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In the Greening of the Year  by Lindelea 51 Review(s)
Connie B.Reviewed Chapter: 8 on 11/28/2004
And again we miss the end of the story of Pippin falling down the well. At least we got the gist of it.

What happened in the second slide? Did Eglantine and Tolly get buried, or did they slip farther down the slope? I'm sure you'll clear this up soon.


Connie B.

Author Reply: You know, I'm still trying to work the end of the well story into this. So you just might hear it, we'll see.

Did clear up what happened in the second slide, but had to break the next chapter up, and so there's a bit of a cliffhanger, sorry.

But if I can get some computer time tomorrow I'll post the rest, or at least the second-to-last chapter, for I think there might be an epilogue.

Thanks for commenting!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 8 on 11/28/2004
They had better get to Tolly and Eglantine soon - they both seem to be suffering from hypothermia.

I love the word pollywog. It's so much cuter than tadpole.

Start yelling Eglantine. Attract their attention. (I've got my fingers crossed that the new slip will get Tolly free from the tree rather than kill them.)

It's just such a motherly reaction to say 'I won't die on your birthday, it will spoil it for you.'

(I keep telling myself; they don't die, they don't die. Get them some help!)

Author Reply: I gave it some thought. I know "tadpole" is what we used when I was little, but "pollywog" sounds more authentic somehow. Now just watch it turn out to be an Americanism!

Help has arrived, but the chapter split itself so the rescue is not quite complete as posted thus far.


Connie B.Reviewed Chapter: 7 on 11/28/2004
I just love Eglantine's sense of humor. She takes everything in stride and can always seem to see the silver lining in the darkest cloud.

That "let's not and say we did," line sounds just like my friends and I. My dad used that a lot when I was little, and now I say it often.


Connie B.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 7 on 11/28/2004
Eglantine has an amazing talent for the dripping tap style of conversation. I can just picture her as the kind of person who talks on and on, gently and amiably, whilst at the same time picking up on all sorts of clues and pieces of information that the others don't even realise that she has spotted.

But, hail! How cruel . . although possibly less dangerous than too much water at a time like this. But they'll both be lucky to escape the Old Gaffer's Friend.

I hope the rescue party doesn't miss them in the dark and downpour.

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 7 on 11/28/2004
I just love Eglantine more all the time. Such spirit and such nerve. I hope she has a pleasing singing voice because Tolly is a captive audience. You can tell how very much she loves Pippin in all of this because she always manages to bring her stories back to him. Looking forward to more.

Hai TookReviewed Chapter: 6 on 11/27/2004
Dear Eglantine, trying to dig out Tolly even though she does not believe she can do much! I hope it is enough, at least until the others arrive!

oh my, what a blow to the others to find out that the Mistress has not arrived and didn't go by the road expected! Poor Nell, I would be that worried as well, although I'm sorry she has already given up hope that her Mum could be alive, but maybe it is better to be unexpectedly happy then to have the remaining hope crushed out of you! Oh, dear, I hope all goes well! Looking forward to more!

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 6 on 11/27/2004
You said I might not like Nell in contrast to Eglantine in this but I think she did rather well in spite of it all. She pulled herself together as did Pippin and everyone got on with things. Diamond will have her hands full while Pippin is out looking for his mother but I know she can handle it. Great chapter.

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 6 on 11/27/2004
*Gasp!* You have the tension mounting to exquisite torture! I felt the chill myself when Pippin and Nell figured out what they were hearing. Oh so VWD!!!

Author Reply: Thank you! I'm glad there are only ten or so chapters. I don't think I could stand the strain much longer!

Connie B.Reviewed Chapter: 6 on 11/27/2004
Well, now I know how Pippin dealt with the news. He really has learned to focus on what needs to be done and not worry about the things that can't be fixed at the moment. People always seem to think he's flighty, but he's really very grounded and sometimes even a little grim. It's the sunniest spirits that sometimes face the hardest trial in life.

I know all will be well, but I still feel for him, and the others.

I just love that Eglantine. She's a fighter for sure. I'm really starting to think Pippin is more her son than his father's. Maybe so many of the traits he has that have been assumed to come from the Took side actually are from the Banks branch of the family.


Connie B.

Author Reply: Yes, Pippin draws a number of his strengths from his mother. But I think you'll see a number of good qualities in Paladin, in "Thain", that Pippin also inherited, if I can get to writing on that again.


BodkinReviewed Chapter: 6 on 11/27/2004
Go for it, Egg. You can make a difference.

I hope she manages to dig away enough to make Tolly's breathing easier. It's not an easy task - but I don't think she'll give up.

And thank goodness that at last at the Smials they've realised that Eglantine and Tolly were in the wrong place at the wrong time and they've got the search parties out after them. Shame Nell couldn't remain in ignorance like Meadowsweet though.

Ferdi thinks streams are tricky and treacherous things? Why do I have the urge to see him return from Gondor by ship? Am I getting as keen on Ferdi torture as certain authors of my literary acquaintance?

'Diamond understood. She knew what a tight hold he had on himself. Her duty was to stay behind, to deal with the expected flood of refugees, and to keep Pimpernel from falling apart from grief and worry.' Poor Diamond. I'm not sure that the female role of holding things together is not more difficult than the male 'go out and fight what's coming' one.

(For Ferdi, please read Ferdi (MFH).)

Author Reply: O no, I'd better alert the RSPCF (the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Ferdi). Return from Gondor on a ship, what a concept... I don't think he suffers from sea longing the way Hilly does.

He also fights who stands and waits... My dad was one to quote that old saw. And what a fight it is!

Thanks for taking the time to comment! My family's sleeping in, and perhaps I can get a little more typing done...

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