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This and That  by Lindelea 237 Review(s)
BodkinReviewed Chapter: 10 on 12/5/2005
I just loved this. Partly because I have become hugely protective of poor Uncle Isen. He went off for adventure and saw the world - and came back broken to be despised by stick-in-the-mud hobbits with no awareness of anything beyond the horizon.

And then - it's such a good story!

Author Reply: Well thanks!

I do like Uncle Isen more and more as I get to know him. I think he's in for a better time, at least for the time being, as you can tell from the tone of this snippet.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 9 on 9/26/2005
Aha! A wonderful image, Gwaihir and his sons coming to honor Sam and to acknowledge the honor due themselves as well! Lovely, Lindelea.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 9 on 9/26/2005
This is a delightful story. Sam is just so modest he must drive his friends and family mad!

And to think of Gwaihir being so impressed by him that he wishes to bring his sons to meet him. Faramir is just melting with respect. And Goldi is feeling smug to end smug.

I love the way Pippin asks Sam's permission to be present. He'll get Sam accustomed to being a hobbit of power and influence in the end.


Anso the HobbitReviewed Chapter: 8 on 9/8/2005
This is great! Everything to make the Ring-bearer eat, lol.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 8 on 9/6/2005
Yes, anything to tempt the Ringbearer back to hobbit wholeness, not that that truly came to him. Love the special treats in store for Pippin, too, though.

Lovely thoughts and images. Popcorn for our beloved Hobbits. (Although they did have potatoes and squash, and so would probably have had popcorn as well--although this ties Aman to the Americas in this story.)

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 8 on 9/6/2005
Poor Pippin. Dragged away from the chance to munch popcorn by dismal duty. The responsibility! He'll hardly be able to manage the weight of that tray! Do you think Sam should suggest the saving of some seed to see if he can coax it to grow in Gondor and/or the Shire? I'm sure Pippin would agree that it's a good idea.

Good for Aragorn - using up some of his precious wedding gift to get Frodo eating.

(If Sam learns to grow the stuff, he would be truly rewarded. And then, of course, it could become tremendously popular in Middle Earth and replace pipeweed production in the Shire which would be much healthier and make huge fortunes for the popcorn barons. Ahh, I'm getting carried away!!!)

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 7 on 7/29/2005
Ooh, I LIKE it, the image of Pippin taking over, reassuring and rescuing for once for all his youth. Lovely, lovely! And the idea that once Frodo makes a command others respond specifically because such are so unusual is a wonderful one! Excellent story!

Author Reply: Thanks! I'm glad Marigold gave me the starter she did, for it shaped the whole story. (And yet, it makes perfect sense to me, seeing how it was Pippin's quick wits that saved himself and Merry in "The Uruk-hai".)

Yes, Frodo doesn't seem the pushy sort to me, but then there is that moment of command where he stands before Gollum and orders him "down".

I see you've started a new story. Hopefully I'll find a bit of time next week to read!

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 7 on 7/29/2005
There go my hopes for the recovery of Ferdibrand! I would have liked to see him safe and sound again!

I like Pippin in this story. It started with Merry trying to save Pippin, but in the end, Pippin was the one who saved Merry's life.

"I keep climbing, and he keeps up a stream of encouragement, as if he's the older cousin and I'm the younger. For some reason I don't mind."

Thank you :)

Author Reply: O dear.

You perhaps didn't realise that Ferdi in the Interludes of "Healer's Tale" (whom Pippin would choose as his successor to be Thain) about 40 years later (when Pippin is all grown up and Thain), is the same as Ferdi (who fell out of the tree) in the early-Woodruff chapters?

Yes, he does go through a rough time, which starts some time after Bilbo's infamous Birthday (about five years after he fell out of the tree, in other words), but it has nothing to do with his falling out of the tree in "Healer's Tale". Hope that's not too much of a spoiler for you. It's detailed in a story called something like "Pearl of Great Price". His life finally gets better at the end of "Flames", and in the middle of "StarFire" (part of which runs concurrent with "Flames").

I like the role-reversal as well, and am glad that Marigold gave me the story starter that she did!


Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 6 on 5/16/2005
Haunting and beautiful. VWD

Author Reply: Thank you, friend!

EruannaReviewed Chapter: 6 on 5/16/2005
A beautifully written piece, so expressive and full of sorrow and compassion. This really touched my heart, I can't tell you how much. Thank you for posting this!


Author Reply: Ah, thank you for your encouraging words.

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