to take a few days off work now to get the next chapter out as quickly as possible - you cannot leave Eilian with a sword pointed at his belly for too long - he is too restless.

Author Reply: I'll be truthful and tell you that I haven't yet worked out the details of what will happen when Eilian goes home again. I figured I'd know what to do when I go there. :-)

Eilian is pretty untroubled by Solith except as he affects Celuwen. He's dealt with Thranduil and Ithilden, and compared to them Solith is a rank amateur in dishing out disapproval. I laughed about the children you're wishing onto Celuwen and Eilian. A solemn son would throw Eilian for a loop almost as much as a wild daughter, I think! And just what I need -- more OCs.

Good point about the crystals and the wind. Hm. I think maybe the elves are so subtle that they can tell the difference from the sound? Like you can tell if something has bumped into your wind chimes other than the wind? Maybe?

Legolas's patrol does have inner tensions, but I'll bet most small groups have some. When I was planning the Legolas part of this story, I asked myself how to show him developing as an officer? What would be going on? And I decided that this was a small community of people, under stress, close to shadow. They were elves, so they would be "good people," as Tolkien says, but it would be like a very tiny town or something, with all the normal small irritants. I like Gelmir too. He was hoping Legolas would side with him but wasn't put out when he didn't.

I hope the next chapter will be done by Thursday at the latest. :-)

LeraReviewed Chapter: 6 on 9/26/2004
You cannot, CANNOT do things like this! That was an absolutely horrible cliffie. I'm going to be tossing and turning all night because of you! I love how this story is going. I'm so happy you've returned to the year Legolas became an officer and Eilien became a husband. Such an interesting year. I apologize profusely for my utter lack of reviews of your last two stories. I have been reading. But I am now a freshman in college and seem to have very little time for reading stories and even less for reviewing them. I did enjoy the last two. However, I am really glad to have you return to grown up Legolas. He's my favorite.

Well, well, Solith, we'll see how much you appreciate Eilien's presence now. Solith is really such a jerk. I cannot stand him. He reminds me a lot of a teacher at my fencing school. We call him the safety nazi. Always thinks he's right, can dish it out, but can't take it, and bosses everyone around. I don't get in trouble with teachers, but I've gotten in trouble with him for "fooling around with my sword." Thankfully I only have to see him once a week, but now I have to read about his Elven equivalent in a story! Ah well. My boyfriend kicked Safety Nazi's butt in sabre last week, so I'll just hope it happens in the story as well.

I feel sorry for Celuwen, who's really caught in the middle here. Not only between her parents and Eilien, but between this wonderful way of life and her life at the palace. With Eilien.

This is really wonderful, and to be honest it's grabbing my attention in the "oh, my gosh I can't wait for the next chapter" in a way that little Legolas doesn't. So, I hope your life is going well, and will be religiously checking my email, and doing my best to review because wonderful authors like yourself deserve reveiws. God bless.

Author Reply: I'm so glad that someone likes grown-up Legolas best! I swear I was just lying in bed this morning thinking that I write little Legolas and adolescent Legolas better than adult Legolas, whom I find much harder to get a handle on. So your review came just in time.

So you think that Solith might appreciate Eilian more now since there appears to be people with swords in his house? I think you might be right, but you never know. Perhaps we'll just pretend that it's Safety Nazi holding the sword against Eilian and enjoy watching him get torn into itty bitty pieces, shall we?

That's a good description of Celuwen's position. There were reasons these two didn't get married for all those years even though they love one another.

That first year in college is a big change, I know. I hope all is going well for you.

ElemmireReviewed Chapter: 6 on 9/26/2004
Ack! You can't leave us like this!

Cruel, cruel minstrel.


Author Reply: I'm sorry.

Actually I'm not. :-)


Brenda G.Reviewed Chapter: 6 on 9/26/2004
ARGH!!! How can you do this to us?!? Just leave us hanging like that with Eilian's sense of danger having materialized at last as a sword poked into his ribs? I believe you did that on purpose, Daw. Naughty, naughty, but very nicely contrived. Now, if I can just get my lungs to work again...

I cannot tell you how much I love your Celuwen. She's smart as a whip and no pushover even where beloved husbands are concerned. Being in love and married doesn't seem to keep Eilian from getting into any less trouble with his adar. I had a lump in my throat to match Eilian's when he confessed to Celuwen that: "I am used to it." No, Eilian, you aren't. We know that as well as Celuwen. How it must hurt to love someone you are seldom in good graces with. I can only imagine what Thranduil will say or do about this latest of Eilian's escapades.

I don't know who the intruders are in the home of Celuwen's parents, but I certainly hope they are not more of a handful than Eilian and his keeper can manage. And here's Legolas on the other side of Arda - no chance he can lend a hand from there!

OK, Daw, you've put us in this pickle, so just how do you purpose to get us out? In the meantime, I am turning blue because my lungs still won't work, so you'd best hurry with that solution!

Author Reply: Now, now. This story needed to be kicked into a little higher gear. :-)

I'm glad you like Celuwen. I find it very difficult to write women in Tolkien's world. His central characters are all men, so you have to make the women up more. I've been trying to make Celuwen very grown up and very self-possessed, so she sometimes seems a little standoffish. I think that elusive quality would appeal to Eilian. And while I have been trying to let her let Eilian make his own mistakes, I thought she would be dismayed by the hurt that his troubled relation with Thranduil causes him.

At nightfall, Legolas was at the extreme northwest corner of the Southern Patrol's territory, and this settlement is in the southwest part of the Home Guard's territory, near to the edge. So they're not so far apart.

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