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Glorious Summer  by daw the minstrel 31 Review(s)
Rose SaredReviewed Chapter: 10 on 10/11/2004
This whole story has been a really nice gap filler, daw. I find myself wondering what on earth happened to Legolas' body guard during the ring war though. Hmmmmm?

Author Reply: Thank you, Rose. I wrote a story called "Question of Duty" which is set in Rivendell during the two months between the Council of Elrond and the departure of the Fellowship. In that one, I had Legolas being asked and deciding to go with Aragorn and sending Beliond home.

What happened at home would actually be interesting to write about. :-)

DotReviewed Chapter: 10 on 10/11/2004
What an absolutely perfect ending. One of your best concluding chapters, if I may say so.

Oh, those poor guards. They had obviously got a tongue-lashing from Ithilden and having Eilian snapping at them is really ramming home a painfully-learned lesson. I imagine Eilian’s warning coming on top of what they discovered happened at the settlement would be more than effective. I had to laugh at how attentive they are, though, and even funnier is Celuwen commenting on how solicitous they are. I looked at that for a few seconds before realising that she genuinely doesn’t realise what she’s done. Just like she just didn’t know how to raise a topic at the council meetings. Do these people tell her anything?? She may know all about how many gowns she’ll need and the best position of furniture but clearly no-one has explained to her some rather more important facts. It could be annoying but it’s actually quite endearing how earnest she is and so aware of the need for warriors. Now that I think about it, I blame Ithilden for being so forceful about how he couldn’t spare any warriors!!

I really liked the little moment between Maltanaur and Nindwen. Despite outward appearances, their love is obvious. I think it’s just good to know that Maltanaur has this to come home to and that Eilian isn’t his whole life. Makes me feel a bit sad for Beliond, actually. And I see the obedient patient is no longer so obedient now that he won’t be spoon-fed by Celuwen. Or perhaps he just wants to go home and be spoon-fed by his lovely wife ;-)

“Be respectful, but do not forget that you were right.” Oh, absolutely! That’s great advice and I’m so pleased Maltanaur believes that Eilian did the right thing.

Oh, I cringed at the servant’s apprehension. Clearly all has not been peaceful chez Thranduil.

I think my favourite moment in this chapter is right before they enter the sitting room and Celuwen tells Eilian that she’s grateful to him. He’s faced his father’s and/or Ithilden’s wrath so many times before but suddenly it seems that he knows all will be well because no matter what they say or do, his wife loves him. Obviously he knows that his father and brother will still love him beyond arguments and reprimands but he’s had to ride out the awkwardness before whereas now he again has someone into whose arms he can walk when he shuts the door on the rest of his family – something he hasn’t had for a very long time.

Whatever about Thranduil’s feelings, Ithilden seemed absolutely furious. Celuwen is a hoot! She chose the perfect moment to break the news about what actually happened – it’s unlikely that Eilian would have had much of a chance to explain until *after* he had felt the full force of Ithilden’s anger. I can completely see Ithilden’s point about needing to know where his captains are. He really was going to strip him of his captaincy, wasn’t he?? Crikey, that’d just about kill Eilian. And with respect, I wouldn’t fancy being the captain who ended up with him in his patrol. He’s going to have to behave himself for a while but I’m so, so glad that Ithilden wasn’t too hard on him. He has to know that no matter how good a commander he is, if it had been Alfirin in the woods, he can’t say he’d have done any differently. As terrible as it sounds, though, Eilian was actually rather lucky at the way events turned out because his actions can be judged by the outcome.

Having Eilian tell Celuwen not to dismiss her guards is rather clever of Ithilden. It will reinforce for Eilian himself how important it is not to take off on his own, especially if he doesn’t want to look like a hypocrite in front of his wife. Or Ithilden could just have found something that he’s actually afraid of! I wonder how Alfirin took to the idea of guards when she first moved in. I suppose it didn’t affect her as much because her family lived so close. I just get the impression that the memory of that particular conversation is contributing to Ithilden’s reluctance to speak to Celuwen!

I always love to see Thranduil so proud of his baby. He really does still worry about him. And LOL at Celuwen merrily rambling on about how she would have died if not for Eilian and *of course* Thranduil must be proud of him… If they all think she doesn’t know any better, she might as well take advantage of that fact, I suppose. Clever girl. Naturally, Thranduil knows what she’s up to but the funny thing is, he doesn’t seem to mind at all. He has a soft spot for her, I think. She’s lucky. But there’s no doubt that she means it when she tells him “You and Eilian’s naneth raised an Elf who is courageous, and perceptive, and dear to my heart.” I thought that was a really lovely thing for her to say.

Yeah, I figured there was no real reason for Thranduil to feel angry with Eilian. I’m glad he’s realising it a little quicker than he used, albeit with help from Celuwen. After having resolved a lot of his issues with Eilian in ‘Spring Awakenings’ it wouldn’t make much sense for him to go back to his old way of handling this son. And unfortunately this family have dealt with a very similar event before and both Thranduil and Ithilden would probably give anything to be able to have done as Eilian did.

“It is fortunate that you were at the settlement.” Brilliant! I love Thranduil’s glee at being able to startle them. I’ve seen him like that before in ‘Tangled Web’ with the elven magic. It’s definitely a playful side to him that I love to see!

Btw, I’ve always really liked Alfirin and you did a tremendous job showing the initial little conflicts between her and Celuwen but I think it might be good to see some of the old Alfirin again, aside from housekeeper extraordinaire and feeder of hungry travellers. She’s a great character and obviously her years as wife and mother as well as her duties in the palace have changed her somewhat from the maiden Ithilden had so much trouble courting but it’d be nice to see that person again. Just a thought, if you don’t mind me commenting.

It sounds like poor Sórion has been worried stiff about Legolas’ mini-patrol. Oh daw, you wouldn’t believe how bad I feel for not liking Sórion in the beginning. He genuinely seems to want nothing more than to defend the realm and keep his warriors safe. Yes, it’s a difficult thing to do, but it’s such a simple and straightforward wish, with no pretence at all or particular desire for greatness or popularity. There aren’t many who’d willingly hand back a patrol and just go where he’s needed.

Legolas seems to be more comfortable speaking freely with Sórion now. All he needed was a confidence boost. “These Elves respected him and trusted him to lead them.” Oh, joy! I’m so happy for him. His captain and his warriors trust him, and he seems to have gained a little more faith in himself. What more can he want. He took a while to adjust but there’s no question that he’ll make a fine lieutenant. I guess in way his own wish is almost as simple as Sórion’s – to do his duty with the respect of those with whom he works. I really am so thrilled at how far he’s come and how content he seems.

Lovely ending to a very intriguing story. I think I learned a lot about all the characters in this. I really did enjoy it.

Well, I’ll be here and waiting when you deliver your next excerpt. I hope work goes a little better for you. If you ever feel totally overwhelmed just come to SoA and we’ll cheer you up! With that I’m off to bed – the Children’s Book Festival starts this week and I have people coming to do puppet theatre for the afternoon tomorrow… Fingers crossed some kids actually turn up for it! :-)

Author Reply: You are so right! Celuwen just thinks the guards are extra solicitous! It hasn't occurred to her that her brother-in-law and husband both lit into them, and she knows Ithilden well enough to know how scary that would be all by itself. She thought she was doing the right thing in sending them home. Eilian is going to have to explain this very thoroughly. I'm afraid some extra time in the wardrobe might be called for.

I do love Maltanaur. He can see Eilian's good points more easily than Thranduil can, but then even though he loves Eilian like a son, they don't have the same emotional history and baggage. At some point, I've given him a daughter and a grandchild even though I don't show them. He has a full life, even though he's away so much. And Beliond is much more lonely.

I really did want to show that Eilian's emotional balance is much better now. Celuwen gives him a place where he's loved and so provides a kind of escape from the endless wrangling with his father. And I think that he and Thranduil will get along all the better for it. Eilian won't be asking for something Thranduil can't give and Thranduil will see Eilian's strengths better.

Eilian was very lucky that he turned out to be right. If he had been wrong, I think that Ithilden would indeed have stripped him of rank, and that would have caused no end of family turmoil. Ithilden is in a tough spot here. He has to maintain discipline and not play favorites, and yet he knows that he would have done the same thing.

Celuwen is kind of getting a newcomer's pass right now. I used to see that with co-op students where I work. Their fellow workers would send them to ask the awkward questions because no one would blame them. I don't think she'll get this pass forever, but she's taking advantage of it now. I think that Thranduil has a soft spot for both his daughters-in-law. Alfirin bosses him around quite nicely.

I've been thinking that same thing about Alfirin. In the last couple of stories, I've been anxious to differentiate her from Celuwen, and I've wound up lessening Alfirin as a result. I need to fix that. I was concerned though because it's hard to write about the wives without having them become generic female. I think it will be ok now. I have the easiest time writing about Alfirin as Sinnarn's mother. She comes alive for me then.

Sorion has settled into his captain's role too. I think he had to learn it, just as Legolas had to learn his role.

I try to imagine what it would be like to go to work hoping that a bunch of kids show up for a puppet theater. Hm. It sounds -- lively? :-)

AliceReviewed Chapter: 10 on 10/11/2004
Ithilden's kind of a quiet character so I forget just how smart he is sometimes. Like figuring out a way to get Eilian to talk to stubborn, settler mind set Celuwen about the importance of guards for him, absolutely brilliant. I wouldn't want to be the person who has to tell her that she can't order away her guards either. He's really quite bright. Especially in his choice of a wife. I liked the line about Alfirin rallying at the chance to feed someone. She really is the "Mom" of the family. Ithilden needs to give her another kid to mother. After all, Sinnarn's back to long distance parenting and Legolas is grown and Celuwn would rather not be mothered. Clearly, there's an open position for it. Though I can understand any relunctance on their part after Sinnarn.

I liked the exchange between Celuwen and Thranduil. She got him to calm down a bit in a way someone else probably wouldn't have been able to do. Smart elleth. I love it when Thranduil surprises his kids like that. I just have this image of him thinking "And that's why I'm the Ada" as their mouths hang open.

So good chapter. I also enjoyed the scene with Legolas at the end. Baby brother's all grown up.(sigh) Of course, this now means I have images of Lieutenet ( I have issues spelling that) Legolas to entertain me.

Overall good story. A bit slower than your other ones, but the development of Legolas and Eilian was really good. I was just rereading "The Novice" and Maldor's assessment of Legolas thinking too personally made him ordering Rioleth to take care of the scouting really cool. The only bad thing about you finishing this story is that now it's over and I have to wait a couple of weeks for a new one to start. (sigh) Back to rereading old stories for my Daw fix.

Author Reply: I think that Ithilden is VERY smart. If he lived in contemporary life, he'd be at the top of his class. And he kind of knows it. He's a bit on the arrogant side and overbearing to boot. So I imagine the guards did not have a fun time when they went home.

You think like my beta about another kid for Ithilden and Alfirin! She wants Eilian and Celuwen to have elflings too. It would be fun but the idea of having these other OCs to deal with makes me want to weep. Maybe some day.

Celuwen adds a different factor to the family dynamic, so things don't go as they all had expected, as Thranduil learned.

Lieutenant Legolas does have a nice ring, doesn't it? He's heroic now and warriors follow his orders. I could do that!

You know, I have thought about that scene in The Novice on several occasions as I was writing about Legolas as a warrior and officer, trying to think of the way that character trait would show up and the problems it might make for him. He had to act differently here and he did it.

I'm glad you still like the old stories. Once in a while, I like to read what I wrote before, just to see my favorite scenes. Right now, I love Legolas cuddling the mouse in "Legolas's Begetting Day." He's such a sweetie.

JebbReviewed Chapter: 10 on 10/11/2004
Well my usual complaint first this story has ended all too soon for my taste!
I have really ewjoyed seeing how the three main protagonsits have grown during this tale and how the changes have been of benefit to many others beside themselves
Celuwen is going to be quite a diplomat it seems to quell the anger of both Thranduil and Ithilden was no mean feat as so well done!
But while Eilian might feel both relief and pride in her championing of him and quite right to- he may find her a formidable adversary if she ever decides to oppose something he wishes to do
Well done Thranduil as usual managing to surprise not only his offspring but also the readers with his understanding and genuine appreciation for his new daughter in law
Glad Legolas recognises that he has grown too

Author Reply: Thank you, Jebb. I like that complaint. :-)

It's been a little tricky to show Legolas, Eilian, and Celuwen learning their new roles, because that's a quiet kind of change, not like killing bad guys. But they seem to have been able to show themselves in their new places quite well.

And I do believe that Eilian has always found Celuwen to be a formidable adversary is both a reason they were unmarried for so long and one of the things that makes him love her. I think he likes a challenge!

I've had comments that Thranduil was too easy on Eilian in this story, so maybe I went overboard, but the guy needed to be able to show his softer side!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 10 on 10/11/2004
Passing reflection - I wonder how Lorellin made the transition from elleth dancing with elflings to queen, and just how many rules she broke along the way. Because there wasn't anyone around to teach her, except Thranduil, was there? That would be interesting to observe!

Author Reply: That's another good point. I expect she made some changes too, once she got her feet on the ground. She strikes me as an iconoclast.

sofiaReviewed Chapter: 10 on 10/11/2004
that was a good ending, I liked this story. I'm glad that they are not that angry with Eilian.

Author Reply: Thank you, Sofia. I couldn't make them too angry at Eilian. They surely had to realize that they would have done the same thing.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 10 on 10/11/2004
By the way, I think Celuwen will be very good for Alfirin. Alfirin was such a child bride for Ithilden that I don't think she has really established herself as an independent person - and she is motherly and likes looking after people too, of course. But she's very much been the only girl in the house and all the menfolk have been a bit 'pat her on the head and don't upset her' about everything. Celuwen won't let her get away with that. Alfirin might just be about to have a crash course in reality. Can't say more, must dash.

Author Reply: That's a good point. I should see how I can work these two into some stuff together.

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 10 on 10/11/2004
A very satisfying conclusion, Daw. Eilian isn't in too much trouble, even with Ithilden, and Thranduil seems to accept why he did it. I love this line: It was good to be able to startle one’s children sometimes, Thranduil reflected. Thranduil in 'keep them on their toes' mode is wonderful. It reminds me of the end of Tangled Web, when he lays the enchanted sword on Thorin's tomb.

Celuwen was great in deflecting everyone's anger by simply explaining what had happened first - so they knew Eilian had been right - but Alfirin annoys me with her ostrich mentality. 'Nasty things shouldn't be discussed at family times' - ignoring it won't make it go away, dear.


Author Reply: Good connection to Tangled Web, Jay. I hadn't thought of that.

Whenit came down to it, I could see why Ithilden would be angry and Thranduil concerned about Eilian's behavior, but after he turned out to be right, surely they would have had to admit that they would have done the same thing.

I'm a little sorry for Alfirin right now. I need to work on her, I think. I've been so busy trying to differentiate her and Celuwen that I've made her pretty timid.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 10 on 10/11/2004
Poor Eilian. It's a really good thing that he has Celuwen to fight his corner now. I can see him becoming more centred person. (This is not exactly the phrase I mean, but I've been looking at it and failing to come up with anything better.) He always seems to be a bit of a needy elfling inside - he was always busy caring for that side of little Legolas, but there was no-one paying attention to that side of him after his naneth died. Thranduil never needed to single parent him, and has stuck rather in the critical and demanding adar role, even when Eilian craved love and approval. He will probably be better able to cope with Ithilden as troop commander and Thranduil as fury, because Celuwen will love him anyway - and probably even more because they are angry with him. (Actually, a bit like Emmelin rushing to help Sinnarn through his misery.)

And Eilian did deserve a bit of an ear-bashing - he did behave responsibly in a very irresponsible manner. But Maltanaur was good to remind him to hold in his heart the knowledge that he had been right.

Good for Celuwen to point out vociferously and immediately that Eilian had ended up in the right place at the right time - and that she had imposed her will on her adar - and come to that, that she had learned a lot of Thranduil's point of view from her attendance at council meetings.

Do you know - I think Eilian's one hissed comment to the guards was probably far more effective than a prolonged rant. They will pale when within a hundred yards of him for the forseeable future - and, if ever assigned to guard Celuwen again, she will find them as attached to her as burrs. How mean of Ithilden to make Eilian (reckless, impatient, disregarding of authority) the one who has to make Celuwen swear to keep her guards close by and comply with their instructions for her safety. Truly ironic - and quite a penalty. However, Eilian is right in thinking that he has advantages when it comes to bending Celuwen to his will!!

I love Alfirin's response to trouble - feed them! With males, it is usually effective. She fulfils a very necessary role in the family, but I wonder if she ever feels taken for granted. Celuwen arrives and all sorts of exciting changes are implemented - but Alfirin keeps on getting to deal with the catering. However, Celuwen does need to take more lessons in protocol - especially if she is going to develop her role as a go-between representing the king. It must take a while to learn to ignore guards and attendants, though, and behave as if they were not there.

Lorellin is always in their minds at times like this, even when her name is not spoken. And in all honesty, both Ithilden and Thranduil know that they would have done the same had they thought there was danger to their loved ones. (EG Both of them dashing out of the Stronghold in pursuit of a young Legolas just about to confront drug dealers.)

And Legolas has grown further in understanding - of himself and others and of his role. And the warriors have watched and judged him and accepted him.

Good story. Too short. More please.

Author Reply: Oh you are so good on Eilian. You have him just right. He has more self doubt and need for love and approval than is evident on the surface. Legolas's uncritical love was important to him for just that reason. And Celuwen should help fill that empty space, so that he can start to separate a little more from his father and they can see one another as adults.

And Eilian *is* a good captain. Warriors follow him gladly. Maybe that worries Ithilden even more, actually. Eilian could create a lot of havoc is Ithilden felt he could not rely on him. The Southern Patrol is a good place for Eilian as captain, although not for Eilian as husband. He's away from central command and can do what he thinks is best, and Ithilden has come to decide that he usually does know best there. (Sort of like sending your kids away to college so you don't have to know what they're up to.)

I've been feeling bad for Alfirin too. I need to work on her more, I think.

Legolas has indeed grown into his role. Looking back though, I think I should have made more of how he liked the idea of the settlement. He's going to found one some day after all. Maybe I can use that in the future.

Brenda G.Reviewed Chapter: 10 on 10/11/2004
All's well that ends well...

I'm celebrating the conclusion of this story in one way and mourning it in another. This has been an ever so satisfying tale, and I am sad it is over. But, everyone is okay and relatively at peace with one another which is cause for great joy.

I was glad to see both Ithilden and Thranduil back way off on Eilian. Three cheers for Celuwen! She has the uncanny ability, without consciously meaning to, of saying just the right thing at the right moment. She defuses tension and gently forces others to re-evaluate their thinking from an entirely different viewpoint that may not have been considered at all except for Celuwen's interjections. Eilian has found the perfect mate! They compliment each other so well. I'm wondering at a mix of the two in any offspring. Say, is there a baby in their future? Since Eilian is with the Home Guard, wouldn't now be a good time for them to "be fruitful and multiply"? Just wondering...

I love Eilian. Have I said that before? (Yes, Brenda, HUNDREDS of times.) Well, make that 101 times then. He's my favorite OC of yours, Daw. I think he is a lot like most of us - self-willed, pretty sure of himself in those areas where he considers himself an expert. That he is also reckless at times and unthinking mirrors the same mistakes we make as humans. At least Elves live LONG enough to be able to right some of the wrongs they make in their lives (provided, however, that they are not too reckless and too unthinking while going about it).

Legolas is our golden boy in this story. A hero to the hilt. It is obvious that he is more and more held in high esteem by the Elves under his command in the Southern patrol. I'm as pleased and proud as Thranduil is of our young lieutenant. I know it is hard to write about him because Tolkien already has, but Legolas needs love too! Can't he see his ladylove again and get some relief for the aloneness in his life? Ah, well, Daw, you know best. Love unrequited is hopeless and hard. I wouldn't want to damage our young lieutenant too badly by emotional entanglements that can go nowhere and only frustrate him further. Still, it would be nice to see him paired in a romantic setting from time to time. Legolas strikes me as being a one woman Elf. I don't see him as a flirt like Eilian was. He has way too much of a serious side for that. I've got a feeling if Legolas ever fell in love, he would fall very hard indeed, so maybe it is best that he "not go there".

This was a great story, Daw. Can't wait for the next one! I hope you are even now cooking up your next batch for us. You're the best!


Author Reply: I had to think long and hard about how Thranduil and Ithilden would react to Eilian's behavior. Ithilden had a problem on his hands because Eilian is one of his officers and he has to maintain discipline and treat people fairly. But if one of his other captains "felt" danger to his wife and went off to protect her and turned out to be right, I think Ithilden might be content just to ream the guy out so he didn't think he could do stuff like that routinely. He really was seriously considering demoting Eilian. But he knew he would have done the same thing if Alfirin was in danger, and (my secret) he remembered his mother, whom he still wishes he had protected better.

Thranduil is another story. His reaction has to be to his son, not his subordinate. And he's decided to take a chance on his son, and see what happens with the son's new wife there.

"Tangled Web" is set after this story, at the time of the Battle of Five Armies, and Eilian and Celuwen don't have children yet then. But Thranduil urges it, and so does my beta. So I predict that one of these days, we'll see an elfling or two. :-)

I feel very bad for Legolas. He seems so lonely to me, but I think he's unmarried by the time of the Quest. At least he doesn't seem to have a wife waiting for him at home, given how he wanders around with Gimli. And Legomances have a very bad reputation out there. Sigh. Maybe I'll have to bring Tuilinn back (the maiden from "Spring Awakenings"). Of course, whenever I give him some sort of girlfriend, readers hate her. Poor guy!

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