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Birthday Drabbles and Suchlike  by annmarwalk 53 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 9 on 6/25/2005
Oh, how wonderful! I love it!

Author Reply: Yet another hero-worshipper for Boromir! But I don't think Faramir would have minded the opportunity to bring his beloved brother to life, through family tales and traditions, for his son.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 8 on 6/25/2005
That is nice, to see the love of the wife for the potentially difficult husband.

Author Reply: This was written as a birthday gift for a major Denethor fangirl, so it was pretty easy to figure exactly what would make her happy! And how true it is that outsiders never really know what goes on inside a marriage (for good or ill).

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 6 on 6/25/2005
Sweet and loving.

Author Reply: Thank you! For a long time I was writing most descriptive pieces, like this; I'm a bit more confident of my skills now, but those descriptive/introspective pieces are still very enjoyable for me to write.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 5 on 6/25/2005
Obviously Eomer and Lothiriel, and very, very lovely. Love the meeting and the imagery of both sides.

Author Reply: Lothiriel is such a blank slate, and I've seen her written in many different ways, but the image I prefer is a fairy-tale kind of a princess, instantly (and, yes, conveniently) smitten with a handsome young king, as I happily wrote here.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/25/2005
It's nice to see that Eowyn has a hand on both sides of her life. So often she is depicted as incapable of doing feminine things, and I suspect, as you've written, that she was indeed capable of sewing as well as swordcraft.

Author Reply: Most definitely capable of both; and now in her maturity able to see that both kinds of skills would have an important place in her life.
(Since you reminded me of other drabbles I'd forgotten to post, you might want to look at "Rising to the Challenge" when you get a chance - there's a drabble there that's a sort of counterpoint to this one.)

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 6/25/2005
Just beautiful!

Author Reply: Thank you for your kindness. A very, very early attempt, and characters I've never written before (or since). I like the idea of Aragorn, secretive by nature and after many years, having his heart warmed by his friend's thoughtfulness.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 6/25/2005
Ah, the joy of vicarious fatherhood. And the question is so apt--why do so many who do not deserve or appreciate what they have end up with the children we others would love to have?

Wonderful tale.

Author Reply: It does seem cruelly unfair, doesn't it? And of all the gifts of this world which the Maiar (apparently) were able to share, it is just this one that would cause Gandalf a moment of regret.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/25/2005
Oh, such a tender moment. Bee eaters are so beautiful, according to their pictures. We have hummingbirds here, which are delightful, but no bee eaters.

Author Reply: I too live in the land of hummingbirds, though they are few and far between this year after our cold rainy spring. I've never seen a bee-eater; I was imagining Ithilien as a Mediterranean-latitude sort of place; looked up "Birds of Italy" and selected the name that best fit the rhythym of the line! So much for research!

BranwynReviewed Chapter: 16 on 6/25/2005
I loved little Faramir's description of Boromir as the one who excelled at all things. Sounds like most older brothers, LOL! Good thing their father was there to save Boromir's infallible reputation!

Sad that Boromir has so few happy memories of his father with his younger brother that he treasures this "harmonious" (couldn't resist the pun!) moment.

Author Reply: I've been writing mean, grumpy Denethor this week, so I was a bit surprised when he weaseled his way so sweetly into this! But happy to give him the opportunity to look good.

Yes, it sure appears that those memories would have been few and far between, doesn't it? Poor Boromir!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 14 on 6/25/2005
I just finished dinner and you've made me hungry again. I'm with Merry. What's this light diet stuff?

Author Reply: I remember my own experience with surgery; it had been postponed from midmorning to late afternoon. By the time I came out of it, I was starving. I literally roared the same thing Merry said - "What do you mean, light diet?" They had to scramble to find me a peanut butter sandwich!

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